The Humanoid Diaries

17.10.2012 Entry Three

Dear Diary,

I am still alive…surprisingly…

I was supposed to have been executed three days ago, but due to some startling turn of events, Aerieus delayed my execution. Not only my own, but my brother’s and Georg and Gustav. It is a relief…but we have not conquered the storm quite yet.

I was tortured…and as I expected…Spiders were used…I was frightened I have to admit, to see the insects…it had to be thousands of them squirming in a glass container…about my height…the humanoids…placed me in the box with them…and almost immediately…I could feel the stings…the spiders covered me completely…It hurt like hell, but these were non-venomous. Huge boils risen on my skin, some of the spiders did carry some type of liquid, which seemed to burn me from the inside. I clenched my fist in pain, trying to ignore it…but knowing that my effort was in vain…I could see Queen Aerieus standing near the box…smirking…holding that cursed teddy bear…laughing in her almost creepy child laugh.

“You need to be punished for what you tried to do to my kingdom Bill! You’re going to die…! I want you to suffer…! I want you to cry!” she kept repeating…

I wanted to reach out of the box and strangle her, but I couldn’t because I was sealed in. She just stood there mocking…pointing…taunting…all that “Nana-nana- Boo-Boo” crap…As I endured my suffering, I tried to console myself by imagining that I had the little devil by her throat and slamming her head into cement.

I know that you may be alarmed by that…seeing that Aerieus is only a child…but she isn’t…she must be Satan incarnated in a child…no child…acts the way she does…She is Evil in the flesh….and she knows it…Every human wishes her dead…every human…if you don’t wish her dead…then you are not human…you must be humanoid…

And that is what distinguishes US from THEM…we hate Aerieus…and what makes it sad…is that she IS human. A sadistic one…

Let me continue on…

I was in that box for an hour, and to Aerieus’s displeasure…I had not screamed out for mercy…or even cried…I wanted to cry…but it had been so long since I’ve cried…that I had forgotten. I was in pain…but inside…emotionally…I was quite numb.

Aerieus started cursing, and throwing a hissy fit. She glared at one of the Humanoid Torturers…

“Why isn’t he crying???” She screeched…reminded me of a banshee.

The Humanoid…just stared at her blankly. It didn’t know why…it wasn’t trained to fully understand human behaviors…

“He’s supposed to be crying…!”

She then began to beat on the glass box…

“You’re trying to be tough? I know that you are in pain! Show me it!”

And it was then…that I realized…the whole process of the torture, and I began to understand Aerieus. I learned more in that statement…than in anything. Torture could be overcame by resilience…Aerieus…used torture as a way to understand emotion…so she can mimic it in her Humanoids…by me not giving her emotion…she in essence, is somewhat defeated. The thing that separated us from the Humanoids…is our ability to feel…emotion wise…and physical wise…what separated us was Pain…itself, and that was the solution to the equation called “Emotion”.

“CRY HUMAN!” She screamed.

Now that I was enlightened…I was that more determined not to give her what she wanted. Even if I had to lie with those spiders for days…I would…with no emotion…I wouldn’t give in…I wouldn’t submit…and I definitely wouldn’t have given that cretin what she wanted. A tear would never fall from my eyes.

Aerieus was frustrated. After 4 more hours of this…she gave up on me. She ordered me out of the box. It hurt to stand on my feet which were now covered in painful bumps. My skin was a bright red…I was suffering…but I wouldn’t show it.

“You are a strange human,” She muttered. It almost sounded like a compliment. “I can’t execute you…you must undergo study…” She continued. She walked up to me and stared deeply in my face.

“You are quite pretty…”

I grimaced.

“Take him back to his cell…order a stay of execution…for him.”

“What about my brother?” I asked. I don’t know why I said that.

Aerieus smiled.
“I wouldn’t worry Bill…your antics today…saved him…and your two friends…”

I stifled a sigh of relief.

“After my experiment of you…you all will die…as I have planned.” With that she turned…and left me there. I fell to my knees because I was fatigued.

And now here I am…back in my cell…oddly…strange things have been happening…Humanoid doctors came in…and gave me a full medical examination…the spider bites were treated…and my skin has healed completely due to some special medicines that they had.

The crappy food…of Biscuit and thick orange juice has been replaced with a much superior type of food. One of the Humanoid Servants told me that I was lucky to be eating the food fed to the Queen. I didn’t give a damn where it came from…

I received new clothing…and now was given the privilege of being able to leave my cell and walk around for an hour…after the hour was finished I was sent back to my cell. In one of these hour walks…I manage to catch a glimpse of Tom, Georg and Gustav…they also seemed to be in good health…and seemed to be gaining weight. They waved at me…as they were shoved quickly in their cells.

Now here I am…I am quite confused at what is happening. I don’t know what to expect…but I have to be cautious…I don’t know what Aerieus has planned…but it cannot be good.

I just don’t like the idea of being a guinea pig. Especially, in any game that she has planned.

I feel unusually tired right now…I will get some sleep.

Until Then,

You are quite pretty

