Status: Finished

But It's Better If You Swear to Shake It Up.

Peanut butter swirls.

Ryan's P.O.V.

"Are you gonna look at it?" Brendon asked Cali impatiently as they sat staring at each other for about five minutes. The tests were done, but she was holding back on looking at the results for some reason.

"It doesn't feel right. I don't think nows the right time," She said and we all looked at her confused.

"What the hell are you talking about? You're taking a pregnancy test, not deciding to lose your virginity! Now look down and see if it's a plus sign, or just a little blue line!" Kara said as she and Brendon both looked like they were about to die from the amount of waiting they were doing to find this out.

"Babe, this is it! I can feel it. Come on, check it!" Brendon egged her on but she still just looked beyond him.

"They're missing. Izey and Dani should be here," She answered quietly and I heard Brendon sigh. The anticipation seemed really intense for him.

"Cali, Izey is in New York and won't be back for another month. Do you really want to wait that long to find this out? This is a huge deal for you two," I told her and she bit her lip.

"If you really want to wait, then we can. It's up to you," Brendon told her and she shook her head.

"No, it's okay. You guys are here, and that's all that matters. Especially you," She said giving Brendon's hand a tight squeeze before she took a deep breath and looked down. She opened her mouth to talk when the door opened and we all turned our attention over to it.

"Um, hi," Spencer said as he stood in the open doorway with Pete and Jon standing behind him.

"What's up?" I asked as they all stared into the room.

"Not much. Wondering what you guys are doing since you've been up here for so long," Pete answered and I cocked my head to the side as I stared back at him.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. Now shut up and come in and have a seat, or else go back downstairs. I need to know, and I need to know now," Brendon said annoyed as he interrupted me and spoke to them. Spencer came in and sat down next to Kara, looking very confused. Pete shrugged and walked in to take a sit on the floor beside the bed, leaning back in between my legs. Jon stayed put in the doorway and we all stared at Cali as she looked back down.

She didn't frown, nor did she smile. So I couldn't read if it was good news just by her expression. She continued looking down at both tests for a couple of minutes before she turned to Brendon.

"What do you see?" She asked looking up at him and he looked down, bringing her hands closer to his face.

"I see two little pink plus signs," he started out slowly and then quickly exclaimed, "Oh my god, you're pregnant!" He threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" Kara asked and Cali nodded, handing her over the second test. I looked down at it from over her shoulder and sure enough there it was. I smiled widely at her and she smiled back. The room exploded with an uproar of "congratulations" and other things being said.

"We should celebrate!" Brendon said jumping up excitedly, pulling his girlfriend along with him.

"How? I can't drink. You're definitely not getting drunk. What are we going to celebrate with?" Cali asked him and he shrugged.

"You don't have to have alcohol at every celebration. We can party with other drinks. Like Red Bull and pop. And just have fun!"

"Baby, I can't have caffeine," Cali told him and his eyes went wide as he stopped jumping.

"You're kidding, right?" He asked her and she shook her head. "The whole time?" He asked and she nodded her head and he looked wide-eyed at Kara.

"Well, you can have some. Just not a lot. Like how Brendon drinks it," Kara told him. "I've had a couple pops here and there, and tons of chocolate. Hey, that sounds good."

"Relax, Bren. You can still drink it. And chocolate sounds very good," Cali said nodding at Kara.

"You want chocolate?" Brendon asked her and she nodded. "Okay. I'll get you some chocolate. Ryan!" He called to me and I looked up at him.

"What? I don't have any chocolate!"

"But, but, my baby wants chocolate, Ryan!" He said, his brown eyes opening even wider as his lip quivered. I couldn't help but laugh as I stood up.

"Okay, fine. Let's go get some. What kind do you want?" I asked Cali and she thought about it.

"Ice cream," Kara answered for them.

"With peanut butter swirls. And get some chocolate syrup! And whip cream!" Cali said licking her lips and I laughed.

"Damn!" Pete said.

"You're gonna get sick," I told her and she shrugged.

"At least I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Now go!" She said shooing us out.


"Ryan, I love you so much!" Kara and Cali both exclaimed as they took the first bite of their sundaes we had just bought.

"See, even when you're gay, you're still a ladies man, baby," Pete laughed and I smiled.

"You guys are just lucky you're dating Brendon and Spencer. I wouldn't have gotten that stuff for you if you weren't pregnant with my best friend's kids," I told them and Kara stuck out her tongue and Cali threw a pillow at me.

"Hey, Jon, where's Jacob?" Brendon asked,

"With Angie in Chicago," Jon answered and his mouth dropped.

"You came out here without bringing your son to see me? What's wrong with you?"

"Don't start yelling," Kara warned as she had her hand on her stomach.

"What's the matter, babe?" Spencer asked her.

"Your daughter's not being very nice to me," She told him and he smiled slightly before rubbing her belly gently.

"Does it hurt when she kicks?" Cali asked her.

"Yeah, but I don't know whether she's hitting or kicking. She likes to roll around a lot, too. But the doctor said that that's normal," She answered.

"I hope this one doesn't do that," Cali said.

"It probably will. I think I did," Brendon told her.

"Yeah, and you were probably born breach, too," Cali said.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"It means you were born butt first," Kara told him. "Instead of head first."

"In other words, it mean you're a butt head," I told him and he stuck his tongue out at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh come on, you guys already knew she was pregnant! What was the wait for?

And I guess there's was a deal with someone not seeing on their subscriptions page that I updated last time. Anyone else have that problem? Besides Sunny-lee.