Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

On edge


Pffft, hahahahaha! Damn Anthony is funny. Did he honestly think Mrs. Frass would buy that story? I wouldn't even believe that a squirrel ate my report. Silly boy. I don't blame him though, Jake has been over there hogging the computer. He says it's to dramatic to be at home. Ever since his mom was sick and tired of doing what she does she went and got help. So now I just think Jake is miking the story to get us to feel sorry for him.

Ignoring that, my week couldn't of been better. And tomorrow is Friday and that means my date with Eddie. In fact he's been so affectionate lately. Coming up just to hug me. Walking in on my class. He hasn't kissed me but I do get the occasional peck on the lips or cheek. I almost fainted once just because it was so out of the blue. I was walking out of gym really gross looking! I was on my way to brush my hair out in the girls room but Eddie found me first and showered me with affection. Then as we were off to go to lunch he just pecked me. My knees buckled but he caught me. God I wish I would of told him I liked him sooner.

When the bell rang Anthony and I joked about April being slightly over dramatic about Gir being her husband. She's been quoting him a lot more lately and singing the Doom Song...I met her older sister too! Mimi. She was very nice. I don't know why Anthony is so scared of her. Well..OK so she told him 'If you don't shut up I'm gonna spoon out your eyes and rip out your testicles and shove them down your throat.' but c'mon! Eddie and I found it hilarious! I did have lots in common with her too. And of course just like her sister she was beautiful.

I can only imagine what their mother looks like. Mimi is a senior just like half of my other friends. Personally she doesn't like Jake and I am starting to see why. So while I was on my way to math I saw Mimi talking Sebastian. I honestly never knew they got along. So when I walked by to go to math I heard Mimi giggle and call me over. Oooh craap.

"Rory, you know Sebastian riight?" she smiled.

"Yeah...we've met a couple times." I growled.

"Aww you don't absolutely adore him? Too bad. he really wanted to go out with you."

"Shame...can I go now?"

"Oh yeah! Hehe oh wait! if you see April tell her mom wants her home pronto after school..." Mimi giggled again.

As I left I thought I heard a forceful growl from Mimi. I never knew her to be the giggling type. Or say words like pronto and adore. Her eyes looked a bit watery too. I wonder if...could he really be that low? I peeked back around the corner to find Mimi clenching her fist at Seb. He had that smirking frown on and he patted her cheek.

"Awww see Mims, she bought it. And you thought she'd see right through my plan."

"Well...she prolly was to disgusted by you to see my warning signs."

"Watch your mouth or you're daddy will find out he lost a job." Seb growled.

"You are a sick, cruel- if we weren't already in financial trouble I'd claw out your and tongue stick it up your-" Mimi was cut off by getting shoved to a locker.

"Look, you're not helping the situation. I suggest you convince her to talk to me one on one or your family will be living in a box." with a final scowl Seb walked away from a pissed off Mimi.

Why didn't I know earlier. No wonder she acted all weird. I never would of guessed her dad worked for Seb's dad. That's inhuman and I can't believe he is trying to force that! I walked back around the corner and stood in front of Mimi. She stood up straight and looked down at me. I knew she was pissed so I might get hit if I said the wrong thing. I still didn't find her THAT intimidating.

She tried walking away but I stopped her by the wrist. I know she didn't want pity but I felt so bad. what with the bank trying to take their house from them and now this? I wouldn't know what to do. And I defiantly didn't know what to say. So I did the thing I'm good at. Hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me for only a second. She hated being touched but when she returned the hug for a second I knew I could help her get Seb off her back.

"Why didn't you just say something?"

"April would of been angry that I'd submitted to him easily." she sighed.

" can I help?"

"You like this Eddie guy, so stay away from Seb."

"What about you?! I can't just watch him do that!" I shrieked.

"Getting Zachy to beat him up doesn't work any better." Mimi smirked.

"I'll take care of this Mimi. YOU need to focus getting into a good collage and spending more time with Zachy. Speak of the devil here he comes." I smiled.

"Wha-WHAT! Do I look ya know...good?" Mimi frantically tried to flatten out her hair.

