Status: Finished.

I Make Them Good Boys Go Bad.

You Are The One...


I looked out my window and saw a truck coming down the narrow street towards my house. I sighed at another family moving in to the, already crowded, neighborhood. I blinked a few times and wonder what perilous adventures this family would bring and kept working on a song. I started doodling on the side of my notebook, song writing was not holding my attention long.
I don’t seem to have any inspiration anymore. After the neighbors next door moved in, them being supposed weather chasers, I haven’t been getting much sleep. According to the father the moon has a lot to do with the weather, so that entitles him to have late night parties to stare at the moon. I actually look forward to touring with them beside us.
I got up from my bay window bench and sighed, Friday evening, nothing to do. Joe was out with his favorite girl, Anna, and Nick was taking Frankie out to play with his friends at the local arcade. So I was alone…Kevin, alone on a Friday night, I can feel the loins of millions of fans coming into fruition at the thought. I giggled at my wittiness and my phone rang.
“Kevin…get down here.” My mom said bluntly into the phone. She hung up shortly and I was confused. I jogged downstairs, thinking to myself how a place of my own would have it’s perks, to see a couple in the living room.
“Yes, Mom?” I said.
“These are the Collins…they just moved in next door and wanted to come and meet the neighbors. This is our son, Kevin.” Mom motioned at me and I shook the mans hand and smiled at the wife.
“Hi Kevin, nice to meet you. We have a daughter about your age, but she’s currently at the mall. Who would have guessed.” Mr. Collins said.
“Oh, okay. It’s nice to meet you too, and I hope I can meet her sometime too.” I smiled. I stood there for an awkward second, and Mom finally let me go back upstairs. I really wasn’t hoping to meet her because due to the lack of attractiveness of her parents, I wondered what she would look like.
I tried to imagine his nose, with her ears, and then shuddered. I finally got fed up with being alone and decided to hit the mall too. Wouldn’t hurt to look around and just get out of the house. Maybe I can pick up a realty book and contemplate my own place too.
I ran downstairs and told everyone ‘bye.’ I blasted some MxPx on the stereo and finally relaxed a little. I kept putting together combinations of the Collin’s features to make a daughter, and none of them were pretty. I kept giggling, keeping the attention of an older lady that was driving the same pace as me. She looked over every once in a while, then finally sped off.
“Slow down grandma,” I said aloud and shook my head, “kids these days.”
I parked near the back, not to get my baby scratched, and walked to the doors. Two girls stood out front who took immediate attention to me, I did a small wave, then walked in. I started walking towards some shops and my phone rang.
“Hey kid, it’s Nick.”
“Oh hey, are you here?”
“Yeah, Frankie’s friends are playing at the arcade, I saw you walk in.” I walked towards the arcade and hung up when I was within ear shot of Nick. I gave him a brother hug and scuffled Frankie’s head.
“I’m not four, Kevin. Gosh.” He said and walked off with his friends.
“What’s his deal?” I asked Nick.
“I think he gets a popularity complex when we all hang around him and his friends.”
“I can understand. Oh, we have new neighbors.”
“Again?! I’m sick of the ‘weather chasers’ already.” He said making air quotes.
“I know. They have a daughter my age, she can’t be too cute though because the parents aren’t that hot.”
“You can always tell by the parents…” Nick shrugged. “That’s why I don’t pick up blind dates anymore after seeing their parents. I meet them somewhere.”
“Word.” I said. We walked around the arcade, providing the money for Frankie to play, and talked.
“So why aren’t you out partying and having fun?” Nick turned and asked me. We sat down at the skee-ball lanes and I ran my hand through my hair.
“Couldn’t find anyone to hang with. I came to the mall to relax. I figured Joe is already half way up Anna’s shirt by now.”
“Shush…Frankie will tell mom.” Nick whispered. I shrugged, Joe wasn’t perfect.
“He’s a horn dog, we all know it, it’s not like it’s a huge news flash!” I waved my hands around. Nick started laughing and nodded.
At that very moment a girl walked by that was amazingly beautiful She was short with short black hair. Her tiny frame was set off perfectly with a perfect chest and perfect behind.
“Whoa.” I said aloud.
“Cute.” Nick said.
“Very.” I said back. She walked out and to a silver car outside. I couldn’t see anything else because the mall’s windows ended where the arcade’s dark walls began. “Wonder who she is?”
“I don’t know.” Nick said. “Never seen her.” He shrugged. Just for a second I thought of the Collins and wondered…nah…she couldn’t be that hot. I got up and decided to go shopping. I said bye to the kids and walked towards a music shop. I saw a small base of fan girls walking towards me. I sighed and decided to sign their autographs. I wasn’t doing anything anyway.
When all was said and done, I sent Nick a text message:

To: Nick
Thanks for warning me about the fan girls. Ass.

I pictured Nick laughing silently at the text message. I finally got a chance to walk to the music shop, my haven, and relax looking for new things.
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