Status: Complete

Mistaken Love



"Eddie...Eddie? Geez, you sleep like a log...EDDIE!!!"

"GAHHH!" He sat up and yelled.

"Mornin' Eddie!" I smiled.

"You...why- WHAT TIME IS IT!?" He yawned and rubbed his eyes.


"You woke me up so early..."

"Well, it IS camp. We need to go to breakfast! Everyone else left but I wanted to make sure you got up before the activities started because if you weren't there then I'd be sad because you're my bestest friend ever so-" Eddie's hand pressed against my mouth. I stopped talking and smiled against his warm hand.

"You talk to much..."

"No...not really. I guess I'm happy I finally made a friend..."

"You don't have friends?" Eddie asked and cocked his head to the side, "Why?"

"We better go. I don't want to miss the activites." I sighed and shot him a small smile while I began to dig around in his bag.

I threw throwing him an orange shirt and jean shorts. I was tieing my red converse when he was slipping his black ones on. When we both were done we ran outside only to be drenched. It was raining! Before either of us could run back in for jackets a tall girl with platinum blond hair in long pig tails walks up in blue jeans and a bright yellow tanktop with a blue jacket. She was staring at us and sighed.

"Edward James?" She asked.

"Yeah?" He stepped forward.

"C'mon, we need to talk to you." Eddie gulped and grasped my hand as he followed the lady.

I'm worried. My first friend ever...and he might have to leave. This sucks! The lady lead us to a bigger cabin near the lunch room. As we walked through we found a girl at the front desk with black hair in braids. She looked up and sighed heavily. I bit my lip as Eddie went over to her and sat down.

"Hello Edward. I'm Tia and that's my friend Tory." Tia said and pointed to the pig tailed lady. "Do you know why you're here?"

"Am I going home?" he asked and put his head down to stare at the floor.

"WHAT?!" Both adults looked at me as if I'd grown another head, "Why does he have to leave? Eddie's my bestest friend!"

"Quiet down." the blond scolded me.

"Now Edward, your dad says that he's on a trip and you can't go home. Is that true?" Tia frowned.

"Well, I dunno about the business part but him being in Europe is."

"I see...Tory can you hand me Edwards folder?"

"Yeah yeah, here." She sighed and tossed a manilla envelope on her desk.

"Edward it seems you get into trouble a lot." Tia said narrowing her eyes, "Maybe I should send you home, violence is not tolerated."

"NO! I can't leave. She needs me here!" Eddie shouted and turned to lok at me. "Rory is my friend and she doesn't have anyone else! I mean she's kinds shy around others so you see she needs me here!"

Tia gave a witsful smile and placced her chin in her hand. Tory snorted and started laughing really loudly. I shuffled my feet and watched Eddie's eyes grow darker.

"I'm not going!"

"Eddie, you're at an all girl's camp-"

"SO? What's your point? My mommy says it's not nice to be sexist!" I suddenly shouted.

"Little girl, you don't even know what-"

"IT MEANS: A person who discriminates based on gender."

"Kid, we can't just-"

"IF YOU MAKE EDDIE LEAVE I'LL NEVER EVER EVER TALK TO ANYONE AGAIN! Do you want to be responsible for that?" I screamed and ran up to Eddie and grabbed his hand.

Tory sighed loudly and tossed her head back. She mumbled 'whatever' and walked outside. I smiled and Eddie laughed. Tia winked and shooed us out of the office. Whe we stepped out into the sun Eddie and I gasped. There was a rainbow ocverhead and streatched on for miles. Eddie pulled me into a quick hug and thanked me. I hugged him back and started laughing.

"We're going to go play in the puddles now."

"You'll get muddy."

"I don't care! It'll be an adventure!" I pumped my fist in the air and ran off ahead of him. I turned around and watched as he started running after me.

"How far are we going?" He called.

"Until we reach the end of the rainbow! Duh." I rolled my eyes with a smile.
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