Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

Truth be told


"We can rest here Rory. I need to talk to you about stuff." Eddie smiled pained.

"Eddie are you sure? You're still pretty injured." I said gently.

"How about you sit down here with me and I'll talk." he winced and patted the ground.

"Eddie...please I really want to talk but don't push yourself." I pleaded with him while sitting down.

I looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes. It was hard for him to walk around let alone sit on the rough ground. Now normally Eddie isn't as delicate as a princess but his injuries are still new and fresh. He was thrown from a car! And yet, I thank everyone above me that he's alive. His bruises would heal...and that scar on his face isn't so bad. I'd barley notice it anyway, I'm already too distracted by his eyes...

"Rory...we met when we were both still so small. So naive to the world. We thought everything was about adventures and thistles."

"I still have them. You're thistles. They're pressed into a flower book." I smiled at me feet.

"And the bracelet.." Eddie pointed as I twirled my wrist around to look at it.

"I've always loved it." I smiled.

"Good...and while we're on topic of certain emotions I feel I just need to get this off my chest in case something goes wrong." he breathed out.

"Eddie don't say things like that. We're gonna be fine." I sighed at his optimism.

He looked up at me with hard eyes. It was far off and distant. He turned to look at me fully and sighed.

"I know one of them had a gun Rory. What if they had decided to use it in the hospital. You could of died. the crash could of killed you! You and me! We, all of us! We're so delicate and those men don't care!" Eddie growled.

"Eddie...the seat belt you were in was tampered with. They new even before we did that we were gonna run. They calculated that I would of sat there by the window. But sense you got in first it was you..." I gulped feeling my throat close.

"That's my point!" he said with even more fierceness, "What if it was you who flew threw the air and hit a fucking tree?! I got lucky...but're so much smaller...thinner. It could of snapped your spine in two!" he roared.

I gulped at the fire in his eyes. I hadn't imagined what would of happened to me. I didn't think it be that bad considering he survived. Was he calling me weak? I didn't like that, I could of just as easily survived as him...maybe

"Eddie...the point is you sat there...the point is you got hurt." i said pointing at him, "I could of survived it too ya know..."

"Maybe. Maybe not. The point is I couldn't bare to think of you in the kind of pain I was in." he softened his voice, "I remember being hit and then being jolted forward. I threw my hands up to protect my face and heard the glass shatter. Then as I was flying through the air I saw your face. The look of pure horror...I never want to see that look again."

"Eddie, I-"

"No, let me finish. See when I hit something solid I didn't know it was a tree at first. I also saw before I lost consciousness that if I had landed just a few more feet left I could of had a broken neck. I tried to stay awake. I wanted to make sure you were alright! It just hurt so much, the pain was terrible! Plus it was really dark. Not peaceful and calm, eerie and lonely. I wanted out. So I kept wondering and searching. An annoying beeping sound kept me from falling asleep. I was so sleepy but I kept searching. I was always thinking of you. I still am." he swallowed and looked at me with a small smile.

"Then I heard you. You were calling to me. My first thought was that you were alive! but then you called louder. More panicked and scared. So I ran faster. All of a sudden I was falling. I could see the bottom because of a small pinprick of light. I almost reached it when I was jolted awake." he finished.

" sounds frightening. I'm sorry it had to be like that. I was hoping you were having peaceful dreams, but it looks like it was the opposite." I sighed defeated.

"It wasn't all bad...I got to re-think some things. Some that I'm still sure on and others I'm now nervous about."

He was looking at me again, his intense gaze saw through me. I felt my face heat up and just met his stare head on. I suppose I was also trying to find something too. All I saw were clouded eyes that looked tired.

"Come on Eddie lets head back so you can rest." I smiled and started to get up.

"No, wait. Rory...stay." he said looking sad, "Don't you want to hear what I have to say...don't you want to talk to me?"