I laughed and pushed her to her cute boyfriend Zachy Grants. He dropped out of school, but came back a year later. Mimi told me that she always thought he was cute but when he came back he was really hot. She often used the word 'yummy' So about two days ago she finally worked up the courage to talk to him. Well me and April helped but still. Then on that same day they went out to eat pizza. The next day, LOVE BIRDS! So as you can see, Mimi is very happy. I laughed as he put his arm around her and she blushed a bit. They started talking about him joining some band. Moving on I hurried off to my math class. Seb and I need to have a talk. A long chat where by the end of the day he'll leave me alone or I'm getting April to do some castration.

When I entered the room I took my usual seat in the back. I saw Seb turn around and give me that look. It says, I'm oh so sexy and I'll have you. Uhg...well if I'm gonna do it I'm doing it now. I ripped out a paper and scribbled some words down and tossed it at him. His eyes widened like saucers as he licked his lips. He looked back over to him and gave him my fake half smile. he took out his own pen a scribbled back a reply.

Seb. I really have thought about how Mimi convinced me you're not that bad of a guy. I never knew Eddie did all those mean things to you. I feel so bad now. I was wondering if you'd meet me after school by the bleachers. We really need to talk.

Well, Rory. I'm shocked. Shocked that you want to meet me and shocked that you never knew what the real Eddie was like. I'll be there after school and I can't wait for us to talk. ;]

I almost puked. He actually bought that. I threw the paper ball behind me and fake smiled at him again. He winked and turned back around. After the whole class period of glaring at Seb's striped polo back I wanted to smack him so hard. I honestly never knew anyone to be more heartless than Laura. When the bell rang Seb stepped over to me and helped me out of my seat and walked me to my locker. I thanked him and gave him a nice peck on the cheek, while he tried grabbing my ass...but I gently told him not in public. After Seb left I wanted to go jump to get to gym early so I could shower...I felt disgusting. Little did I know that someone saw that and ran off to get Eddie.

I went to gym and changed, deciding to try and see if Jake would talk to me I saw him run up to me. Smiling like crazy! I listened to him when he told me the only reason he was being a royal pain was because he needed to make varsity and since he did he didn't have to hang with those guys anymore. I pretended to believe him while I really knew that he was forever changed. So we teamed up for soccer and headed outside. Everyone did such a nice job the Mr. Wallerskie told us we were allowed to leave 10 minuets early to shower. As I scrubbed myself clean from Seb's horrid touch I knew I had to ask someone for help. My plan wouldn't work without it. Anthony would be to stupid. I couldn't trust Jake. I didn't want to drag Mimi or April in this either. I defiantly had to leave Eddie out so my perfect solution was Steph. I'd talk to her about it at lunch away from everyone else. When I dressed back in my clothes I rushed to the cafeteria in hopes that Steph was already there. She and Anthony were talking and as I came up Anthony glared at me. Like a burn in hell glare too. Steph looked disappointed. I couldn't believe it. What did I even do?

"What's with the looks you guys?" I laughed nervously.

"LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW! Wait 'till Eddie finds out. I KNEW you were manipulative and controlling." Anthony barked.

" could you. Eddie is going to be crushed. I thought we were friends." Steph whispered.

"Guys...I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What who's talking about?" Eddie came up and smiled behind me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know...they wont tell me." I whispered.

"EDDIE! EDDIE! I know you guys aren't official or anything and it was prolly a misunderstanding but Cory told me that Tim told him that Shelby told him that Cathy told her that Kat told her that Steph told her that Anthony told her, he saw Rory...kissing...*gulp* Seb." April nervously rushed out. much for it being secretive. Wonderful. No wonder Anthony looks like he hates me. He saw what I did after math. With...Seb.

"What!" Eddie whirled around to me.

"No no, it wasn't like that." I tried to rush out.

"BULL! RORY YOU LIKED IT!" Anthony shouted.

"SHUT UP! NO!" I tried to get out.

"It isn't true...right Rory." April whispered.

Jake came in time to be caught in the middle if this. Mimi and Zachy came too. They looked at us all yelling and screaming. Eddie looked hurt and like he just got stabbed in the back. While April was trying not to cry and Steph was shaking her head back and forth. Anthony all red in the face wasn't helping and I wanted to crawl under a rock.

"YOU GUYS! LISTEN TO ME!" I shouted.

"Why! lied to us Rory." Eddie hissed out. Oh if looks could kill I'd be dead.

"Eddie no, See I kissed him on the cheek to see if-" I was interrupted.

"WHOA! You kissed SEB? That's low Rory." Jake glared.



