Status: Finished.

I Make Them Good Boys Go Bad.

I Can See Your Halo...


We got home at three in the morning on a Sunday night, and I was too exhausted to talk. We got a cab home so mom and dad didn’t have to pick us up. Joe and Nick slept all the way home, I was too wired. I’m tired but nothing has left my mind since that email from Lucy rolled into my inbox.
I looked into the Collin’s house when I got home and didn’t see a light on. I ran up to my room with my luggage as fast as I could, I wanted to see if there was a way to get Lucy’s attention.
I threw everything on the bed and tried to find something soft that wouldn’t break her window, but would make a loud noise.
I grabbed a few pencils and opened my bay window. I threw one, barely missing the window. I wish I would have spent more time learning to pitch in gym in high school. I threw another one harder and it hit the window. It made a small thud, but I threw another.
Nothing. I looked around my room some more and found some pens this time. I threw another writing tool and saw the light flick on. I saw her climb out of bed and scoot to her window. She opened her eyes, rubbed them hard, then open the window.
“Kevin?” She whispered. “What are you doing? I’m so happy to see you!” She whispered louder, realization of what’s happening kicking in.
“I’m happy to see you too! I wanted to talk. I’m going to toss you my phone, catch it, and I’ll call from the house phone.”
“Okay.” She said, sleepy eyed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, prayed to God she could catch as good as she pitches, and tossed my phone. She caught it, grabbed herself before she fell out of the window, and sniffled.
“I’m going to go get my phone, I’ll call you.”
She nodded and shut her window. The chilly night made a open window, uninvited. It was two weeks till Halloween, Lucy and I had planned on being Beyonce and Jay-Z as a joke, but I guess we won’t. I ran downstairs and got the cordless from the kitchen. I dialed my cell number and it only rang once before I heard her voice.
“Hey.” She whispered. “I’m in the closet, I can’t talk very loud.”
“It’s okay…what exactly happened?”
She went into the whole spill on what happened and I cringed.
“I’m so sorry, honey. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ve been okay.” She reasoned. “Just lonely.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here when it happened.” I walked quietly up to my room.
“It’s okay, not your fault.”
“Well…can we meet tomorrow?”
“Where?” She sounded like she got excited.
“Didn’t you say you were allowed at the library?”
“Yeah, I can go there. I can go anywhere as long as you’re not with me.”
“Doesn’t mean we can’t meet there.” I smiled and hoped the gesture was conveyed through the phone.
“I like the way you think, Mr. Jonas.” She giggled. “I have to go though. Where do you want to meet?”
“Let’s meet in the parking lot of the grocery store on 45th Street at ten tomorrow. That way your mother wouldn’t see your car parked there.”
“Okay. I love you, good night!”
“Love you, too. Night honey.” I said and shut the phone off. I laid it on my night stand and fell asleep.
I waited in my car for her to show up in the parking lot of the small shopping center. I looked around and didn’t see her yet.
I looked up in the mirror and saw bags from lack of sleep. After the conversation with her, I couldn’t sleep. All I could worry about was if she was okay or not. I know her father isn’t physically abusive, but mentally abusive with words is just as bad.
I finally saw her car pull into the parking lot. She pulled in right beside me and got out. She had on sunglasses and a long jacket. She climbed into my passenger side and I looked at her tired eyes.
“Honey.” I said and took her into my arms. “You’ve been crying.” I could tell from the puffy eyelids and flushed appearance.
“It just, it got to me. I’m 21, he shouldn’t be able to control me like that.” She shook her head and I heard a small whimper escape.
“I know, I know.” I cooed into her hair. I smelled the grapes and closed my eyes. “Let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” She sniffled and looked up at me.
“Somewhere to take your mind off of things.” I looked into her eyes and kissed her. She got back into the passenger seat and buckled up. We listened to soft music, and I heard her sniffle.
“Umm…I can’t stop listening to that new Beyonce song.” She giggled through the sobs.
“Really?” I chuckled back.
“Yeah, I love it.” She smiled.
“How’s the team doing?”
“We lost our last game…the girls said it was because of my ‘jerkwad’ of a father.” She laughed louder this time. I giggled with her and flipped through my iPod. I had it connected, letting it shuffle as we rode, and turned it to the newest Beyonce song. “You have it?” She laughed.
“Yup, I love it too, sadly. Don’t tell the guys, please.” I smiled at her.
“I won’t.” She chuckled. We listened to it all the way to the lake. I pulled into a parking area and she looked at me.
“A lake?”
“We’re going to spend the day together at the lake. They’ve got a spot you can sit and relax at.”
“I didn’t bring a blanket or anything, won’t it be cold?”
“Not too bad, I do come prepared, you know.” I let out a chuckle and she gave me smirking face. I got out and went to her side to let her out. I grabbed the blankets from the back of my car and lead her to the small sitting area. There were ducks in the water where we laid down the blankets, so we’d have a nice view.
“This is nice.” She looked out at the shimmering water. She had her knees to her chest, laying her chin on them, and I laid on my side beside her. I picked a blade of grass and played with it. I pulled at her arm and made her lay down beside me.
“Honey…I need your advice.” I said.
“What for?” She looked up into my eyes as I half hovered over her.
“Well…I need a way for us to be together again all the time. I can’t have you crying anymore.”
“I don’t think there is anything you can do.” She looked at me solemnly. I sighed and wracked my brain for ideas. I laughed at the thought that Joe had of getting married. “What are you laughing at?” She smiled.
“Joe…he’s a retard.”
“Well…he suggested we get married to aid the situation.” I laughed.
She let out a giggle and looked at me, “you’d have to talk to my father about that one.” I looked into her eyes and saw something I’d never seen before.
“You wouldn’t mind that, would you?” I asked her, seriously.
“Is it bad if I said no, I wouldn’t?” She wouldn’t look me in the eye.
“We’re so messed up.” I shook my head smiling. I laid on my back and looked into the sky.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked, simply.
“We’ve only been dating three weeks and talking about marriage.” I laughed a little.
“We are whacked. Love and all, man what the hell.” She acted offended.
“I didn’t mean it like that…” I tried saving my ass, “I meant it like, I love you, but usually people don’t get married till they’ve been together at least a month.”
“Oh. True, but we’re an exception.” She looked at me and kissed me. I felt the earth move under me from her lips, and I knew what I had to do now to get things back to normal.
Or at least as normal as they could get.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooohhh...what's gonna happen?!?!!?!?!?!

I know!!! =D