The Humanoid Diaries


Dear Diary,

I am worn out. Currently I am sitting in the crevice of this huge rock. I am burning up out here, and I think my body has lost the ability to sweat. I am down to two bottles of water, and I am trying to ration my food and water.

Two days I have been in this desert, and there has been no sign of Phoenix. I am beginning to think that she stood me up…or perhaps…maybe it wasn’t her in the first place.

I think that I am going to go home. I don’t have a phone to get in contact with the guys…and the nearest town is…hundreds of miles away…

I managed to catch a ride here from this elderly man. During the ride here he kept muttering strange words to me…words like …”Tree of Life…find the tree of life…” I think that he was senile…but I was grateful for his kindness. He dropped me off on the side of the lonely highway, and drove off quickly.

So here I am now…hungry…thirsty…tired…and I do not see any trees.
God, I’m stupid for even listening to that phone-call…now I am going to die out here…

I’ve never felt so alone…especially the way that I feel now…

The heat is so hot…that I am beginning to experience delirium.

Yesterday, I swore I thought I saw a little girl wearing white… holding a jug of water. She favored Aerieus…and she kept screaming out my name. I tried to follow her, but every time I got near her…she disappeared. She is probably a figment of my imagination…After all…Aerieus is dead.

*Bill stops writing for a moment*