I was frozen. What did he just say. I saw everyone turn to him and he just tried to steady his breathing. His eyes showed that he meant every word. My mouth was gaping and I probably looked like a fish. But I couldn't believe he really thought of me like that. I heard Jake scoff and saw Mimi with her hands over her mouth. With one last glance at everyone around me. I left. Storming out of that place where I thought I had friends. Knowing that this had to come. I was never able to get friends and it'll always be that way.

I'll do this on my own. I don't need them. They'd probably just screw it up anyway! I heard my name being called out but I kept my pace. My head was pounding and I needed air. I still couldn't believe it. All of them. April, Steph, Anthony, EDDIE! They all just actually thought I was a heartless whore. I know Mimi will be grateful but after today I don't think it'll matter. I just lost the only friends I had. I felt a hot sensation clench my throat. The tears burned my eyes and I let them fall. I didn't care who'd see. I wanted to leave and just go home but I had to carry out my promise. I brought this on so I had to finish it. All of a sudden I stopped in my tracks. When I got to meant Seb...I had no clue what I was going to do. What was my next step. I was screwed.

I kicked the nearest locker to me and it popped open. Out came a picture floating out of the neat polished locker. I think God loves me because this was the answer to my Sebastian Problem. I think Sebastian wont bother this school for a long, long time. Skipping to the computer lab I scanned the picture and made sure to hide plenty of copies in my locker. I only stuffed one in my pocket for after school.

------------------------------Eddie's P.O.V.---------------------------------------------------

Our lunch room was quiet. Dead silent as we all sat back down. April sniffled and leaned her head on Mimi. Zachy rubbed Mimi's hand in his trying to get her out of the shock. Jake had his jaw tight as he rubbed Steph's back. Her face was in her hands. I wanted to go throw myself off the roof. My heart...was being ripped apart one piece at a time. She lied. All this time when she said she liked was an act. She pretended to hate Seb, befriend all of us and now...I punch my fist on the table causing everyone to jump. Although I saw Mimi's pissed off face. Her glare was directed at Anthony. In fact, if Zachy wasn't holding on to her hand she might of tackled him already.

" bastard!" Mimi shouted to Anthony.

"What? What I do?" Anthony scoffed.

"I can't believe...all of you just...YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE RORY WOULD DO THAT?!" Mimi screamed.

"I met her a week ago and I know for a fact that she'd never betray a friend. Zachy doesn't know her to well so I'm not furious with him but you guys." She scoffed.

"I didn't WANT to believe it Mimi...I-I...I know Rory wouldn't do that." April pleaded with her sister.

"She admitted it though." Jake sighed.

"Yeah...on the cheek you dumb shit." Zachy whispered.

"What? you want to go tough guy?"

"Come on. Lets see what you can do you grass fairy."

"At least I can pass high school the first time!" Jake hissed.

"NO WAY! YOU DID NOT SAY THAT JAKE!" Steph screeched. "Mimi, Zachy I- I'm so sorry. Jake doesn't know." Steph tried to explain.

I saw Zachy burn Jake to a crisp. Mimi looked ready to kill. Obviously it's a touchy subject. I sighed and saw that April was still crying. Anthony was just slouched glaring at the floor. I was so tired of everyone screaming. My head was pounding and my heart ached. I just wanted everyone to calm down so we can explain this rationally.

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU! ZACHY, MIMI, CALM DOWN! Jake doesn't watch what he says sometimes. I'm sorry he said that it must be a touchy subject. But-"

"No Eddie. YOU shut up. First off none of you know about Zachy like I do and second...I can't believe you doubted her Eddie. April's and my dad works for Seb's dad. He came up to me one day saying that if I didn't help him try to get Rory then he'd be telling his dad to fire ours. So I did. Rory being smart and caring offered to help me and told me not to worry. She new that if our dad got fired we'd lose the house. So obviously it was part of her plan." Mimi explained glaring at all of us.

She took Zachy's hand and walked away trying to calm him down. We all were staring at our feet. No one said anything for a while. It was a trick...part of a plan. I said all those nasty things to her. What have I done? Collapsing in my chair I put my head in my hands. Jake sat down and Anthony straightened up. April wiped her tears away smiling and Steph kept shaking her head.

"I knew it wasn't true. I should of never listened to that stupid rumor." April stifled a choked laugh.

"We really screwed up guys. After school we need to find Rory and beg for her forgiveness back." Steph sighed.

