Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

Let Angel's Lay


Run my mind screamed at me as "Bert" launched himself up the stairs. I scrambled to my feet and took off down the hall. My throat was dry as I crashed into Mimi' and Zacky's door. A disheveled Zacky opened the door with a yawn.

"Rory it's like one in the-"

"Get Mimi! We have to leave now!" I gasped for air and turned away to throw open the other door where everyone else was located. I tripped over Shaun right away and he woke up instantly which caused Emma to groan in annoyance. Her noise woke up Ben, who gently shook April awake. "Eddie!" I screamed. His eyes shot open with fear. That's when a loud very girlish scream rang through the halls.

"Mimi" we all whispered. Everyone shot out of the room into the hallway and saw Bert's fat hand clenched onto Mimi's wrist. Zacky was shoved against the wall with his neck being squeezed by Bert's other hand. I gasped and stepped forward only to freeze when April stepped forward.

"Let go of my sister!" she screamed and ran at him. Bert laughed as April slammed into him, almost bouncing back. The slight movement had caused his hand to loosen around Zacky. Just what he needed. Zacky growled something fierce and kicked Bert in the gut making him stumble toward the other wall. Mimi saw her opportunity and sank her teeth into Bert's wrist causing him to let go of her. His anger flared up though and as he let her go he took a last minute switch and flung her toward the stairs. We all saw Mimi teeter on the step catching herself on the railing, but we all knew Bert wasn't done yet. he advanced toward April and picked her up by her collar. Before Bert could touch her Zacky clipped his shoulder with a roundhouse kick and Bert released April.

Unfortunately, it was also toward the stairs. The small impact sent both sisters over the edge causing them to fall down the stairs. We all stared in horror at their still forms, tangled at the bottom of the stars. Zacky gasped and raced toward the stair only to be lifted and swung backwards.

"No! Mimi!" he yelled as Bert punched him in the stomach knocking the air out of him. Falling to his knees Zacky turned towards us and gasped for air. Emma grabbed Shaun and gulped. Ben's hands were twitching in nervousness seeing at what Bert pulled from against the wall. I held Eddie's fist in my hands and stared as Bert cocked the gun.

"She's pregnant you bastard." Emma snarled.

"April's lost so much better hope she doesn't loose anyone else." Ben seethed.

I wanted to say something, anything, but my voice was gone. Caught in my throat with fear. Zacky was kneeling and wheezing while Bert held a gun to his back. With a sick smile he motioned for me to come over. I took a hesitant step forward and then another until I was face to face with Bert.

"Tell your friends to cooperate. If you all go back to sleep this'll be over sooner. When all of you go back to your rooms I'll let this one," he nudged Zacky with his boot, "pick up the girls down there and sleep."

I was silent with fear. My eyes were everywhere but his face. She landed on Eddie's who's eyes looked fearful then to Zacky's who's eyes looked dead. I suddenly saw red and I was pissed.

"No! Never! We're gonna get Mimi and April, walk outside, and leave." I growled.

"You tell him Rory." Zacky wheezed.

"Excuse me?" Bert smiled.

"You heard me you lumberjack! We're leaving." I stomped my foot and extended my hand to Zacky. As he reached for it I felt something whack my head. Hard. A sudden pain blasted through my head and my vision got blurry. Before I knew what happened, I'm pretty sure I fainted once again. Though in this case it's safe to say I was knocked out cold.

-------------------------Eddie's P.O.V.--------------------------------

"RORY!" I shouted as she dropped to the floor by Bert's feet. I gasped as he aimed the trigger for her head and something inside me screamed.

"DON'T! WE'LL LISTEN!" I found myself stepping forward. "I swear we'll behave. How about we all go to the living room where you can keep a close eye on us. Please." I begged. It was degrading, but we needed to survive. Luckily Bert agreed and waited for us to pass by. I picked Rory up and carried her down after Ben and Zacky. They untangled the sisters and picked them up. Shaun was in back pushing Emma forward as the gun pressed into his back.

Zacky placed Mimi on the couch and laid his head under her breast line while kneeling on the floor. Shaun and Emma moved to the recliner and sat still. I placed Rory on the other couch sat on the armrest near her head. Bed had simply placed April's head on his lap as he sat against the coffee table. Bert smiled and circled us once.


"Yes." we all mumbled.

A quiet sniffle sounded like thunder inside the quiet room. We all tried not to look toward Zacky but we knew. Bert found some sick pleasure and relished in his win. Conner suddenly walked into the room with two ice packs and one heating pad. The ice was placed on Rory and April's unconscious forms while the heating pad was placed on Zacky's lap.

"What's this for?" he asked dryly.

"If she isn't bleeding...the baby should be alright." Conner told him gently.

"It isn't even a month old could it possibly be alright?" Zacky said with sharpness.

"C-can we find out?" a groggily April said sitting up gently holding the ice to her head.

"April, try to be still, are you hurt anywhere?" Ben said softly.

"Ben, I need to know if my sister and her baby are alright." she told him sitting up straighter, "So can we find out? Ya know if..." April trailed off.

"Of course." Conner smiled.

