Status: Slow active

Help Me

Blasting Through Your Stereo

I dumped my uneaten food and speed out of the cafeteria as fast as I could. One, to hide my still full bowl, and two, to get away from...from...oh. I never found out his name. Wonderful. I picked up my pace again, once I realized I had stopped. I speed to mass, which would be starting soon, and took a seat in the front, not many kids sat up here. While this may be a strict Catholic school, it is very rare to get students here that are so into the religion they want to pay attention at 6.30 in the morning. I only sat up here because my mother expected it of me, and because so few people did sit up here. Less people to mock me. Most opted to sit in the middle and pay mild attention/sit in a dazed stupor the whole time, closer to back and doze off or sit all the way in the back and blatantly sleep through it.

Mass was now about to start in five minutes, and most people were here, the rest trickling in. He was one of the last to file in, my lack of knowledge about his name would really start to bother me soon. He took a seat in the last pew, looking around with a slightly repulsed face, before slouching down and closing his eyes. I turned back and faced the front again. Most of the preachers words simply went in one ear and out the other as most would say, I heard them but didn't process them. Most of the hour long mass was spent forcing myself not to turn around and stare at him, and consequently wondering why I wanted to do this in the first place, and scolding myself for doing so. Then, before I knew it, mass was over, and everyone was filing out and going back to their dorms for that half an hour before class started.

I spun my dial on my locker, 38-2-36, 38-2-36 I though repetitively until it was open. Granted, this took a few times, I have always had issues with it. Class still wasn't due to start for another twenty minutes, but I always went to my locker and classes early. There were less people around. My locker was plain and undecorated on the inside, it was a stark contrast to the locker right next to it, which even had pictures taped to the outside. I had never even considered decorating it before, what did I have to decorate it with? I don't listen to music or watch movies. I had no friends, and my family, all I have is my mother, and...she's a story all by herself. People started filtering into the hall, I looked up startled, I had not realized I had been staring at my locker for at least 10 minutes. I quickly gathered up my stuff, and speed off to my next class, I needed to get there early to get a good seat.

The teacher droned on, either ignorant, choosing to ignore the students snoozing in the back, or just so intent on her lecture about RNA, she didn't notice. I already knew this, so I let my mind wander, however, I did not mean to let myself start thinking about my new roommate. It was hard for me not to though. There was so much...mystery surrounding him. I wish I had gotten his name... I moved through my classes in a zombie-like state, it was quite apparent that although my body was in the classes, my mind was not. Surprisingly, the teachers and other students left me to think. Such was not the case when I arrived back at my room at 3.30. I opened the door to Sister Agatha staring disappointedly at my roommate, before shaking her head and leaving the room, pulling me out along with her.

"Alexander, I need to ask something of you."
"Yes, Sister Agatha?"
"Nyx seems to be...having some trouble adjusting to classes here. He is smart enough for the AP classes you're in, so in order to have a positive infulence, and an example for him to follow, we are going to put him in all your classes." Nyx. So that was his name. fit him.
"I do not understand, what do you need me to do?"
"Keep him motivated. Help him when he needs it, tell him what to do, what not to do, basically be a mentor until he gets the hang of things here."
"I..." I thought it over. Be with Nyx all day, everyday? I looked up at the sister's face, saw her pleading eyes, and sighed. "Yes. I will help him adjust."
She gave out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Alexander, thank you. I must be going now, and I'm sure you have homework to do. Have a nice night." She walked away swiftly, and she seemed to be glad she was leaving. I let out a small groan before opening the door and stepping inside, almost letting out a scream when loud music blasted my ears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. Here it is. I wonder what Nyx is blasting? *eyebrow wiggle*Hint: look at the title
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-XOXO Rachel-

P.S-that locker combination is my actual combination. Locker 1|843. Try it, I dare ya.