Status: Finished

Writings on the Bathroom Wall

Classiest Chick in the County

Bartending is how I make my living. I pour shots for lost souls who somehow wondered into our back country bar. My work attire was always jeans, tennis shoes, and a tee shirt. I wasn’t like the rest of the girls here who wore the short skirts and tight shirts with their boobs busting out thinking it will get men to tip them more. I didn’t care if I made $5 or $500 in a night as long as I went home without sore feet and my dignity still intact. Luckily the owner of the bar didn’t mind I was the conservative one. I was the best bartender he had and he knew it.

It was a breezy Wednesday night when he walked into my bar. His worn leather jacket slung over his shoulder and a smirk on his face as he spotted the other girls behind the bar. He looked at me, but I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and concentrate on my current and regular customer Parker.

“Another loser eyeing down the others?” he asked, finishing the rest of his beer. I grabbed another one, popped the top and put it in front of him.

“What do you think?” I said with a sly grin.

“I tell you girl, you may be the classiest chick I know in this county, and the best damn bartender too,” he said.

“I’ll make sure they write that on my headstone Parker. I gotta go clean up a table. I’ll be back,” I said and grabbed a dry towel, shoving it into the front of my apron. While wiping down the table, trying not to inhale the remnants of spilled tequila, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Could you point me to the direction of the men’s room?” a voice asked. I turned and there was the stranger. His green eyes were focused on my face, which was a new thing in this bar full of horny bikers.

“The head’s over there,” I said, pointing behind him.

“Thanks,” He said and smiled. I gave him a little smile back and continued to wipe the table down. I was startled when a quick smack came at my ass. I turned to see a guy, barely out of his twenties, hands up in his defense.

“All apologies miss. Thought you were someone else,” he said in a rusty British accent. His friends giggled around him.

“No problem, just don’t let it happen again,” I said and moved back to the bar.

“You want me to take care of them?” Parker asked. My boss looked at me from his post near the door and back at them.

“I’m fine. Just a couple of hooligans thinking they can get some,” I said to him. Parker gave my boss some kind of sign that I guess meant everything was okay. I never understood their friendship and how they even became friends. But when I started at the bar many moons ago and I met Josef, my boss, Parker was my customer every night at 10 pm on the dot. Never late, never early. I eyed the stranger emerging from the bathroom, wiping his wet hands on the back of his jeans. Classy, I thought. I groaned when he walked over to me.

“Can I get a beer please?” he asked. I could feel the eyes of the other girls burning holes in my body. They were jealous but they had nothing to be jealous about.

“What kind?”

“Whatever’s on tap or the coldest bottle you got,” I popped a cap of the nearest beer I could find and put it in front of him.

“Anything else?”

“You notice anything strange going on here the last couple of months?” he asked. Parker about choked on his beer when the stranger finished uttering his sentence.

“No, then again this is a biker bar, I don’t see much normalcy on a daily basis. Why’d you ask?”

“Just wondering. I read in the paper there were some strange murders lately.”

“Nothing for you to worry about kid. Just some psycho passing through I bet,” Parker said.

“You know something that they aren’t reporting in the papers?” he asked Parker.

“Nope, just a guess. Mina, I’m done for the night. Say good night to Josef for me,” he said and slid on his dirty John Deere hat.

“Night Parker. You be careful out there. Wouldn’t want to run into that psycho,” I said. He laughed at walked towards the door.

“Mina, huh. That’s a nice name. It’s like that chick in Bram Stokers right? I’m guessing your first name is Whilamina?”

“Congratulations, you guess right. Just that I’m not a vampire. And my last name isn’t Harker.”

“Good to know. Well, I wont bug you anymore. I’ll just go grab a table,” he said and slid off his barstool. I couldn’t help but watch him as we walked away. He had a nice ass that any girl would love, and I’m betting that each other bartenders were watching as he walked away.

“Girl, you hooked a good one tonight,” Belinda said from behind me.

“Yeah whatever,” I said.

“Yeah whatever is wrong, I saw him eyeing you earlier. He could’ve walked up to any of us and asked where the bathroom was. But that hottie with a body chose you, and you should respect fate,” I rolled my eyes at her. Sure she dressed like a whore, but she was halfway decent.