Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

Filling in the spaces


Rory went back to Madison, Wisconsin to start 4th grade. She tried to make new friends but no one would talk to her. She was somehow still different then all the other kids. So she went back to her books. Reading more about adventures and people overcoming hardships. Rory started to read about romance too. She couldn't recall the many stories with the name Edward as the hero. And just like they said, she never forgot him. Her Thistles died eventually. But the promise made upon them still bloomed brightly.

Moving on from 4th grade she soon started 5th. Again she attempted to find friends. Failing to do so led her to find out stuff about her. Besides her reading ability, Rory had a talent as a writer. Stories and poems were scattered throughout her notebooks. Stuff that made you cry, smile, laugh, get mad, even scream. She was good and jealousy was floating around her. Not only would people ignore her, Rory now had to deal with bullies.

Again the summer came and she and Eddie reunited. Telling each other of their adventures. Just as soon as it started, summer came to a close. Moving into 6th grade Rory fought hard trying to keep bullies away. Making friends was an impossibility by now. So Rory continued to do as she loved. And found more passions along the way. She could roller blade. You can only guess how her legs look by trying to grind down rails. When Eddie saw them that summer he laughed at her clumsiness. Because of Eddie reminding her that she had a pretty voice she listened to more music. And in music she found another comfort.

She bought herself an iPod just for the purpose of listening to the music she enjoyed. Rory often day dreamed. She liked being in a world where she could read, write, and listen to music without bother. She hoped that someday soon that she'd find friends who'd accept her. So until then she continued to think of Eddie, knowing that he'd like her no matter how she was. So as she moved on from 6th grade to enter Middle School her 7th grade year was torture.

Laura Waller. This evil witch made Rory's year a living hell! Tricking her and playing mean jokes on her. Rory loathed this girl. But the most cruel thing she did to Rory was take one of her favorite books and rip it apart. Then and there Rory started to cry. Either people laughed or they ignored her. Rory got through 7th grade with some spirit left and thinking about this summer brought all the spirit right back. Seeing Eddie was enough to suffer all year.
So as it got closer Rory couldn't wait to see Eddie again. As she filled out her paperwork it said that this is the last year for kids entering 8th grade the fallowing fall. It also stated that there is a dance for those kids who will not be coming back that fallowing summer. Great to add more pressure Rory had to find a dress. She hoped that this summer wouldn't be the last she ever saw of Eddie. Hopefully, they'd see each other again.


Eddie had gone home to Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. to start 5th grade. Anthony and Jake were still his friends but complained that he got more mature. Since they new about the camp they always bothered him to tell them about it. The thing he remember the most was Rory so he often talked about her.

Being boys, his friends laughed at some of the stuff he told them. And Eddie learned that it was best not to mention the kiss he had gotten from her. Jake eventually found out through common sense. Why else would his best friend smile off into the distance. Anthony being stupid never really noticed.

Moving on through the year he quickly went to 6th grade and his painting skills got better. Eddie soon found out that thinking of Rory made him get better ideas for his paintings. He often tried to paint her but couldn't. Realizing he needed her there. Seeing as that was impossible Eddie discovered another talent he had. His dad had bought him a skateboard hoping to rid his son of the annoying painting habit. Sure Eddie rode the board, he even got Jake and Anthony doing it. Jake soon advanced better than him. And a new way to amuse himself was watching Anthony try to skate.

As Eddie soon found out artists had writers block. To help him think Jake and Anthony showed him music. Eddie loved music. It always got him out of a rut. The summer quickly passed again with him and Rory causing trouble and sharing their stories with each other. She still wore the bracelet he had found in the lake and that always seemed to make him smile.

Entering 7th grade Eddie found out that he's hot stuff. Girls were trying to go out with him all the time. Jake and Anthony too! Eventually they had their own fan club. Often Eddie would dream to shoot them all in the head. He never liked annoying people. When a girl would come up to him he'd have to think of Rory just so he didn't yell at them.

Again the summer came and passed and his 8th grade year was just the same. Girls wanting him, painting, and skateboarding with friends. Yeah he thought he'd get through it until he found out that his dad wasn't going to let him go back to that camp unless he got all A's. All year he worked and worked and by the time for the camp his dad was pleased to know that his son got all A+'s. So as Eddie was filling out the paper work his dad reminded him to put himself down a year younger that he really is. Scanning his work to see if he goofed up to let anyone know he was actually going to be a 9th grader a notice at the bottom of the paper jumped out at him! It said there was to be a dance for the kids that wont be returning. Realizing that meant he'd have to pack something nice Eddie trudged up his stairs to his room. Looking in the mirror he saw a picture of Rory. Smiling at the memory that year a thought struck him.

He'd never see her again after this summer. Eddie being furious with that conclusion punched his wall. He was going to see Rory again. He had to. Somehow Eddie James was going to make sure that Rory would see her best friend again. At least he hoped.
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Sorry for the filler =|