Status: Finished

Writings on the Bathroom Wall

Don't Drive Away

“What the hell?” he quietly muttered.

“Dean!” screamed a male voice from behind. I turned to see a rather tall guy running towards us with a mop of brown hair damp from rain.

“Sam. Where the hell have you been?” the guy yelled, which I think his name is Dean.

“And scene. Cue Mina, exit alley left,” I said while trying to quietly get away while the two were arguing. I was just a few steps away from my car when someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

“You mind explaining what the hell just went on there?” Dean asked.

“What can I say? Vampires could use with a little less conversation, a little more action. He could’ve had my neck drained before you even got there. But no he had to be an asshole about it and chit chat with you about killing each other.”

“You mind explaining the part when you set him on fire.”

“Easy, he annoyed me so I set him on fire. Is that kosher?”

“You did it without any matches or a lighter.”

“What can I say, I’m magic,” This statement elicited a blank stare from both of them.

“M-magic? Funny. Now seriously, how did you do it?” Dean said.

“Like I said, magic,” I said. I opened my palm up and let the fire burn. I kept them fascinated enough before ripping my hand away and putting out the flames.

“That, is cool,” Sam said.

“Wow, aren’t we the one with the massive vocabulary,” I said. I once again turned on my heel to get out of there but Dean grabbed my shoulder again.

“So you’re telling me you can do magic.”

“Good lord! You’re not very quick are you? Yes I can do magic. I don’t have to say spells or get all Harry Potter on you. I just think and it happens. The only thing is my eyes are the dead giveaway.”


“Right before I do something, my eyes give away what happens. Just watch and see. I’ll set my hand on fire again. Just concentrate on my eyes.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Dean would you shut up,” Sam said. He quieted down and they both looked me square in the eye.

I knew that seconds before I lit the flames my eyes would glisten a bright orange but disappear just as quick as they appeared. The one named Sam was speechless and Dean was equally so. They stared at me for minute and I fidgeted. I was bored with them and just wanted to be home, alone, in my cozy bed.

“Can I go now?” I asked. Their eyes snapped to attention.

“We have a few questions to ask you,” Dean said. Sam seemed reluctant but let him take the lead.

“Fine. I’ll answer your questions. Let’s go back in the bar,” I said. The fools trusted me. When their backs were turned I couldn’t help but smile. With a quick flick of the wrist I created a fiery barrier between us.

“What the hell are you doing?” Dean screamed at me, his head barely showing over the flames.

“I’m going home. Night boys,” I said. I got in my car and peeled out of there. No way was I going to stick around with those two.