Status: Hold

My Unknown Story

Chapter 2: Afraid of You

My Unknown Story
Chapter 2:Afraid of You


"So Jaiden," said Kristina. "What school did you come from?"

We all looked at Jaiden. He seemed to be fidgeting with his sleeve, looking down, but then he looked up saying,"Recently?"

We all looked at eachother and then nodded towards him.

"Recently, I was at Fort Hamilton highschool in New York."

"Cool!" said Josh with lots of excitement, "You're from New York? I always wanted to go there."

He started to fidget with his sleeve again. Why does he keep on doing that?

"No I just move around alot."

When he said that, I wanted to cry. I don't know why it was just his voice sounded so sad it made me want to cuddle with him and tell him everything is going to be okay. But how would I know that?


I kept on fidgeting with my sleeves. I don't know why, but I always seem to do that when I get nervous. I was comfortable at first but then I just keep thinking about my Dad. Thinking of what he's going to do to me when I get home. I don't want to go home. I'm just so scared.

"Jaiden," Who knew Ash's voice could be so soft? "Are you ok? You keep fidgeting with your sleeve and it bothers me. Me and my OCD but is there something wrong?"

Can I tell her? No I just met her. Why would she understand? She won't, her life is perfect. She LOOKS perfect. Her light blond hair, those deep blue eyes. They remind me of the ocean, SHE reminds me of the ocean. The ocean, beautiful, calm and the waves caress you. But sometimes the ocean gets very angry, whiplashes you, throwing you around. Ash is like the ocean.

"Earth to Jaiden..." a hand waves across my face.

"Huh?" I ask, not really paying attention since I was comparing Ash to the ocean.

"Dude, are you ok?" asked Josh.

I notice his arms wrapped around Kristina's waist. See, I wish I had something like that. Someone to protect and hold. Psh protect? I can't even protect myself. Someone then started to shake me.

"Jaaaiiideeennnn" said Ash, still shaking me. "Jaiden! Dude! Pay attention!"

"Huh?" I said once again. Ugh, I must sound like a broken record to them. "Sorry, I'm just like really out of it today, Not much of an early person."

"It's cool man," nodded Josh. I really do envy to be him though. I look at Ashtynn as I see her looking at me with deep concern in her eyes. I smile at her.

"Ash relax," I say. "You look worried, don't be.Everything is ok." I throw her a big goofy grin that makes her smile right back, nodding her head but with the look of concern still there.


It was like that. The feeling as if we connected or something right then and there. My eyes slightly widened as I looked at her. Her eyes did the same thing but then it turned into a look of confusion.

"Hahahahaha!" she bursts out laughing which totally confused me even more. I look at her odd as she then stops laughing, noticing no one was laughing with her.

"That was weird, did no one else see that?" she looked at the lovely couple next to us.

But they both shake their heads no. She doesn't even bother to look at me because she KNOWS that I felt it. But will she not look at me just because she's afraid for it to happen again? It just sounds scary only because I've never felt anything like it before and I'm assuming neither has she.

Now that I think of it, it kind of hurts, her not looking at me. Makes me feel that I'm not important. Hell I already know that! I can just wither into nothing and no one would know or even care.

"Just look at me...."

Did I just speak my thoughts out loud? The look on her face was shock, maybe a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud."


Didn't mean to say that out loud? Look at this guy! He's gorgouse! Me? Not so much. After that lil connection thing that just happened? I don't think I can look at him. I don't even know what that was.

Is that what scares me? Not knowing something that just happened so I just freak the fuck out?

I want to get to know him, but I'm scared. Of rejection? Maybe. It would just hurt too much.


"Gotta go to class kiddos!" said Josh as he stood up, holding Kristina's hand.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later!"

I nodded towards my favorite couple and then looked at Jaiden. He was just looking at me and I can't say what kind of look it was since I didn't even know myself, so I couldn't tell you.

"See ya round Jaiden."

"Yeah, bye Ash."

Why does he sound like that? Why does his voice reel me in? I couldn't take this. I dashed towards home room, needing to get away from him.

I sit in my usual seat which is in the back next to the window. Outside you see sunshine. It makes you want to be happy. Why can't I feel happy?

"Ok we have a new student. Class please Welcome Jaiden."

What? I thought I just lost him!?!?!?
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ok im sorry i havent posted! but bare with me ok im like constantly on writers block. but plz comment and message! subscribe! i will totally love u if u do!

plz and thank u! enjoy :D