Status: Finished

But It's Better If You Swear to Shake It Up.

Genius Baby.

Pete's P.O.V.

“Are you ready to go home, little boy?” I asked my son as I picked him up. He just stared up at me with deep brown eyes while sucking on his hand. “Oops, I forgot to cover that up. We wouldn't want you to cut yourself with those sharp little fingernails, would we? That would really suck.” I cradled him in one arm while fitting his tiny hand in his sleeve. “There. Now what are we going to wear home from the hospital? It's a special occasion, you know?”

I placed him back down in his little hospital bed and picked up the diaper bag from underneath it. I opened it up and looked through to see what outfits Ryan had packed in it to put on him. Most of the clothes were too big seeing as we had expected him to be full term, but we had one outfit that was packed just in case he came out smaller than predicted. I picked up the shirt and pulled it on over his blue onesie and the little jeans, but not before gushing over how cute they were. Kingston just stared up at me the whole time, blowing bubbles and making small noises. The bear Brendon and Cali had gotten him was sitting above his head, while he was kicked the rattling toy Spencer and Kara got him. Jon and Angie had supplied us with a couple of outfits and blankets. Ryan and I had both bought the receiving blanket to bring him home wrapped up in, along with, of course, most everything else of his at the house.

“Now that you're all dressed, let's eat some breakfast, huh?” I grabbed the bottle the nurse had supplied me with and checked the temperature on my wrist. It felt perfect for feeding, so I picked him up carefully ands sat down in the chair, popping the bottle in his mouth. He quickly latched on and started sucking down the bottles contents. His eyes drooped so that they were almost shut as he drank, and he held onto one of my fingers that was holding the bottle. It seemed like he was drifting to sleep because the sucking had slowed and was close to none, but there was still formula in the bottle. I wiggled the nipple around in his mouth and his brown eyes shot open wide. He started sucking harder, and noisily if I might add.

“Oh, Kingston, where's your daddy?” I asked, glancing at the clock to see it was ten already. Ryan had gone done to breakfast himself a little bit ago, and he should be coming back soon. We had to check out of the hospital by eleven thirty since we had the okay to take Kingston home. “Hm, if you call Ryan 'daddy', what are you going to call me?”

He finished the bottle and let it go with a popping noise. He gave a grunt as I lifted him up slowly and held his cheeks between my hands, patting his back to burp him. He let out a loud burp, making me laugh because of the comparison to his size and the noise.

“That was loud, son,” I told him, chuckling as I held him in front of me. “You're very cute, you know that?”

“Awh, thank you! You're pretty sweet yourself.” It took me a minute to realize that the words came from Ryan, and not Kingston. Of course the baby wouldn't be talking yet, but the words just came out of nowhere and I hadn't realized Ryan had walked in the room yet. “Are you okay, Pete?” he asked, smiling at me as he walked forward.

“You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were the baby!” I told him and he laughed.

“Pete, the baby isn't going to start talking for another... seven months,” he reminded me, still chuckling and I nodded.

“I know. But the only people in here that I was aware of was Kingston and I,” I told him. “And who knows? We could have been blessed with a genius baby.”

“Unless you're going crazy and hearing voices in your head. Which means I should start locking anything sharp and dangerous in the drawer with the knives in case they start telling you to kill me,” he said, coming over and picking our son up out my arms. “He'd have to be more than a genius, he'd have to be a miracle baby. Especially since he's not supposed to have fully developed vocal cords, yet.”

“He's amazing. He's our kid,” I told him as he settled in next to me with Kingston in his arms. “So, how was your breakfast?”

“Very good. How was your's?” he asked and I knitted my eyebrows.

“I didn't have any....” I answered confused.

“I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Kingston,” he answered with a grin and I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up. You're not gonna let that go are you?” I asked him and he giggled.

“I will. Eventually,” he told me, smoothing Kingston's hair down over his head as the baby stared up. “What time is it, babe?”

“Um, like, eleven. Are you ready to go?” I asked him and he nodded.

“Yeah. Let's get you out of here, little boy, and go home,” he told Kingston as he stood up, holding him gently and grabbing the diaper bag. “Are we forgetting anything?” he asked looking around as I picked up the random supplies that were lying around the room.

“I'm pretty sure I have everything. Let's go,” I said, following him out of the door. We walked to the nurse's station to check him out, and the nurse who has been helping us out the most was there behind the desk.

“Aw, are you guys going home already?” she asked, leaning over the counter to brush Kingston's cheek.

“Already? We've been here for almost two weeks, Taylar!” I told her and she laughed.

“I know! But you're son is so sweet and cute. And I love having couples like you two come in here. It gives me more hope that true love actually does exist,” she said, and I smiled as Ryan leaned against me.

“Thanks. We love meeting people who are so understanding as you,” I told her and she smiled before typing in something in the computer.

“Okay, you guys are all set,” she answered. “I'll see you later, maybe.”

“Bye,” we both called, turning toward the elevator. “She was so nice.”

“I know. I really wish most people were like her. It would make things so much easier,” Ryan agreed, rocking Kingston softly in his arms as he began to cry.

“Yeah. I'm kind of going to miss her,” I told him and he nodded.

“At least we're taking Kingston home today, right baby?” he asked Kingston, who just let out a loud cry in response. “Or maybe not...”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short, I know.

Thanks for all the comments last chapter. That was fucking amazing of you guys. Can we do it again?