"Hey. I don't trust the kid and her alone in a room. It could be a secret plan." Bert grumbled while pointing the gun toward us.

"Zacky, would you feel more comfortable if I look or Ben? Even April could tell if we told her what to look for."

Zacky turned toward April and shook his head seeing a large bump upon her head and bruises on her arms. He turned to Conner and managed a small sneer. "Like I'd trust a kooky old man." Conner laughed and patted him on the back. Zacky sighed and looked at Ben.

"What do you say Doctor?"

"I'd say I know this is gonna be awkward, but I'll be happy to do it. You look like a zombie." Ben picked up Mimi as gently as he could, even with Zacky's eyes boring into him. As they walked toward the kitchen April sat up and glared at Bert.

"Have a nice rest babe?" Bert smirked.

"My sister better be fine." April snarled.

"Oh she is."

"You mother fu-"

"April!" I hissed, "Calm down. We're all worried about her...but yelling at the guy with the gun isn't the best move for any of us."

"You're smart kid. Just like your father said."

"He isn't my father anymore. My only family is here." I said.

"When is my father coming?" Emma asked.

"He should arrive at noon." Bert smiled.

A few minutes of silence passed by when we all heard groaning from the kitchen. Zacky's head shot up just as a voice yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" SMACK!! Zacky got to his feet ready to run into the kitchen when a sudden BANG rang through the house. Ber had shot the wall right by Zacky's head.

"Stay put boy." Bert growled.

Just then Mimi and Ben ran into the living room to see what happened. When Mimi laid her eyes on Zacky she ran and hugged him. He clung onto her as he lowered them to their knees. I blushed and looked away seeing him lean in and capture her mouth with his own. Ben coughed and sat down by April. We all saw the red print on his face.

"Sorry." April whispered.

"Good news everyone. The baby should be alright. There was no blood and all seems well. Of course...her head has one nasty bump." Ben explained.

The happy couple came back over and sat on the couch with Ben and April. The sisters exchanged a look and held hands smiling at one another. I'd assume it was one of those sister, girl vibes. Bert however looked anything but amused. He reloaded his gun and held it ready.

I knew this calmness wouldn't last for long. I looked over and saw Conner dabbing Rory's face with a cloth as she rested. If she wasn't frowning I'd almost say she looked peaceful. I looked around the room and noticed that it was getting lighter outside. Nearly 5:30am and the father's would be here at noon. Everyone's head turned to Rory as she mumbled something. Conner got up and a strange emotion passed through his eyes.

"Kyle? Chad? What are you two doing here?" Conner asked the air.

"Oh no." I heard myself whisper.

"This is a bad time to play cards niece isn't feeling well."

Bert cocked his head to the side, "Old man, who're you talking to?"

"Ah, Kyle, Chad, this is Bert." he paused and smiled. "No no Chad, he's an alright fellow." another pause and he frowned. "Kyle...don't be so rude."

We all stared as a few more words escaped his mouth. Conner walked over to the window behind Bert and laughed deeply. I turned toward Rory who began muttering something. "Uncle Connie?"

Conner seemed not to hear for he suddenly grabbed a lamp and smashed it against Bert's face. His eyes got clear again and he stumbled backwards afraid of what he'd done. Hearing the crash Rory fluttered her eyes open and began sitting up. I tried to protect her from what was coming but I knew it'd be too late. Rory's eyes were wide as Bert, stumbling and cursing aimed the gun at Conner and pulled the trigger.

"Uncle Conner!" she screamed as I covered her eyes and held her against my chest. Bert dropped his gun and fell backwards, blood rapidly cascading down his face as glass shards were embedded into his face.

"Everyone, move!" I suddenly yelled picking up Rory and throwing her over my shoulder much to her dismay.

"Uncle Conner! Connie get up!" she screamed as he smiled weakly. "Go." he mouthed and laid his head down holding his right shoulder. Everyone was out of the house in seconds. Ben was already starting the ambulance as I dialed the police. Emma had graciously swiped Bert's cell phone.

"Yes, 12234 Walnut Lane. Thank you." I said and hung up. "He'll be alright'll see."

"Where are we going?" she whispered. Before anyone could answer we all heard a weird whirring noise. Ben looked at the car and cursed.

"Fuck! He cut the brakes."

"What does that mean?" Emma said skeptically.

"It means...we can't stop..." Shaun said quietly as we gained speed down a hill.

"I hope you all know...we're heading for a lake." Rory spoke calmly.

"Shit." I cursed and looked around. "Everyone get in the back. Unlatch the doors and hold on. Right when the front of the car hits water we'll jump." We all braced ourselves for impact. At the very second we lurched forward and heard the splash we all jumped.

I looked around and found everyone breathing and calm, all except for Rory.She was closest to the water and just sat upon her butt where she landed, her face turned toward the sky. Before I could make a step toward her Shaun grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Eddie...we left tracks."

"Dammit. What else will go wrong today?" I asked no one in particular and kicked the gravel beneath my feet.
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=| Enjoy my spider webbed readers. Need more dusting? Or is this punishment?
