Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

I hate the rain



That's all I've been hearing sense Eddie and I left the hospital. The letter my mom gave to me was clutched in my hand. I had been holding it for a while and realized it was a little too thick to be just a letter...I think Eddie saw it too.

"Hey, why not open it before we see everyone?" Eddie suggested.

"I dunno. My mom said keep it now really the safest or best time too?"

"Rory, she gave it to you. What if it'll help you now?" Eddie once again was one step ahead.

I nodded and gave in. A simple rip and the letter unfolded before me. Four things caught my eye. The first was the actual will. It stated that blah blah blah if I am to die everything I own goes to my daughter Rory Hannah Lynn Ska. Then had both my parent's signatures. Their elegant script was always my favorite...until Eddie came along.

The next was a tiny black and white photo of my papa, mama and I in front of a giant lit up ferris wheel! I had a caramel apple in my hand while being hoisted in the air by papa...with one arm. The other was around mama while she held my giant stuffed rainbow unicorn. The crab clutch on my throat began... My third surprise was a note...the two handwritings that occupied it proved that they were from my mama and...papa!?

Dear Rory,
Sweet pea! How are you honey? I bet you've grown to be a beautiful woman by the time you read this for if you are you must know I'm dead. But please don't cry I just want you to remember good times and keep on smiling so I have something to look at while I'm in Heaven. Anyway I'm assuming you have a steady job and living a pretty normal life...if so you just won the lottery...twice! But if you are still young when you're reading this then the gift you're about to receive will stabilize you for the rest of your life... I don't want to worry about you honey so this, everything you're mother and I are doing is for you.
Love you lots, Papa.

Dear Rory,
Hey baby, goodness your father can talk a lot! I think he made the ink on that pen run out. Anyway, as you know I'm dead too if you're reading this. Your father and I decided to do this so that you'd be alright if we had to leave. What I want you to do is get to a bank first chance you get. Ask for the um...head bank person, hah sorry dear. I don't know what they're called. Tell them that you're Hannah Dawn Lynn and they should give you an envelope. I wont lie..there will be tons of money in it...and you'll be tempted to go spend it. But I want you to go to a different bank then and deposit a good 75% of it for collage or something important under your name. Please make the right choices baby.
Love you, Mama

I stared at the letters in hand and cried. I felt Eddie pull the car to a stop and saw we were in the driveway. He pulled my close to his chest and let me cry into the crook of his shoulder. Before I knew it a loud BANG made me jump up. I looked outside and saw it was raining. Perfect. We got out and ran to my door and opened it to find six people in my house. Mimi and Zacky. Emma and Shaun. April and Anthony. They were all sitting in my living room furniture. Waiting for us.

"Hey guys..." I said shakily.

"Rory...we're so sorry. Can we do anything?" April asked coming over and hugging me.

"Help me grab some stuff then we can all hit the road before Eddie and Emma's parents come home..." I said and headed upstairs.

We went upstairs and I stuffed some shirts and jeans and make-up, iPod + charger, cell phone charger, toothbrush/paste, and some books. I knew I'd be back here one day so I didn't really worry. I'd just have to lock up. We went back down and everyone headed for a turquoise van I never saw before...

It was parked in Eddie's driveway and looked huge. We all through our stuff in the very back. Shaun was driving sense it was his van apparently... and Emma called shot gun. Mimi, Zacky and Eddie got back seat while I was with April and Anthony in the middle. The engine started and the rain fell harder.

"Guys..maybe we should do this tomorrow...the storm looks pretty bad." Emma said looking at the sky."

"Rory needs to get to some start driving to one Shaun...please." Eddie said as nicely as he could.

"Sure thing. Point me in the right direction and we're off!" He said a bit too happy.

We pulled out and the road flew by. The next 15 minuets blurred by me. We got to a bank and I went in and did what my mom had told me. The envelope was...just wow. Full of money. 10,000,000,000 to be exact. I kept it in my purse and walked back to the waiting van.

"Lets wait until we're out of state before I deposit it alright everyone? I feel safer that way." I said.

"Of course, anyone would. Especially with some psycho dads looking for us..." Mimi said looking around skeptically.

Shaun started the van again and we were on the road again. Emma turned on the tunes and we both smiled at the song that was playing. Just to fit the mood I gave a soft little laugh.

She crashed like an atom bomb
And said, "We can't live forever
One day I'll see you around
I dreamed that we disappeared
So I just gotta do it
So no one can touch me now"

I felt my phone vibrate and found a text from Eddie.

You alright? =[

I'm fine...

Really? You don't seem like it.

My mom did just die...but besides that I guess I'm just a little scared... =\

I wont let anything happen to you. I swear I'll protect you.

I'm more worried about is yourdad technically that is after us...

He doesn't scare me. This storm kind of does though... >.>

I know what you mean. I hope Shaun is a good driver... <.<

It's raining all the time
It's raining all the time
It's raining all the time
I'll need you by my side
When I leave it all behind
It's raining all the time mean a lot to me you know that right?

Of course Eddie, and you mean the world to me. Always have always will. =D

Glad to hear the next stop I have something to tell you. =]

I can't wait! =)

I closed my phone and smiled back at Eddie. He always seemed to bring my mood up a little...and now I can't wait for the next rest stop.

"Hey Rory, you ready for this!" Emma said cranking up the volume.

"You bet!" I smiled. This was our favorite part of the song because we got to sing/scream it obnoxiously!

"She said: I hate the rain
But here it comes again
She said: I hate the rain
But here it comes again

I hate the rain
Here it comes again
I hate the rain
Here it comes again"

Everyone was laughing and seemed to be alright. The way everyone's mood felt now was more like a road trip instead of on the run and I was starting to have fun. My mom would want to watch me have fun, not mope around...I can mourn properly in the future. Things were supposed to be alright now. but we all never expected what happened next. Shaun had both eyes glued to the road. But when Emma pecked him on the cheek for two seconds and he turned to smile at her...


We were hit! I don't know what had happened and I didn't know who was hurt! But before everything blurred and became dark I remember two images being burned in my memory forever...Eddie being thrown from the car somehow. Then a car stopped and I saw through the windows, Mr. Roth driving, Mr. Randolph in the passengers seat, and Eddie's real dad in the back crying.

There's something in my head
I can't get off my mind since you've been gone it's raining all the time...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the short filler/cliffy =|