Status: Complete

Mistaken Love

I just fell out of a tree


", no, NO!" I screamed.

Waking up in a cold sweat isn't something I do often. Actually this is the first time it's happened in 5 years. It happened once at camp and Eddie was there to comfort me...but no more. And that was my problem! I miss him and every time I think about him my chest feels like it has a hole in it! but when I say Eddies name, HIS image pops up. That weird guy...I met this morning. Either way my dream tonight confused me. I was running. I don't know where I was running to or from but I was running. It was in an aurora filled sky and whale shaped clouds were dancing in every direction! I stopped running and started smiling. I saw a little girl and boy laughing. I realized it was Eddie and I, but then the image changed to us when we were dancing and when he...kissed me.

My lips still tingle when I think about it. Knowing I'd never have that experiance again I was thankful for it lingering in my memories. When we pulled away a huge white arm grasped Eddie by the arm and pulled him away. So fast that it left my ams burning from the sudden warmth snatched away. I was screaming Eddie's name but my voice wouldn't work. And all Eddie did was frown and look away. Then I was alone. The quiet empty feeling fell all around me along with cookies. It looked to be raining cookies and I still looked sad. Then out of the blue, that kid from earlier came into view.

"It's nice to see you again...Rory" he breathed out happily.

He held out his hand for me to take and I just looked at him. Why had he said that anyway? I've never met him before so...I kept my hand firmly against my side. I decided to try my voice out and to my amazement, it worked.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

"'s me Ed-" he started to say sadly.

I wanted him to continue but a new voice broke out. The 14 year old Eddie walked toward me past him. And he looked angry. Looking down at him I smiled a meek pitiful smile. I didn't want him to mad, he looked much better smiling.

"RORY! I can't believe you'd forget me!" He said a bit loudly.

"Eddie...what are you talking about. I remember you just fine! I haven't stopped thinking about you-"

"Right. Then WHY don't you recognize me?" He asked angrily.

I didn't understand...I knew this was him...I stared up at the other boy and he looked like he was about to cry. I wondered what was wrong with him and before I could ask, a giant snake slithered behind him. Not just any snake though. Eddie's snake, Orochi...maru? Yeah Orochimaru except GIANT! He licked it's lips and swallowed the now crying boy. My jaw dropped and I felt tears prick my eyes. Eddie just sneered at me...he laughed bitterly and said,

"Serves you right for not remembering..."

And then he was gone too. Into the belly of Orochimaru, grinning maliciously. I let my tears fall freely then. My best friend just got eaten and he said it was MY fault. That's where I started to scream. I was certain my mom wouldn't here me...seeing as she sleeps through an earthquake. Glancing down at my shaking hands I slipped on a black pull over that read 'I'm among mad people' and climbed out my window and onto the roof. Staring at the tiny crescent moon I began to wonder what my dream meant.

I was sure the last part meant I'd lose him if I couldn't remember. But remember what? It was 20 minuets and a headache later that I gave up. I had to think about his when I was fully awake and now wasn't that time. I was jumpy and tired. Plus totally drained of all thought. I wanted to just sit here and be mindless. Except HIS image popped in my head again. The one of him crying. I'd have to ask him where he met me before and maybe find out his name. I looked to my right to see a room in the house with it's lights on. Peering closer I saw a figure of someone sitting down and its arm was furiously moving all around. I saw a splash of red and gasped! Was this figure murdering someone? Was it just bleeding?

Acting on my instincts I jumped at the nearby tree hanging from it's branches. I swung on to the tree and climbed 'till I reached the window I was searching for. I glanced closer and realized it was a boy with disheveled brown hair at an isle. it looked like he was painting something. I crawled out on a branch to get a closer look. All of a sudden...CRAAACK! Crap. My branch didn't hold out and I fell. Landing oh so gracefully on my back, head in a daze, I heard a quiet chuckle. Coming at me from my side I saw someone. I knew it was boy judging from the way he walked...and his quiet snickering at my fall.

"Heh, you okay Roar?" he asked still amused.

"Don't call me Roar." I said rudely.

He laughed and nodded while holding out his hand. I took it and hoisted myself up and dusted off my butt. He just looked at me eyes sparkling at my misfortune so I glared at him.

