The Lies of Molly Ringwald


“Lets go,” I said stepping out of the car, my legs shaking. I wasn’t for certain if was from the fear of what was chasing us or a fear of what lay inside of that house. There were two lights on inside the little farm house, one illuminated the windows of what would be the kitchen , and one lit the window farthest right on the second floor, James’s bed room.

Form behind me I heard my companions leave the car, Isabel, was only a step or two behind me, Elizabeth behind her, Jeremy, Trent my date and Davy, taking up the rear. Isabel was my polar opposite in appearance, her short straight blond hair to my long curly black locks. Her warm brown eyes to my cool blue ones. She was tan I was pale. I was tall she was short. Complete opposites. Elizabeth was a scrawny little girl, was an olive complexion. Her short brown hair was up a tiara sitting atop her head Elizabeth’s face was red , and streaked with eyeliner and mascara and her brown eyes were red and watery from crying. Jeremy was a very handsome boy, he was tall and thin, his back hair was almost always in his blue eyes , he had a very angular face and it gave him the look of a man years older than he really was. Tent was a thin short boy, if he has allowed his short brown hair to grow it would have been quite curly. Lastly there was Davy who would have been quite an imposing figure if he didn’t have such a kind face. Davey was tall 6’5” I think, even his frame was big, he wasn’t one of the tall skinny boys who looked as if you could break them in half quite the contrary he was a very solid looking young man. His face was round and plump, his green eyes were round and wide, Davey was a devout Christian and tonight we had planned to corrupt him, with the liquor that sat safely in the trunk of the car.

I stepped onto the little porch, my heel clicking against the wood, I have oh so aware of everything around me including my pounding heart , the sound of Isabel’s heavy breathing, and Elizabeth’s sniffling. I stood before the white door , I hesitated before I knocked.

“Come on Ellie,” Davy said from behind me.

I raised my hand to the door and I tapped lightly, “Oh look he’s not here,” I said turning to face my friends.

“You have to knock harder than that,” Isabel whispered in my ear.

“Fine,” I hissed turning back around to face the door again, except something snapped in
me, and I began to pound on the door, “James let me in the goddamn house,” I screamed. In between my erratic pounds on the door I was certain I heard his heavy foot steps on the floor .

“Ellie?” He called, “Is that you?”

“Yes,” I said panic again welling in me, “Me and a few other people.”

“What the Hell Ellie?"

“James let us in."

“Have you been drinking?"

" No" I paused as this had been my plan before it was so rudely changed," Not yet at least," I could still get a shot of vodka in before the night was over, "That doesn't matter. Listen there is Aliens after us."

“I know," James said almost off handedly, almost like he was patronizing me. It threw me and then I noticed a hint of fear as he continued, “Sean called me and told me that the school was be taken over by aliens. That they were in the bodies of people. That was before the call was cut off."

“So let us the fuck in!" Isabel said bitterly.

“How do I know it’s you?"

“James fucking listen to me it's us!" Isabel shouted irritation rising in her voice and tears rising in her eyes .

“Ellie tell me something that only you and I would know."

I paused before I spoke, there wasn't much that would have been a secret between him and I that I hadn't spilled after our bitter break up, " Um...." I stammered, “We started dating on August 26th."

“Anyone could have known that."

“So do you want me to break out the embarrassing shit?" I asked slightly irradiated, folding my arms across my chest and leaning against the house. There was no response so I pressed on, " I'll try, try really hard," I paused expecting a response, from the phrase that he often used when I asked him to do something, I heard him clear his throat on the other side of the door, it must not have been enough, " Insert Wookiee noise here, ha-ha insert?" I added almost hopefully, nothing. “Your dick is 9 and a quarter inches."

“Ellie!" He said almost exasperated . I glanced behind me to see the impressed look on Isabel’s face, and the envious looks on Trent's, and Jeremy's face and the look on Davy's told me that he seemed to think that he was right on par, and the moderately disgusted look on Elizabeth's face.

“Is that good enough?"

“No, you could have told anyone that."

" No, Hun, that would be bragging and if I told a girl that she would he trying to get with you, and I can't deal couldn't- but would it be bragging cause I never did sleep with you?"

“Oh, good point with the it wouldn’t be bragging,” Isabel said off handily. Just then two tiny pin prick on the horizon appeared heading out the ridge.

“Crap, Ellie a car," Davey said, " Think of something quick, cause what if they're Aliens and they kill us?"

“We’ll be dead?" Elizabeth asked sarcastically.

“They won't kill us they'll assimilate us." Jeremy said.

“Same difference!" Davy spat back.

“Ellie!" Elizabeth yelled.

I began to panic, " James, please it’s me,"

“Prove it."

“Do you want to hear us all get killed? Um August, 26, 2015?" The dated that we were going to get married, " If you were outside my house I'd let you in.... Ein, the pen broke Welsh corgi, the pair of underwear I gave you is red, um..."

“Ellie, hurry!" Isabel said, “the lights are getting closer."

“Say it Ellie," James said suddenly in a whisper that was mint only for my ears.

“What?" I asked pretending not to know what he was talking about.

“Stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about. If you really are you you'll say it."

“Fine!" I screamed, slamming my fist against the door, and leaning my head on the door
frame “Ruby... Ruby ...Ruby," with each time I said it my voice became hoarser and my eyes filled with tears, until it was a whispered sob” damn it James , Ruby … Ruby ,” the last syllable came out in a painful hiss as tears began to roll down my cheeks.