Status: Finished.

I Make Them Good Boys Go Bad.



I woke up with Lucy beside me. I shut the alarm off before it would wake anyone else. I went to grab her waist and pull her closer, but I stopped when I felt her bare bottom. I moved my hands higher and pulled her into me.
“Good morning.” She stretched in my arms.
“Morning.” I smiled.
“Sleep good?”
“Definitely.” I said, then kissed her forehead.
“Okay…well…I think I should go back over to my place.” She kissed my lips softly and crawled out of bed. When she stood up and stretched her arms towards the sky, her night gown came up, showing off the soft skin I touched earlier. I gasped a little and played it off as a sigh when she turned and smiled.
“I’ll call you when recording gets done. We’ll go out tonight.” I smiled. I got out of bed and went to her. When she wrapped her arms around my waist, she started scratching my back. I all of a sudden felt like a dog in heat and had to get her to stop.
“Lucy…as much as I love that, please stop.”
She looked up at me and gave a cute smile. “Why? Am I about to take you over that edge?” She winked.
“You’ve almost took me over the edge a lot.” I giggled. She laughed and let go to get her pants on. I let her borrow a hooded sweatshirt for the cool morning and walked her to the back door. No one was downstairs, so I made it seem like I was up early, eating breakfast. That would be a normal thing for me anyway.
I kissed her bye and she left for next door. I walked back to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal. My mother came downstairs and got out eggs.
“Don’t fill up on cereal, I’m making eggs and bacon.”
“Cool, mom.” It wasn’t too much longer that all of the guys were down. I discussed with Frankie his latest escapades, since school was in session. He told me about these four girls he was totally ‘macking’ on. Joe laughed, Nick just shook his head and smiled. I gave him a high five.


Recording wasn’t that bad…I didn’t do much again today anyway. We drove home shortly after grabbing a bite at McDonalds on the way home. I called Lucy right when I got home, she said she was at a game and would call me back. I went downstairs to the basement to see what Nick was doing.
“Hey kid.” I said. He was the only one down here, messing with the TV, trying to find something to watch.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Waiting on Lucy to call.”
He turned to me on the couch, “you really like her, don’t you?”
“I do…it’s weird.”
“I would say so. She did sleep over last night.”
“What do you have?! Freaking security cameras everywhere?”
“No, Joe said he was in your two’s joined bathroom and he peeped in that morning to see if you were up. He said he saw you two, in your pajamas, hugging this morning.”
“Oh…I didn’t even notice.” I shrugged.
“Listen…brother, Kevin,” Nick turned to me seriously this time, “don’t do anything stupid that you might regret.”
“When have I ever?” I asked. He gave me a look, “Don’t answer that.”
“That’s what I thought.” He said, turning back to the TV. “I just worry one of these days Joe’s going to come home, after breaking up with Anna, and regret letting her break him, if you know what I mean.”
“I do…and I understand. I don’t worry about them two though…there’s no two other people in the world horny enough for them NOT to be together.”
“Good point.” Nick said. I watched an episode of ‘Scrubs’ and my phone rang. I looked at the screen that said ‘Lucy.’
“It was really awesome talking, I got to take this.”
“Go talk to Lucy. Have fun!” He smiled and waved me off.
“Hello?” I said, jogging upstairs.
“Hey, goober. What’s up?”
“Nothing, wondering when you wanted to meet to go out?”
“Where are we going?”
“I was thinking…candlelight, expensive meat, sinful desserts, and maybe some dancing when we get done.”
“Oh…I like your thinking. Get ready, I’m home, I’ll get ready and call you when I get done.”
“Okay. Talk to you then.”
She made a kiss noise and hung up. I need Joe’s help on what to wear.
“JOE!” I yelled. He came through the bathroom doors and into my room.
“Can you help me pick something out to wear tonight?”
“Going out with Lucy?”
“Yeah, fancy place. Need a suit type.”
“Got ya.” He said and started rifling through my closet.
“I heard from Nick you saw Lucy and I this morning.” I sat on my bed and pulled my laptop up on me.
“I did…did she stay the night last night?”
“She did. She came over last night right after we got home and stayed. Please don’t tell mom and dad.”
“I wasn’t going too. You have more than a girl sneaking in on me!” He said. He pulled out a grey suit with a black shirt and a white tie.
“You’re a genius.” I said hugging him.
“Awkward.” He flailed his arms so I would let go.
He was about to walk out but I stopped him, I have something on my mind I got to get off, “Joe?”
“Have you ever drank?”
“Yeah, why? Have you?”
“No, but Lucy likes wine and I want to order some tonight…when did you drink?”
“I had one beer at this party in high school.”
“You’re a bad kid, you know that?”
“I do.” He smiled and went into his room. I giggled at him and hopped in the shower. When I got out I heard Joe scream ‘Woo!’ and Nick in the same room laughing uncontrollably.
Nick in a jovial mood…so rare. Better check what this is.
I put my robe on and walked over to Joe’s room, Nick was jumping on Joe’s bed.
“Whoa…Nick? Are you serious? Mentally, you’re older than me…why are you on the bed?”
“You remember that girl, Aniza, I was telling you about?”
“Yeah…” I remember it like I remember what I ate last week. I remember her, but I don’t remember how they met. “What about her?”
“Well, I’ve been talking to her for a while, bummed beca-”
“We can tell, but what happened.” Joe and I both said.
“We’re going on a date!” He beamed from ear to ear.
“This is why you were so excited?”
“Yeah…be happy, he won’t try to kill you at studio anymore.” Joe said laughing.
I sighed, congratulated him, and needed to get ready for my date. I went back in my room and ran some mousse through the mop. I’m glad chicks dig the do…because I think it’s a mop. I’m almost positive if I cut it though, I’d get death threats from girls worldwide.
After putting my suit on, my phone rang, and I knew who it was.
“Hey kid, I’m ready. Come get me.”
I said ‘okay’ and laughed at her manner of asking me. She asked like we live miles apart. I went into Joe’s room to get his and Nick’s opinion on the outfit.
I got the guy approval, which I don’t think is that great of a feat, but hey, I’m desperate.