"I see you're spying on Edward eh?" He asked, voice cheerful.

"I was not. I just wanted to see why he was up so late."

"So you were watching him?" still smiling.

I felt my face grow warm and at that moment this guy just started to laugh quietly again.

"Listen you pompous bas-" I started off angrily. Only to be interrupted by another voice.

"Can you guys shut up! I'm trying to pai- Oh! Rory...Jake?" Ed asked confused.

"Let us in and I'll explain." Jake smiled.

I started to walk back to my own house when Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me to Ed's door. It swung open to reveal Ed in very...very nice fitting gray boxers with white wales and snakes printed on them. I pulled my red face up and saw he didn't have a shirt on either. Great. I just closed my eyes and without struggle was pushed into Ed's house by a smirking Jake. We climbed the stairs to Eddie's room and just as I saw, he had a painting on and isle. It was splattered with red paint. No blood at all. Sighing I stood awkwardly in his bedroom door entrance as Jake sat on his spiny computer chair with Ed right back on his stool.

" can sit there if you want." Ed said motioning to his bed.

"Thanks..." I said quietly.

I walked over to a surprisingly neat bed and sat down Indian style. I glared at the smirking Jake and thought about throwing something at him. Grinning I did just that. I pulled off my hoodie and chucked it at Jake growling,

"Wipe that smirk off your face of I will."

He set my hoodie down and laughed. Edward smiled too and I wanted to scream.

"What is this about?" I growled.

"Well, Rory I believe you were gonna tell us why you were spying on Edward here."

"She was spying on me?" Edward asked a bit shocked.

"! I was on my roof and then I saw a figure in your room and a splash of red! So I thought something was wrong and I decided to take a closer look. But the branch I was on in that tree didn't want to hold me up so it broke and I fell." I rushed out blushing.

"Aw here that Edward? She was worried about you." Jake smiled.

"Rory...I was only painting. See? but I'm happy you care." Edward beamed.

"Stupid boys! I was just curious! I don't even know you guys!" I whispered fiercely.

I probably shouldn't of insulted them. Jake merely frowned and Edward looked deeply hurt. The image of him crying popped in my mind and I felt horrible.

" I'm sorry. Don't-" I started.

"I keep forgetting that you apparently don't know me." he painfully smiled.

"Ed...ward I just..." I paused. What was I thinking?

"It's ok're hear now and I guess we'll just start over. So hello, I'm Edward. And you are?"

"I'm Rory...nice to meet you." I said quietly.

I glanced at Jake and he for once gave me a sad smile. His eyes showed me that he was hiding something and when he glanced at Edward his expression looked pained.

"Listen you guys. I'm sorry I can't remember where I met Edward If you'd just tell me we-"

"Nah. Why bother living in the past? It's better to just start over anyway. You might not even believe me anyway. It was a hard thing for me to remember you."

"Edward..." I looked at him sadly.

He smiled at em and went back to painting. Jake turned on the computer as I glanced at the clock. 2:12am. I laid back in Edward's bed and his pillows were some how familiar. He smelled just like a little boy from long ago. Jake thought it was quiet so he turned on the radio. I sat straight up, alarming both boys with a shocked gasp.

" I..know it. He kissed me during this song." I whispered.

"Rory? You ok. You're cry-" Jake was interrupted.

"Rory..who kissed you?" Edward asked slightly happy.

" friend. From a long time ago."

My breath hitched and got caught in my throat. I hadn't been able to listen to this song in a long time. Jake looked at Edward questionably while Edward smiled. I was gonna start crying by chorus so I laid back down. I sniffed and held back a sob and I sung very very quietly to the words. I knew Jake an Edward were staring but I really didn't care.

I don't mind...
I don't care...
As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

I let only a few tears fall and turned away from Edward and Jake. This was stupid. I should be at home sleeping. I should get up and walk out right now. The only thing that's stopping that I don't want to leave. That's stupid too! These guys are practically strangers. That's when I hear it. A clear, velvet smooth voice whispering the lyrics to this song that causes me some discomfort. That Edward guy was singing too.

