Status: Finished.

I Make Them Good Boys Go Bad.

I Know One Thing, I Love You.

“Well?” I asked the doctor. We’d went in for a sonogram at the sixth month and was very excited to see what it was. She was getting huge, but I dared not tell her, she’s in head biting mode 24/7. The months have flew past for me, but I know Lucy is probably miserable. I try to massage her feet and back when necessary and get her whatever she craves.
“Give me a second…I’m having trouble.” The balding doctor told me. I can’t remember his name, but I’m sure I could ask Lucy and she would know.
“Trouble?” Lucy asked, worry in her tone.
“Not like that…there seems to be something…blocking it.” He moved the wand around some more as I watched in curiosity of the machine.
“Blocking it?” I asked.
“Well…looks like…two.”
“Two of them?!”
“Yeah…two…girls.” He smiled. “See the three lines? Those mean girl, but…there’s two of them.” He moved the wand to show us the other one.
“So we’re having twins?” Lucy asked.
“Seems like it. I’ll be able to see more clearly later in the pregnancy, but for now I’d plan two girls names. Congratulations!” He smiled at us.
“I’m super stoked!” I said aloud, shaking my head yes. Lucy gave me a hateful look that I couldn’t understand but I brushed it off. She’s probably just nervous.
We left the doctor with a few papers on what to expect with twins and huge smiles on our faces.
“Two girls? I’m so excited.” I said, pumped at the situation.
“I know…I just didn’t know I had it in me.” Lucy laughed nervously.
“You’re going to do fine…” I cooed and cupped her face in my hand. We stopped in the middle of the parking lot to have a small kiss and then kept walking to the car. “Can we name one Hannah and the other one Hailey?”
“How’d you come up with those?” She asked. I pulled out of the doctor’s office and into traffic. When we hit a stop light I opened my glove compartment and handed her a book.
“Baby Names A-Z?”
“Nick and Joe are really excited to be uncles.” I confessed. They went with me about two months into her pregnancy, when we knew it was for sure, and helped me pick out some things we’d need regardless of gender.
“Are they really? I know Anna and Aniza are freaking out. Do you think they’ll get married to Joe and Nick?”
“At the rate Joe and Anna are going, she’s going to have to ask him. Aniza will be proposed to the day she turns eighteen.” I said. She giggled but I knew it was true. I finally pulled into the crowded drive way of our home.
“Your mother and father?”
“Probably. And I know that’s Joe and Nick’s cars. We better go see what this is about.”
“Can you walk in first? I’m afraid if the do something to startle me, I’ll kill someone.” She sighed.
“Mood swing?”
“I’m really not in the mood to be around the family right now.” She dropped her arms and breathed heavily. Well…more heavy than usual when you carry two children.
“Okay, I will.” I kissed her forehead and got out of the car. I helped her wobble out of the tall SUV seat and onto the
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo...I'm looking at the chapter list and summary of this story...I spelled intimidate wrong in the banner. I feel like a retard.
