The Humanoid Diaries

20.10.2012 Entry Four

It has been three days and I have yet to hear from Aerieus. I suppose she is getting prepared for her 9th Birthday Party Celebration. Ironically, her birthday seems to be the only time where there is a sliver of happiness in New Babylon. Of course, it is a faux happiness that she orders to be downloaded into the humanoid systems. It is quite interesting if I might say...last year, on her birthday Aerieus asked for three things...1) Cake 2) Mindless Worship of her...3) Executions...Death...a day long event of death...death...and more death, and as an "added bonus" Aerieus beheaded her own mother.


Her reason: "She was quite a bore."

Her poor father, torn up by the whole thing...made the mistake and actually grieved in front of Aerieus...BAD IDEA...she quickly had him apprehended and scalped alive live over the television screens...and his flesh, was turned into a garment for Aerieus...draped about her shoulders.

I could never erase the image of that gigantic mass of flesh covering that little girl. How the blood slid down her cheek. How her white dress turned a crimson red, and the devilish grin she wore as if she had accomplished something. Her blue eyes flashed hatred, as her humanoid puppets cheered...

"Death to the human race!"

It was then that I knew that I was afraid of her. Everyone was.

At this point in time, it had to be around her 7th birthday. It was then that my life had changed. I had continued working in the factory...horrible work, alongside Tom, Georg and Gustav...we had concluded a long shift, and were about to head home...when we met ...HER...(She would be the reason I would be incarcerated and facing death...but I would gladly go through it again, because she was worth it.)


I smile when I think of her...

As I said, we were all heading home...this time...we were lucky to be trusted to end up at our quarters on our own. We never thought of running because somewhere a camera was watching...and we would be killed if trying to escape.

So we all made our way down the empty street...when out of nowhere...a huge beam of light...came out of the gray skies of New was the most magnificent light...I've ever seen...(you see...Aerieus...managed to find a way to keep the sun from shining on New Babylon...that is why...everyone when describing Babylon...mentions..."The Darkside of the Sun"...)

But moving on...

The light appeared...and I heard the shattering of glass...the camera that was watching us had burst into pieces...We all ducked...afraid...not knowing if this was the doing of Aerieus...out of the light...a form of a woman made her way...the light faded and there she stood...

I've never beheld such beauty in my life...I heard my comrades gasp also...

She had silver hair...her if she had been kissed by the sun itself...her eyes flashed a reddish brown...and a small orange aura...surrounded her. Her hair whipped wildly in a wind...(but there was no wind.) She had a determined expression as she stared at her...

"Is she a ghost?" I heard Tom breathe...

We all stared in amazement...

"You are the saviors..." She whispered. Her voice echoed as she completed the statement.

"The what---?" Georg said aloud...

"The time has come..." She whispered again...and she outstretched her hands...

"Follow Me..." She continued...

And all of a sudden...a great gust of wind overtook us...and a purple light bathed us...drowning out the scene...

And the what happened next...was even more amazing...

We woke up in a desert...the woman stood before us...looking at us kindly.

"Where are we?" I had asked...

"Do not ask any questions...all I ask for you is to listen to me...and all will make sense after awhile..."

She turned her back to them.

"My name is Phoenix..."

" I brought you here...because the time has come...for you all to fulfill the destiny...that has been selected for you...the world is in a terrible state...never in the history of mankind has such bloodshed occurred...and such submission..."

She started pacing back and forth in front of us.

"This was predicted...a long time ago...machine...would become the masters...of flesh...this was never meant to happen...but because of humanity's vain desire to seek power...they obtained it...and was overcome by it...from Eden...we as humans, we received the knowledge of good and gods...and we were separated from our innocence...with this knowledge...we rose to dominion over everything...we became inquisitive...invented...and destroyed for these the inventions that we created...are destroying us..."

"You are talking about Aerieus and New Babylon, " Gustav chimed in.

"Babylon and Aerieus are only a piece of the problem..." She remarked...

"The problem is not is US." She said. "We, as humans, are responsible for the fate we are undergoing."

"How? We haven't killed anyone?" Tom said.

"But we have...we have killed ourselves...we've killed our minds...we have absorbed more knowledge than we had needed...and it is decimating that Aerieus...and the humanoids are in control...we as the human race, have disregarded ourselves...and lost our faith...we have allowed be forced face down in the dirt...and to be disgraced! " She said passionately.

"We are no longer human...we have hardened ourselves to the point...where we do not feel...we have become Automatic...robotic...and non-real...we are afraid to show emotion...because of self-preservation...but we haven't realized...that we are already DEAD. Without feelings..."We are Dead". Phoenix continued.

It was then after that statement that I understood...what Phoenix was saying. We allowed Aerieus to take away the things that made us human...our feeling itself...and by doing that...we were quick to give up our liberty...and we replaced all that made us who we are with fear. crushing us...was trying to discover "feelings" because even she recognized that in order to be truly must essence...who was really "Humanoid" US...or THEM? We are the physical stand point...but we were "Humanoid" because we ceased to do the things that made us human.

We all stood in silence.

Phoenix kneeled down in the sand...and began to draw a symbol...My eyes widened in shock...I knew this was our former band logo.

"You know what made you guys the past years? You had the power to make millions feel...through your music." She continued.

"That was a long time ago..." I replied.

"But you were selected even before then...even through this dark four have managed to stay've lost your families...other friends... and even the thing that you all loved most...Music itself, yet you four have remained constant. How?"

"We have no choice...we are all each other has..." Georg said . "I don't know where I would be without these guys..."

"I know," Phoenix replied..."You'd be dead."

We all nodded.

"And that my friends, is the solution to all of these things...that could save this Earth...Connection...Human connecting to each other...accepting the relationships that bound us together in the past years...those relationships made us feel..." Phoenix continued.

"What does this have to do with us Phoenix"? Tom asked.

"You are the are restore everything..."

"How can we do this? Aerieus has control over the entire world!" I exclaimed.

"She may have control over the entire world, but does she have control over you?" she said staring at me intently.

I understood her then. Aerieus may have control over the physical world...but she could never control the heart...unless you gave her that power...and I have not...I have yet to submit my heart to her. None of us had.

"How can we save the world?" I asked...

Phoenix smiled. "The answer you seek is around us...don't you remember?"

We all shrugged our shoulders.

"Allow me to jog your memories...this won't hurt a bit..."

A huge light engulfed us...and what happened is hard to describe...but it was as if we were thrown this big flashback...I could remember hearing "Monsoon" and I could see us all performing in a desert...

Running through the monsoon...beyond the world...til the end of time...where the rain won't hurt...fighting the storm...into the blue...and when I lose myself I think of you...


And nothing can hold me back from you...

The flashback had took place so instantly...and after it was done...all four of us found ourselves...back in front of the factory where we had been. There was no sign of Phoenix...and the camera had returned back into the state it was originally in. We all stood in shock...surprise surfaced across our faces. We didn't say anything...because we all debated if we really went through what had just occurred...

Still...I pondered on these things...and what Phoenix meant...I was still uncertain...but...all I knew...that deep inside the fibers of my being...that I desperately wanted to save the world...because saving it...would save me.

I must get some more rest...and I will continue later....

Until Then...

I'll be with you soon...just me and you...
