*** Suck *** Lick Man We Nasty

All The Love That You Brought US

-Jorel's POV- (Skip to may about 9-10 months)
Today was Linnae's 18th birthday. I knew that George was happy about that. He had gone about three months without sex before he cracked. Linnae was an amazing girl that was for sure. When George was nearly freaking out because of it she comforted him and told him she didn't care too much.
“What ya thinking about babe?” Jeniss asked me as we walked through the store trying to find a gift for her.
“How Linnae's selfless” I said looking at her. She was now nineteen and almost through her first year of college. We were silent for a moment, looking for gifts that we thought she'd like. So far nothing had caught my eye, wait scratch that I think I was something she'd love. I picked it up and showed Jeniss, who already had her gift for Linnae.
“She'd love that Jay” she said smiling. We walked to the check out and bought it. We rushed to my apartment and started wrapping it.
“Hey Jeniss?” I asked nervous.
“Yeah?” she asked looking up from the card she was writing out.
“I was wondering if you would move in with me?” I asked quietly. She laughed and kissed me.
“When I finish my first year then I would love to move in” she said. I smiled and kissed her again.

-Aron's POV-
I picked up Ashley from her parent's house, both of which I had met, and we made our way to the store. How none of us thought to get Linnae presents before the day came was beyond me.
“you have any idea of what she'd like?” I asked glancing at Ashley for a moment then back to the road.
“I usually get her something that catches my eye. We all do.” We pulled up into a parking space at the mall and got out. We searched through a few stores before Ashley picked out a couple of things for her. We bought them and walked back out to the car. Ashley was now sixteen almost 17. 'Only one more year Aron just one more year' I thought to myself.
We drove the few miles to my apartment and when we arrived we wrapped the presents. We had an hour before we had to be at Jordan's apartment.

-Dylan's POV-
Gidget and I arrived at Jordan's an hour early to help set up. George had taken Linnae to his place to distract her. Jordan went to pick up his mother and Aeseret.
(skip an hour)
“So I think that's the last thing we need to set up. George is going to bring Linnae over in about fifteen minutes.” Gidget said walking to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist.
“Jordan should be home soon,” I said. I heard a car pull up and two doors slam. “And there's Matt and Momo.”
“Jeniss and Jay will be here soon, Aron and Ashley are on their way” Gidget said closing her phone. When there was a knock on the door I opened it and let Matt and Momo in. I took the two presents they brought.
“Aron and Ashley are here” Gidget said walking out of the room to let the two in. I placed the presents next to the ones that Jordan, George, Gidget and I already laid out.
We didn't have to wait long for everyone else other than George and Linnae to show. We all hid, with Aron telling George we were ready. Five minutes later George and Linnae walked into the now completely dark apartment.
“Surprise!” we all shouted causing Linnae to laugh.

-George's POV-(Skipping party)
I watched Linnae all night. When she danced with the girls, when she opened her presents, when she hugged everyone for the presents. She was beautiful, perfect. I can see why her mother talked about her with pride. She was a very unique girl. Beautiful, funny, sweet, tough when needed, understanding. Even when she was a complete dork she was perfect.
Jay got her a choker that had caught his eye when they were shopping. It was black with purple lace falling down. She looked amazing in it.
Jeniss got her a t-shirt with lions on it, her favorite animal. It fit her curves perfectly.
Aron got her case for her iPod. It was something she complained about often.
Ashley got her body spray. She smelled even better after putting it on.
Dylan got her a Hollywood Undead shirt, one that she liked a lot.
Gidget got her a gift card to some lingerie store. Of course Gidget smirked at me when no one was looking.
Matt got her a bracelet with her birthstone on it. She loved it.
Momo got her a CD of some band she loved. It was blaring through the speakers at the moment.
Jordan got her a gift card to some clothes store that she liked.
Aeseret gave her a photo album of pictures they took before they left Colorado.
Her mom gave her a stuffed lion. She hasn't let it go since.
My gift was a free J3T shirt that she said she wanted even though she knew us. She had put it on right after we ate the cake.
Everyone was gone now, except for Jordan, Linnae their mother and I. Jordan was trying to convince their mother to stay with them instead of renting a hotel room for the weekend. Linnae was agreeing with Jordan and refused to let her mother out of the door. When her mother finally agreed Linnae went to get her mothers bags, with me following her. It may be only a few feet but it was still LA and it was nearly midnight.
“Happy birthday Babe” I said kissing her, before grabbing her mothers bags from the trunk. Linnae closed it and locked the car up again before we made our way up the stairs. She smiled and thanked me. When we walked in their mother was in the other guest bedroom talking to Jordan.
“Here mom” Linnae said as I placed her bags next to the bed.
“thank you dears. And Jordan remember what I said” she said before shooing us out of the room. Linnae laughed at her mother's antics.
“So George since it's late you're going to stay here on my mother's orders” Jordan said when I started to make my way to where I left my keys. I laughed, shrugging and turned around.
“If you say so Jordan” I said before Linnae dragged me to her room. She smiled at me before kissing me.