The Humanoid Diaries

26.10.2012 Entry Seven

Dear Diary,

The following morning was like a dream for me. I woke up early---about three o’clock a.m. ---adding up to only four hours of sleep…I crawled groggily, but quietly out of bed…I didn’t want to wake the others.

I rubbed my eyes…glanced at a mirror, and slowly turned the door know and walked out of the room. Our room led into an alleyway, the street was cobblestone. Outside it was raining heavily. The scene was grey and gloomy. To my surprise no humanoid systems were keep surveillance. I assumed that they were being rebooted at these hours. Needless to say, I was the only soul stirring at that time. I was relieved at that; because I didn’t want anyone to see what I was doing…I had no time for hindrance.

I ran down swiftly down a sidewalk, soaking wet, as the rain poured down on me (I knew instantly that I would get sick) I continued on in the direction of that cursed factory, when at thirty feet from it, I made a left on Queen Aerieus Avenue….and I hastily made my way toward a long line of apartments…I stepped on to the porch step of Apartment/Room 483….I knocked impatiently at the door. After a three minute wait…a ragged…tired man…answered the door…his eyes brightened up…when he saw me…It was then I knew that I was staring in the face of a long-time friend David Jost. He looked so different since I had saw him last. He was very frail and sickly. He coughed.
“Bill!” He said, as he was about to lean forward to hug me, but quickly refrained. I suppose for a moment he was mentally reminded that such acts were forbidden.

“Hello, David.” I said monotony. I was elated to see him, but was also struggling not to reveal any happiness over my face.

“How did you ever find me?” He asked me.

“It is actually a weird thing,” I replied. “I had a dream…that you were here in New Babylon…in a Room 483.”

David stifled a laugh. “There is so much irony in that my friend,” David remarked.

Yeah there really was.

“Come in…out of the rain,” David said as he stepped out of the way clearing a path for me. I looked around my surroundings. It had been virtually empty…aside from a blanket and a pillow that was stretched out in a corner. David cleared his throat. I turned around to face him.

“Have you heard from the rest of the boys?” he asked me, as he coughed again. I could hear the phlegm in his throat. He was really sick.

“Actually, they are also here in New Babylon…we all room together.”

David eyes lit up again, and a big smile surfaced. He quickly covered his mouth to hide it. “They are!?” he exclaimed.

I nodded.

“They couldn’t break you boys up,” He said.

“They never could,” I replied with a sliver of pride.

David placed his hand on his forehead.

“David, I need your help,” I said.

“Anything Bill…I’ll help you out anyway that I can,” He responded sincerely.

“David…what I am about to ask you…could cost us both of our lives…”

David looked at me ghost-faced.

“What do you mean Bill?”

“We need music David.”

“Music?” he squeaked. “That is forbidden.”

“I know…but…I’m supposed to save this world…and music is the only way.”

“Save the world!?”

“Yes…Tokio Hotel…has to save this world! Music can salvage humanity.”

“This is crazy Bill.”

“It has to be done, David.”

He looked at me deeply in the eyes.

“You are serious about this aren’t you Bill?”

I nodded.

He sighed. “Then I will help you…I will lose my head for this…but I will help you.”

My heart beat quickly. I knew that freedom for humans was at hand.

“Actually Bill, I have something that might interest you.”

With that David strolled over to a closet. He opened it and dragged out a large red trunk.

“I saved as much as I could,” David continued.

Inside the trunk were very mementos of Tokio Hotel. There were posters…awards that we had won. I felt nostalgic as I delved into the trunk. These were memories. Memories I had thought were lost forever…and now…they were back in my hands. I fell to my knees…I picked up a poster of Tom, Georg, Gustav, and I back when we were Devilish…we were so young…and so happy then.


I put that aside to pick up a black and white New York Yankees cap…Tom’s. I noticed a red brush, that belonged to Georg (That dude was always brushing his hair.) I saw drumsticks…Gustav’s. I placed them aside, and lifted out all five Comet Awards…what a wonderful night that was…we felt as if we were on top of the world.


Then I noticed…our VMA…the one we one in America…the one we thought we had no chance of winning…but we managed to get it…that’s when we knew that we were on the verge of making waves in the US music industry. A true accomplishment!


Then, in the trunk…I noticed hundreds upon hundreds of photos of girls…our fans…I wonder where they are today? Or even if they are still alive? There were a few aged fan letters…and also some copies of Zimmer 483, Schrei, and Scream albums. I gently touched the covers. I missed my past.

“You kept all of this David?” I asked, while trying to fight back the tears in my eyes.

“I couldn’t let that stuff go…I tried to pack as much of it as I could…before the humanoids came in and torched my house,” He remarked. “But that is not all of it…there is more.”

He disappeared into the small kitchen. I could here him shuffle through something. He came back holding two guitars. Guitars that I quickly identified as Tom and Georg’s…yeah! They were the ones that was used in the Rette Mich music video. I was amazed. “I also, have Gustav’s drumset…and…”


He gently laid the guitars on the countertop…and began to dig in one of the kitchen drawers…pulling out a microphone.

“This was the mic that you sang into…during the 2007 EMA’s…during the Monsoon performance.”

My eyes widened. “You kept that!”

“You boys had made history.”

“Awesome!” I had exclaimed. “David…you have become the solution to the world’s problems…”

David shrugged. “So what is this plan?”

I looked at him intently. “It is time for Tokio to perform one more time in this life…we have to put on one last performance that the world will never forget.”

And in that statement... I would commit treason.

I will continue my tale later. There seems to be an announcement coming over the television. Breaking news of some sort.

Until Then,

Come and Rescue Me…Only You Can Set Me Free

