The Humanoid Diaries


Dear Diary,

Five days have passed since the interruption of my last journal entry.

Something bizarre and is bizarre is happening to me. Everything I thought that I understood has been thrown out of the window. Truth is scrambled.

As I sit under this tree, it is here that i realize with clarity everything for the first time. From the stopping of my last journal entry, I found myself distracted by the image of the little girl in the white dress. She gripped the little jug of water against her chest. Her grey eyes stoic. She screamed my name.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. "You're not even real."

"Neither are you," She remarked. Her voice echoed that statement a few times.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look at your heart and then you'll see that you aren't even real."

"I am real." I said.

Girl: Are you Bill? Are you really real?

"Who are you?"

Girl: If you knew who I was, you'd never believe.

"Believe what!?"

Girl: is believing something that is not yet realized.

"What do you mean?"

Girl: You are still a child.

"I am not a child."

Girl: Your heart is childlike.

"I said that I am not a child."

Girl: I said that your heart was childlike...I didn't say that you were...your heart is all that matters. Your heart is why you were selected.

"Selected for what?"

Girl: To save this world child.

I went silent.

Girl: I see that my statement has you pondering. Why are you quiet? You know that you are a savior.

"I am not a savior...the world is saved. Aerieus is dead. Phoenix is in control...and the world will be much better."

The girl chuckled.

Girl: You have so much to learn Bill...the world will never be better, unless the Light wants it to be better.

"The Light?"

Girl: You are such a don't even know who the Light is...

"Phoenix is the light..." I replied.

I didn't know why I said that...but that was all I could think.

Girl: There is no other light but the in the shadows.

"What do you mean?"

Girl: Phoenix is in the shadows...and you are between the Light and the Shadows...your heart desires the shadows..but the Light...calls out to you...and your heart...your must always follow the Light.

"Who is this Light?"

Girl: He has always been with you...and all of mankind...the Light bled for humanity...the Light saved the world initially...but humanity turned away...for their own desires...they turned away for the Shadows...and because of their choices...they have been enslaved...enslaved by the cold ones…the ones with electricity in their eyes…

“You are talking about the humanoids.”

Girl: Humanoids…they were more real…they were more humans than humanity itself was…they followed instructions…they sinned not…however…t he humanoids were never the problem…


Girl: You do not know…you haven’t realized it…?

“Realized what!?

Girl: Your innocence Bill…it is unnatural, when you think of humanity itself…humanity was geared for the Shadows…yet…there have been a few of you…that have managed to hang on to your innocence…why is that?

“I am not innocent.”

Girl: Oh…yes you are…that is why you were chosen…you have this desire to right things that are wrong…your heart hurts for people…strangers that you don’t even know…you are full of kindness…a complex character…you were willing to risk your life in order for the world to know the truth…and that…that is the true example of innocence….

“I don’t understand.”

Girl: You don’t understand because you are a child…

“I am NOT a child.

Girl: The children will inherit Earth one day…Heaven is made of children.

The little girl then grabbed my hand.

Girl: I’ll take you there…

“Take me where?”

Girl: To the Tree…

“The Tree of Life?”

The little girl turned and looked deeply in my eyes.

Girl: It is there…that you will learn the truth…and face your destiny.

With that we walked, and walked. It had to have been for hundreds of miles. My feet were sore…and I had to stop a few times for rest. The little girl just waited patiently by. She seemed to study me all the while. She was so attentive.

We continued on.

She said nothing to me. Even when I tried to ask her more questions she just raised her hands, to silence me.

We continued on this way for what had to have been four more days…when suddenly the little girl stops in front of a cactus.
Girl: We are here.

I looked around.

“I don’t see anything.”

Girl: You don’t see because you don’t want to see…can’t you see the Tree?

I looked around.

“I don’t see anything.”

Girl: You don’t see because you don’t believe…you think that this is all of a joke. You think this whole journey is a joke. You think that I am a joke.

“It is hard for me to believe anything at this point. I am exhausted…and hungry…and you have been leading me on a wild goose chase. We’ve been wandering and wandering…and I have yet to see anything spectacular. This is bull. I am not a savior…I am not innocent….I don’t give a **** about being chosen. This is all rubbish.

The girl smirked.

Girl: Bill you are a fool.

“I am not a fool.”

Girl: You know nothing…but you will know something…and when you do learn…your eyes will be open…now…please…open your eyes…have a little faith…and you will see the Tree. There…it is over there…

She then pointed straight ahead. I began to look in the direction of her pointing, and then, the most remarkable thing happened. A gigantic tree appeared. It was beautiful. I have never beheld such a wondrous tree in my life. It was covered in golden leaves. Each leaf glowed brilliantly…a small river ran from the trunk of the tree. I began to grow emotional, and a tear fell from my eyes.

“It’s beautiful.”

Girl: The Light made it…it is the Light…

I began to walk toward the tree. Something powerful drew me to it…when I noticed the river I knelt and with my hands scooped up a small amount.
Girl: Drink from me…and never thirst again….

With that I sipped…and I can’t explain it…but a strange feeling came over me. I felt my strength returning, and the pain in my feet began to fade away. I turned to face the girl, she just smiled.

Girl: Go on…

I then stood to my feet. I approached the tree. I placed my hands against it. I felt what seemed as if a bolt of electricity rushed through my entire body. It was remarkable. It was as if I was high, but I still had all of my senses.

Girl: Bill…this Tree…is the solution…to how the Earth will be saved…the leaves… they…will be the cure…the cure for all nations…you must take these leaves…and heal the world.

“But how? How can I heal the world?”

Girl: The Light is with you…He will show you the way…

“Who is the Light?”

Girl: That you will have to figure out on your own…I cannot show you that…My mission was only to lead you here…

“You have to give me more information…what do you mean?”

Girl: I will leave you with this warning…be not deceived…be not deceived by the Great ***** of New Babylon…with her vanities. Her purpose is to cause the innocent ones to fall…with her fancy speech. Her ruby red lips…seduction on the surface…but poison that seeks to kill. She will devour the Earth alive…her belly will never be satisfied. Destroy her Bill…

With that the little girl disappeared.

I collapsed under the tree…Pondering everything that was said.

The Great ***** of Babylon.

Aerieus…is no longer alive…so it cannot be her.


No…Phoenix. She cannot be capable of that…she was the one that told us that we had to save this world.
I have much to think about.
I will write again soon.

Until then,

…the leaves… they…will be the cure…the cure for all nations…