“Hi, Mrs. Collins.” I smiled and hugged her.
“Hi Kevin. Lucy said she would be down soon, she wants to make an entrance.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. I was invited in and it looked slightly different than it did before. The boxes were gone and it felt like a home. Her dad gave me the stink eye, which I didn’t know people still did, and then I heard her shut the door upstairs.
When I looked up to see her ascending down the stairs, my breath was taken away. Her outfit brought familiarity, but I don’t know where from. Her black high heels strapped around her ankles, and showed off perfect toes painted red.
The dress was knee length, but fitted to every proportion to her body, and it was bright red against her fair skin. She had red lips to match and her short hair was curled slightly.
I kicked myself to say something to her, because she was standing right in front of me.
“Wow.” I said.
“Thanks, I guess?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“You look amazing.” I gave her a quick hug, because pops was still giving me the eye. We left after she said bye to them and got in my car.
“You’re dad was giving me the eye.” I said as we buckled up.
“He’s mad at me.” She confessed.
“Why would he be mad?”
“Because he found that the hot tub had been on and the open wine bottle the other night.”
“Oh…he’s not super pissed, is he?”
“No, I told him I got bored and wanted something to drink. I told him I was watching TV downstairs from the hot tub. He bought it, but he’s still smells ‘boy’ as he said.” She giggled. I put the car into reverse and we were on our way.
The restaurant wasn’t far, and I was thankful. I opened my door and quickly went to her side to open her door. She held out a hand for me to take, I took it, but then grabbed her hips to bring her down from the SUV, instead.
“Thank you, Mr. Jonas.” She giggled.
“You’re welcome, Ms. Collins.” I beamed, happy she didn’t think it was creepy. We walked in after asking for a table.
“I thought you said expensive meat…candlelight…” She giggled looking at our surroundings.
“It is. Check it.” I said pointing to the table. We sat down and we had a single candle beaming in the middle of us. “And the meat? Saffron encrusted.”
“Oh…Mr. Money Bags.” She giggled more. I laughed back, not because of her comment, but because of my infatuation with Spanish things.
“Please, hardly.” I said smiling. The waiter took our order, including the wine, and I looked into her eyes.
“So why aren’t you on tour…or dating hot chicks…or recording ‘Jonas?’” Her eyes got big as she enunciated certain words.
“First of all…school’s in session, we don’t tour during school. Second, I am dating a hot chick.” She turned red and I acted like I didn’t notice. “Finally, We only go once a month to record ‘Jonas’ because we’re trying to record a new album.”
“Oh.” She said and looked away. She looked on the dance floor and smiled, “Let me guess…dancing?”
“Yes, Flamenco.” I said looking at her, more than appropriate, outfit. I heard a screech from across the room and immediately thought fan girl, but it was Aniza.
“Who’s that coming to us?” Lucy asked as Aniza came closer.
“She’s Nick’s new play toy.” I giggled. He’d kill me if he knew I said that.
“Kevin!” She said in a very Latina accent.
“Aniza! How have you been?”
“Oh you know…the whole waitress thing, talking to Nick.”
“I heard you two were going on a date.” I smiled.
“Yeah! This Friday, I’m SO excited!” She giggled. I wished her a good night after a few seconds and shook my head. She went back to a table to refill drinks and I looked back at Lucy.
“She seems…not at all fitting to Nick, I’m not going to lie.”
“Why do you say that?” I laughed, because she was right.
“Well, if he’s anything like he is in person than on ‘Jonas’…she might have some shell breaking to do.”
“Oh, I’ve known her for a while, she will.” I laughed. We laughed more and drank our wine. I was already feeling a buzz, so I drank some water to clear my head. I can’t go acting crazy already.
Our food came shortly after this and we finished in a hurry. After a sickeningly sweet dessert we headed to the dance floor.
“I can’t dance.” She laughed.
“It’s okay, it’s all in the leader…” I took her hands and pulled her as close to me as we were allowed at the moment. I took to the music and lead her into a graceful dance. She giggled and smiled the whole time. I had a feeling I was giving her a good time, but I still wasn’t sure. As the band went down to a slower tempo for a slower dance, I brought her close and wrapped one arm around her.
“Are you have fun?” I asked.
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t had this much fun since a high school dance.” She giggled.
“I’m glad.” I smiled down at her. She reached up and planted a sweet kiss on my lips.
“What’s your view on love at first sight?”
“Are you serious?” I asked. I mean, with her, it could totally be true.
“Very likely.” I smiled and kissed her this time.
The night went on smoothly, all the way up to the good bye kiss caught across our windows.
♠ ♠ ♠
LONG ONE! Hope you likey. I'm going to go get a new phone today. Very excite.

I still need someone for Joe's girlfriend...her name is Anna...she's a horn dog, any takers?

BTW- LOVE Nick in this one =P