Status: Finished

Writings on the Bathroom Wall

Isn't That a Federal Offense?

It was 5pm the next day. I was sitting in my living room watching tv, curled up with a steaming cup of coffee. My mind drifted back to last night. Those two boys who showed up suddenly out of the blue demanding answers from me. I took another sip of my coffee and tried to push them out of my mind. I was just about to get into the shower when someone knocked on my door.

“Who is it?” I said, trying to sneak a peak from the curtains.

“Police ma’am. Open up,” a husky male voice said. Who was I to disregard police orders? I started to open the door but when it was about two inches open, someone shoved hard and I was thrown backwards. I lit the flame in my hand as I scrambled backwards, trying to get a better position against my attackers. It should’ve been no surprise who they were.

“Oh it’s you two. I thought you’d track me down. I guess I overestimated how long it would take you,” I said. I extinguished the flame and straightened myself up.

“You care to talk now?” Dean said.

“Impersonating a police officer is a federal offense. You know that right?” I said. Snarky is as snarky does.

“We’re got other charges that are way worse then that Mina, believe me,” Sam said.

“Would you just answer some questions for us? Afterwards we’ll be on our merry way and you can go back to that dingy bar you call your job,” Dean said. The anger was written all over him. I couldn’t tell if it was from the little show I put on last night or something else. The boy was a hard read.

“Fine. I’ll answer your questions,” I said. I sat down, turned the tv off and returned to my cup of coffee. Miss Manners would have a conniption since I didn’t offer them a cup.

“So last night, you knew that was a vampire?” Dean asked. His straightforward ways, his temperament, were vastly different from Sam. I could see the pain on Sam’s face but his attitude was relaxed and sincere.

“Yes I knew it was a vampire. It was obvious how he went straight for my neck saying he wanted a drink,” I said. Dean balled his fist.

“Mina I know Dean can be agitating but can we skip the funny stuff and go straight for the facts? It would really help us out here,” Sam said. Dean rolled his eyes when he talked.

“Fine just answer me one question. Are you two brothers?” There faces went blank.

“How’d you figure that out?” Dean asked.

“It’s your mannerisms. You’re complete opposites yet you compliment each other well,” I said. Dean rolled his eyes once again.

“Aw look Sammy, we compliment each other,” Dean said. Sam gave him an icy look. Dean just sighed and turned back to me. “So where’d you learn the fire stuff?”

“My mother. She was a witch,” I said.

“She was a witch?” Sam said. Leave it to the nice one to dredge up stuff I didn’t want to talk about.

“She died when I was 16. Car accident.”

“So you’re not a hunter?” Dean asked. He got right back on topic. He must have sensed my discomfort.

“No but I’ve encountered a few. They usually want to kill me at first, not talk like you guys did. I guess they have a thing against witches,” I replied.

“Well we’ve never met one like you. They usually try to kill us or other people,” Sam said.

“I hold grudges, I don’t kill people. I might singe them a little, but I don’t kill them,” I said. That got a laugh out of Dean. I was finally starting to break him.

“You think that vampire had any more buddies roaming around near here?” Dean asked.

“He wasn’t alone in the bar. They might come looking for him tonight, thinking they can track down whoever killed him. They would have to know he’s dead though. They didn’t seem too bright,” I said. I glanced at the clock. It was nearing 6pm and I was running late.

“We’ll see you at the bar tonight. If there is anyone else lurking around, we’ll find them,” Sam said reassuringly. He must have done this a thousand times before.

“Thanks but just remember, I can take care of myself,” I said. I showed them out and got in a quick shower before leaving for work. When I got in my car a note was taped to the windshield.

Call if you recognize anyone he was with. I’ll be there around 10.

- Dean

I shoved the note into my pocket and climbed in my car. Since he was going to show up again, I knew Belinda would start to think he was sweet on me. If she only knew the truth.