Hours slide and days go by
Till you decide to come
And in between it always seems too long
All of a sudden

And I have the skill, yeah I have the will
To breathe you in while I can
However long you stay
Is all that I am

I stuff my face in Edwards soft pillow and cry silently. I should get up and walk away right now instead of embarrassing myself further. Knowing I had already thought that and still couldn't do it I was faced with a problem. That voice still sung, sung to me it seemed and I felt my eyelids droop. As I fell asleep my last thought was,

"Edward...who are you?"
__________________________EDDIE'S P.O.V________________________________

Wrong or right
Black or white
If I close my eyes
It's all the same

In my life
The compromise
I close my eyes
It's all the same

Go ahead say it you're leaving
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

I looked back at my bed and saw Rory was sleeping. Her breathing was much restful and I was happy she wouldn't here mine and Jake's conversation.

"She does remember me...Jake...she remembers me!" I smile.

"She doesn't recognize you though Eddie. Just tell her!"

"No...I can't. She might not believe me and besides. I don't mind starting over. As long as she's here. Besides who knows...maybe she'll come around."

"What ever you say Eddie." Jake sighed.

I looked over at my paining. True enough the red I was using looked a bit like blood. But I still smiled that she cared. That is so typically Rory. Trying to sneak her way into finding out stuff. Grinning I remembered her gaze when I opened my door. She liked what she saw, I know that's what she was thinking. In fact if I recall correctly she licked her lips before looking at me. Heh, she didn't look bad either. I saw her earlier and I am still seeing the beauty right now.

She was curled up a bit with her hands tangled in her hair and her mouth slightly opened. She had on some loose white cotton pants now with grass stains on her...ahem, very nice butt. Her black camie hugged her nicely if I might add too. I'm pretty happy she chucked her hoodie at Jake. Staring her up and down, I couldn't help feel like a creep. Just then a laughing voice rang in my ears.

"Hehe Eddie you perv."

Ah...the 13 year old Rory was right. I laughed silently and Jake yawned. Knowing he had to come here for a reason I figured now was the best time to ask.

"So? If Rory was spying on me, what were you doing up this late?"

"Well, my mom came home drunk again. She had a new guy with her and instead of me staying there to listen to them I thought I would come here. Knowing you'd be up. Finding Rory was just a bonus." Jake smiled and laughed.

I felt bad for Jake's mom. Her need for a guy to warm her bed every other night. Long ago when Jake was 14 we promised that he'd always have a home with me. Anthony would be sleeping by now. And it was too cold in the winter to walk all the way to Stephanie's house. Besides her parents would flip. I looked at the clock yawning. 3:58am. Jake should be heading back home and I guess we'd have to wake Rory up. As if Jake read my mind he got up and stretched.

"I'll see you tomorrow Eddie. Want me to walk Rory to her window?"

"Nah, I'll do that. but do you think you could help me get her to her room?"

"Why not wake her up?" he questions while smirking.

"Because she looks so...I don't want her to...please Jake?" I whispered.

"Haha, sure buddy. I get it. Don't wanna wake your angel." Jake smiled.

Heh, hardly MY angel but I wish she was. I picked her up bridal style and watched her head roll in to my chest. Smiling I motioned Jake to fallow. When we got out side we walked up to her house and Jake took his cue as to grab the extra key the previous owners forgot to return. It was under a cracked flower pot pushed to the side behind a small bush with those tiny purple and white flowers.

Jake unlocked the door and we walked up through the living room. Turning to find some stairs we walked up and saw a dark hallway. At the end of the hallway we saw a door with black and white checkered words taped to the door that read 'RORY'. That was easy to find.
Opening it I instantly saw her bed. Jake came around me and pulled the covers down and I set her in the bed. Jake walked over to her window to shut it and hang up her hoodie while I pulled the covers up around her. Looking at her I moved some hair that was in her face. She really did look like an angel. Jake patted me on the shoulder and steered me out her room and back out side. We locked the door and set the key back where it was hidden. As we parted ways I heard Jake whisper,

"Eddie...keep your chin up. It'll work out."

"Yeah. I hope so Jake. G'night."

"Night." He said and walked across the street.

When I got back to my room I turned the lights off and crawled into bed. My pillows were a bit damp and smelled like her. Japanese Cherry Blossom and Vanilla. Laying down shutting my eyes, my last thought before sleep over took me was a short simple message I hoped Rory would get.

"Please remember me Rory." And I was out.
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