*** Suck *** Lick Man We Nasty

But To Me You Were Perfect

-Jordan's POV- (Skip 3 months)

Slowly but surely George and Linnae were getting closer. I had told Linnae yesterday, after she asked me why George was so reluctant, that George didn't want to pressure her. He didn't seem to notice that Aron wasn't pressuring Ashley and they were going strong.
Today was Ashley and Linnae's first day of classes. I was going to drive both to the high school and Aron was going to pick them up. I needed to have a talk with George. I dropped my sister and Ashley off at the school and drove away once they were inside.
I walked up to my apartment and noticed George was there.
“We need to talk man” I said once I closed the door.
“I know I feel so stupid right now” he said sitting down.
“Why not just talk about it with her?” I asked him sitting across from him.
“I don't know how to start the conversation out. I've been thinking about it but nothing has come to mind” he said frustrated.
“You're hurting her George. She's in love with you, she'll wait forever just to be with you but she needs to know that you want her.” he looked up at me and nodded.

-Linnae's POV-
School was so annoying. Many guys hit on Ashley and I. Surprise there. Ashley's very beautiful, Aron's lucky to have her. But me? Hell I'm just some chick that's friends with the newest popular girl. Ashley and I were currently waiting outside on the steps for Aron. We had many guys surrounding us and a few girls that we actually liked. I texted Aron and told him to hurry up. Soon I saw his car pull up.
“Ash he's here” I said catching her attention. She looked over and smiled when she saw his car. She ran over as he got out and kissed him. I smiled as the massive amount of boys left us. The few that did stay hadn't even hit on her. They hit on me. I said goodbye to the three girls and walked to the car, then proceeded to climb into the back seat.
In all honesty I envied Aron and Ashley. Even with the difference in age they got what they wanted. I wanted George to know how much I loved him, how much he meant to me. Soon the couple was done making out and got in and Aron drove away.
“how was school?” Aron asked.
“annoying” Ashley replied.
“a bitch” I said leaning my head against the window. Aron laughed and Ashley looked back at me.
“You only had a few guys hitting on you” she said. I laughed.
“Ash that's because you're fucking gorgeous” I started. “I however, am not.”
“I think you're both very beautiful. And I know George thinks you're sexy” Aron said looking at me in the mirror.
“He doesn't show it” I mumbled. We pulled up to Jordan's apartment and I grabbed my stuff.
“Thanks Aron” I said before getting out.
“No problem” I heard him said before I closed the door. I walked up the steps to Jordan's apartment and opened the door. Wasn't Jordan going to work today? I walked in to see the place empty but someone was in the kitchen. Walking in I saw George going to the cabinets.
“Looking for something George?” I asked. He turned around and smiled when he saw me.
“Was going to make something to eat but Jordan has like shit for food” he said. I smiled and laughed.
“ doesn't surprise me. We probably finished it all last night at the Bar-B-Que” I said before taking off down the hall and putting my backpack down. I returned to the kitchen to see George standing in front of the refrigerator. I made my to him.
“What ya looking at?” I asked coming to a stop next to him.
“Jordan put pictures of you up that your mom gave him” George said looking down at me. I smiled and looked them over.
“I remember these” I pointed to one of an old lady and I. “That was last year, I did a biography on a senior citizen and that was from arty we had to celebrate the biographies.” I said laughing.
“You put candy canes in your earrings because?” he asked.
“It was adorable” I said looking up at him. We made eye contact and it felt like forever before our lips touched. I hadn't even noticed that we were both leaning forward. George's hands wound their way around my waist, as my hands made their way to his neck and my fingers tangled themselves in his hair. The kiss ended all to soon when we both needed air.
“I need to talk to you about something” he whispered. I nodded and he lead me to my room.
“I love you, and I would love to be with you but-”
“You don't want to pressure me to have sex if I wasn't ready” I finished for him. He nodded.
“I know that you're a guy and that you need sex. I'm okay with that. If I wasn't ready when you needed me to be I'd be fine with you having sex with someone else” I said looking at him. He smiled and asked if I was serious. I nodded.
“I understand where you're coming from which is why I didn't confront you about this” I said hugging him. He leaned forward to where his lips were right by my ear.
“Be my girl?” he asked in a whisper.
“Always and forever” I whispered back. At that moment I heard the front door open and footsteps making their way down the hall. I closed my eyes, trying to hold onto this moment.
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Sorry about the wait
This was fun to write. complete fluffyness