"I...can't...what have I done?" I mumbled.

"You didn't call her a whore...I did." Anthony mumbled as well.

"Tch, this is crap." Jake glared. "Why didn't she just tell me in P.E.?"

"She didn't trust you. I don't blame her though." April spoke up.

Before everyone got in a fight on how Jake has been acting I pulled April and Steph away to leave. I really couldn't be with any of my 'best friends' right now. After we left I turned to Steph and asked if she could explain the whole Zachy situation. She was hesitant at first but after we promised not to let Mimi know she spilled.

Apparently Zachy's dad was abusive to him, his brother and mom. So one day he got a call in school saying that their mom was found dead. She had multiple bruises and cuts on her body. When Zachy arrived home he knew that his dad had done this. He came up with a fake alibi of where he was at the time of her death. Furious Zachy grabbed his brother and sent him to their aunts house down in Pittsburgh while he dealt with quitting school and scraping money to get his brother there. When he knew his dear brother was safe Zachy did what he felt was revenge. Three days later Zachy was arrested for killing his dad. Since he was 18 he went to a real jail and had to wait 9 months for a trial. Because of his brother that heard about it on the news, he flew down to support Zachy. After about a year Zachy was released on probation. The jury was convinced it was only a sign of defense. That's why he decided to go back to school to finish and get a diploma.

I was shocked. How could someone's own parent do that. And Mimi got a lot more respect in my eyes. In love with a Jake was way out of line for what he said. Steph snapped us out of our trance as the bell rang. We all headed to our lockers so we could get to class. I knew Rory wouldn't talk to me in English...maybe April can talk to her in French. I shook my head and hurried off to History. Hoping and praying that Rory would forgive me.

---------------------------------------April's P.O.V--------------------------------------------

I raced to my locker in hopes of finding Rory there. Just my luck I found her. She was kicking her locker because it wouldn't open again. I walked over to her quietly and saw her look at me. Her eyes were red but she looked perfectly content. I bowed my head in shame and didn't look at her until I saw her open her locker.

"Rory....does this mean we can't go to the concert together next week? I bought the tickets already's be wasteful to bring someone else since you paid for half." I whispered.

I saw her look me straight in the eyes and drop her notebook. Bending over to give it to her I half smiled. She kept looking at me for any signs of a trick. Doubt clouded her eyes and I guess I couldn't blame her. All of a sudden I threw my arms around her neck and saw her stiffen.

"Th-thank you Rory so much. I'm so so sorry for doubting you. It's just...Seb...Anthony was so riled up. And we..." I couldn't go on. I buried my head on her shoulder and cried as she patted my back.

"Listen April...I guess you guys aren't at complete fault...I did kiss him on the cheek but...what you guys said to me...Anthony and Jake...even Eddie."

"It was wrong! We all feel so bad. Please please....give us another chance!" I pleaded.

When I looked up at Rory's silence I saw Seb coming. I quickly made it look like she pushed me away.

"What do you mean you wont give us another chance?" I screamed.

"April... I-" Rory looked at the approaching Seb and saw me wink at her.

"Rory...we're sorry! Just please-"

"NO APRIL! I like Seb a lot. And for once someone likes me too. WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS BE HAPPY FOR ME!" Rory fake screamed and slammed her locker shut. She ran to Sebastian and he walked her to class. Before she left. I found a piece of paper by my foot.

April...thanks for believing me. I have a plan worked out. After school make sure no one tries to talk to me. I need to do this alone so it's more convincing. I'll call you if I have trouble. Uhmm, tell Eddie that I expect him to pick me up tomorrow at 6:30 sharp. Call you later tonight. Love ya!
P.S.- Doesn't Sebastian look great? ;)

I looked down after that last sentence and almost fell on the floor trying to contain my laughter. On the piece of paper was Sebastian half naked with his pants undone sucking face with another boy in the same position except that he had an unbuttoned shirt on still. Sebastian looked much better showing his true colors. It really looked like he loved this boy. I went to the computer lab to do some research. The other boy looked very familiar. So I was using my study hall time wisely. Looking at the online year book he graduated last year. George Brimmings. I began looking more into it and was flabbergasted at what I found out. Everyone was going to flip at what I have to tell them. In French I better give Rory this information. With a sly grin I printed out my magical paper and skipped off to get ready for French.
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