Status: Finished

But It's Better If You Swear to Shake It Up.


Kara's P.O.V.

2 months later

"So what are you going for today? Just a check up?" Angie asked me as we were in the car driving to the doctor's office.

"Yeah, and blood work or something. Make sure the baby's growing okay. But fuck, it doesn't even feel like it has grown at all." I said putting my hand on my still flat stomach.

"Oh trust me, it won't be long." She said and I groaned.

"I know. Hopefully I don't get too big."

"You might, or you might not. Depends. What do you want?"

"I don't know, I'm sorta hoping for a girl, but a boy wouldn't be too bad. I guess I really don't care as long as it's healthy. When can they tell anyway?"

"Well, my doctor told me at about five months, but they were able to tell with Jacob late into my fourth." She told me.

"Oh, I have to talk to Spencer and see if he even wants to find out the sex before its born." I said.

"Do you?"

"Yes, I wanna be prepared. I want to have everything set up and perfect by the time the baby gets here." I told her.

"That's how I felt too. And you could always find out yourself and just have the doctor not show Spencer."

"Yeah I could. I don't know right now, I still want to talk to Spencer about it."

"That's good. We're here." She said pulling into the parking lot and shutting off the car. I got out and walked to the door with her. I went to the desk to sign in.

"Name?" The receptionist asked.

"Kara Urie."

"Which doctor do you have?"

"Dr. Yoon." I told her and she nodded her head before typing in a bunch of stuff on the computer.

"Okay, you can just have a seat and we'll call when the doctor's ready for you." She said nodding her head towards the uncomfortable red seat in the waiting area where Angie was sitting.

"Thanks again for coming with me." I told her as I sat down next to her.

"No problem. It's just lucky Jon's parents would take Jacob because I didn't really want to bring him with us." She told me.

"Yeah, I would go with Spencer, but the boys have been working so hard in the studio. I'm so glad they're almost done. And then Cali went to that job interview today. So I was really glad when you said you could come. I really didn't want to be here by myself." I told her.

"It's okay. I'm glad you called me. I was getting bored sitting around the house all day." She told me.

"How can you be bored with a newborn in the house?" I asked her and she laughed.

"You know, they might seem so interesting, but there's only so much they can do. And there no fun when they're screaming their heads off or sleeping, which is pretty much all they do." She told me and I groaned again.

"Kara?" A nurse called out and I stood up followed by Angie. "The doctor will see you now." She said and we followed her back to a room.

"Step up on here so we can see your weight." She said leading me over to a scale. I stepped onto it and she moved the little marker over one out of the 150's, which I let out a sigh of relief over. She moved the smaller one until it went into balance. "Okay looks like you're about, hm, 147 pounds. Gaining nicely."

I groaned and she smiled.

"I know it's not exciting for a woman to hear she's gaining weight, but when you're pregnant it's really important. It helps make sure your baby is growing and developing healthily inside the uterus." She explained to me.

"Okay, thank you." I told her.

"The doctor will be with you in a moment." She said turning towards the door and I nodded.

I sat down on the examining table and waited with Angie sitting on the chair next to me.

"I've gained like, 20 pounds." I told her and she laughed.

"Oh that's nothing. I gained almost 80 pounds through my whole pregnancy. And you haven't even seen the worst yet. Trust me, it gets funner." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh. Great. Is there anything good coming from this?"

"Well, morning sickness usually stops at about five months. And plus at the end of it all you get a baby." She said and I laughed.

"That's good news?"

"Yes. You may not be excited at the moment, but trust me, when you hold your baby for the first time in yours arms, it's the most amazing feeling in the world."

"I hope so." I said, but didn't get to finish because the door opened and shut to reveal the doctor.

"Hello Kara." She said smiling widely as she looked at me.

"Hi." I said.

"So how have you been? Is everything still going alright? Are there any questions before we get started?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Every thing's fine. The only thing I'm a little concerned about was the fact that I'm still bleeding a little bit. Not like a period, but spotting. Is that normal?" I asked.

"Yes. Spotting his a perfectly normal thing during the first couple months of your pregnancy. But if it gets any heavier, make sure you check in with me right away."

"Okay." I said and she nodded.

"So are we ready to start now?" She asked and I nodded before lifting up my shirt as she put a towel down to keep the gel she would spread on my stomach from getting on my jeans.

"Oh, look. You've got a bump right here." She said.

"I do?" I asked and she nodded and Angie took my hand leading it to the bottom of my stomach and I did feel an area where a part of my stomach was higher than the rest of it. "Is that the baby?" I asked the doctor and she nodded her head.

"I'm very sure it is." She said grabbing the gel and spreading it over my lower stomach, making me jump.

"Ooh, cold feeling on the tummy." The doctor said and she and Angie giggled as I sat there grumbling while I got use to the feeling. She then took the wand off the stand and turned on the screen and waited for it to load up, then put the wand on my stomach where the gel was and started moving it around. I looked at the screen and waited for a sign of the fetus to show up on the screen. She moved it around a little bit before we saw a little form appear.

It didn't like very much, just like a bit of a lump on the screen. "Wow, it's so small." I heard Angie say from beside me and I smiled at her.

"It's my baby." I said.

"Yes, and here's the body. The face hasn't exactly come together yet, and the arms and legs are still like little stubs so you can't really see them. I'd say by the development you're about thirteen weeks along. Which is 3 months. I'll print out some of these for you." The doctor told me pressing some buttons to print them.

I turned to Angie and smiled. "I think I'm getting more excited about the baby the more I learn about it. Does that make sense?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded her head.

"Well here you go. You can get cleaned up in here and then meet me in my office so we can schedule another date." The doctor told me leaving the room. Angie handed me some more paper towels so I could wipe the gunk off of my stomach and leave. I finally got it all off but still felt weird. I definitely needed a shower when I got home. I pulled down my shirt and pulled up my pants before walking out into the hallway and down to the doctor's actual office. We made a date for a couple of weeks and then Angie and I left the office.

"Glad to get out of there. So, even though it's too early to know what the sex is, have you thought about names yet?" Angie asked me once we were back in the car.

"Yeah, just a little bit. But I have told them to Spencer yet." I told her. This time I drove.

"What are they?"

"Well for a girl I like Sunnie Jemma. And for a boy I want the name Kieran Joseph."

"Those are cute." She said smiling. "Believe me, Jon and I went round and round about names. He wanted to name him some weird ass name like Killian or something. So we finally decided on just flipping Jon's name around from Jonathon Jacob Walker to Jacob Jonathon Walker. It worked, fortunately."

"Ha, I searched all over the internet to find a boys name I liked. Kieran was my first choice, but it caught my attention and I loved it after awhile."

"Well you never know, sometimes you change them. And Spencer may not like it." She said.

"True." I said as we drove into the driveway. 'But he'll just have to deal with that.', I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes another filler. I may be leading up to something here, not really sure yet. Just keep reading to see.

And comments, please?