"Eddie. Of course I do. I always want to. But I'm just really worried about you. I don't want something bad to happen to you like Anthony..." I sniffled and placed my face in my hands, "It sucks! I know he didn't always treat people, especially April with all the respect that they deserved but he meant well. I don't want to loose anyone else! My papa, mama, Anthony. I just can't take it anymore." I cried.

I felt him crawl forward. He slid me over onto his lap and held me there. He winced as I turned to face him and knew that I had to keep still becasue he was still hurt. Them, those monsters did this.

"Rory. I know it hurts. I loved him like a brother. Now he's gone. Can you imagine what Jake will say?! I have to tell my best friend his cousin and my other best friend is dead!" he pulled me tighter.

"Eddie...I want this to stop. I don't want to run...I just want to be normal." I groaned.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of dragged you into this. Emma, Shaun and I could of just ran when we had the chance."

"No. I want to be with you..." I whispered.

"Do you really mean that have no idea how happy that would make me if your words were true." he said staring intently leaning closer.

"I do Eddie. I'll always want to be with you...because you see I-"

I've always hated when he cuts me off with a kiss. But this was so much better. He whirled me around and pressed me up against a tree. We were both on our knees as he pushed my back harder against the trunk and captured my lips in a gripping kiss. I gasped, this kind of passion in Eddie was not something I was used to. Overwhelmed, my eyelids fluttered shut and I held onto him as if my life depended on it. And in a way it kind of did.

I could feel the grin spread across Eddie's cruel lips. He had complete control of the kiss, moving to lick and kiss at my lower lip. I gasped and he chuckled. Pulling away I saw that he too was panting hard. My face was red and I could see light pink in Eddie's face. But all he did was caress the side of my face. He leaned forward again and began placing light butterfly kisses along my jaw and neck.

"Rory..." he choked out huskily.

"Mhm, I answered breathless.

"I love you. I knew I had started falling for you when I was nine...and now I can finally say it. I. Love. You.

"Eddie..." I gasped, "Eddie I- I lo-" I paused gulping and looking right at him.

"I LOVE YOU!" I shouted smiling and lunging forward at him in a hug.

I pressed my face against his shoulder as we rolled on the ground. He held me close and didn't wince at all at the pain I knew that had caused him.

"Sorry." I half giggled.

"Rory...we're gonna make it through this."

"Oh I know we are." I glared at the ground, "We need to contact my Great Uncle..the skydiver I told you about."


"He has a cabin up near Michigan. See the last time I spoke to Mr. Roth and Mr. Randolph I lied and tried to make it sound like I had some great plan. But really all I have left is that bum. He really isn't even related to me by blood. But they won't find us there." I sighed.

"Do you really think that?" he asked laying me down with him on the ground. His arm as my pillow.

"He may be a bum, but he has a good heart. He'll help us." I smiled and snuggled into him more.

"Lets rest here...they can come get us when they want to leave." Eddie laughed and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Listen matter what, trust my decisions alright?" I shuttered at what I had to do. "Remember that I will always love you forever and ever."

"Of course...but why are you hiding this from me? You're big master plan." he said staring at my eyes again.

"It's better...and it'll be more realistic. I'll only have to do it if they catch up to us again. So lets rest for a little while...becasue hopefully they got lost..." I yawned.

"Sleep Rory. I'll be here." he yawned a little too.

I fell into Eddie's embrace. He was my everything. He loves me, loves. I couldn't believe it and I couldn't be happier. Once this was all over, we'd all be free again. I'd drag Jake to Stephanie. I'd wish Sebastian and Georgie my best of wishes. I give flowers to Anthony's grave every Sunday. I'd be with my friends all the time. And I'd be with my boyfriend Eddie. Forever.

"Eddie..." I whispered.

"Mhm." he answered drowsily.

"What we are all doing is not a mistake." I smiled at his small nod. The we both just let dreams of our future guide us to where we want to be.
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I didn't read through it...I'll go fix it later so I'm sorry for typo's and things like that. I'm sure Miranda will point them out to

