While You Were Sleeping


It was Labor Day weekend.September 1st. My brother and his friend were coming to stay with me before they had to head back to Chicago for training camp. My brother is Blackhawks captain, Jonathan Toews.

I'm Taylor. Jon and I are nothing alike. You can tell that we're related, but that's about it. Jon's tall and athletically gifted. I'm short and can't play any sports to save my life! I love them, yes, but I can't play them. There is one gift that I have though - I have the gift of knowledge. I've skipped two grades in school because I'm so smart.

I'm sitting here at my apartment in Grand Forks. Yes, I go to the University of North Dakota. Although, unlike my brother, I plan on actually graduating. I'm doing a degree in Sports Medicine. I got to start and the school a few years early. So, even though Jon is two years older than me, we are at the same level education wise.
God. Has Jon ever been on time for anything? I asked
myself, getting inpatient on the couch.
I heard my intercom ring and I went over to answer it.
"Tay! We're here." Jon's voice rang through my apartment.
"It's about time. What the hell took so long?"
"We got stopped at the border. They all wanted autographs and pictures. Let us in."
I buzzed them in and waited for the knock on the door.
"Hey, Taylor." Patrick Kane said as he stepped into my apartment.
"Hi, Patty." I said. "Where's my brother?"
"Oh, he's coming. He got mobbed when we walked into the lobby." Pat winked.
I couldn't help but laugh. Jon finally made his way up to my apartment and sat down on the couch.
"You'd think they'd have simmered down a bit seeing as I'm here all the time." Jon said, taking a sip of the beer that I handed him.
"I know. I really don't see what they see. I mean, it's not like you're Jordan Staal." I said.
"Shut up, Taylor."
We all sat and enjoyed each others company and the weather on the patio. We all turned in at around midnight. Jon demoted Pat to sleeping on my couch. Not that it wasn't comfortable - I just felt bad that he was starting the season soon and had to spend his last free weekend on a couch.
I fell asleep, but I couldn't stay asleep. I've never been kept awake before. It was weird.
I got out of bed and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. After getting a glass of water, I went into the living room to see if Pat was actually asleep.
I tiptoed next to the couch and saw that he was indeed asleep. He looked so cute as he slept. His lips formed into the sweetest little pout. I wanted to kiss it right off of him. I pulled the blanket that was draped across his legs up to cover his chest and walked out of the room.
"Do you always watch people when they sleep?"
I whipped my head around to see Pat sitting up on the couch, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"Taylor, it's fine. I honestly don't mind."
"Ok. Well, I'm gonna go back to bed. Good night, Pat." I said blushing and I left the room.
"Taylor, wait!"
"Can we talk?"
I nodded and we sat next to each other on the couch. Patrick was silent for a while - it was starting to scare me.
"I like you, Taylor." He finally said.
"Well, I like you too."
"No. I don't think you get it. I like you. Like, I want to date you." He said looking down at his hands.
I sat and thought about it. Did he just say he wanted to date me?
"Well. I do understand. I like you too."
We both laughed.
"Umm, Pat?"
"Was that you asking me out?"
"No.This is me asking you out. Taylor Toews, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
He smiled and leaned into kiss me. From the moment his lips touched mine, I knew that I was hooked. They were so soft and warm.
"Umm, Pat?"
"Yeah, Babe?"
"What about Jon?"
"He already knows. That's actually the reason why we were late today.I asked his permission, and he's cool with it."
I smiled. Aww, he really values my brothers opinion.
"Well, I'm gonna go to bed."I said standing up.
Pat lid back down on the couch and started drifting off to sleep again.
"Come to bed?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
We walked up to my room and closed the door behind us. I lid down next to Pat and felt his arms drape protectively around my middle.I fit perfectly.
"I love you, Taylor." Pat said, kissing my shoulder.
"I love you too, Pat." I smiled and drifted off to sleep.