
one of one.

I hear you whispering, I know it’s bad, I know it’s about me.
I see the sideways glances you give me. You look at me as if I’m something awful, as if there’s something terribly wrong with me.

I can tell how much you all hate me, when you avoid me, when you refuse to look at me; refuse to talk to me. What have I done? What is it, that makes me so easy to loathe? None of you like me, none of you care.
Please, just look at me. Show me I’m not something so completely dreadful that’s there’s no chance anyone will ever give me the time of day.

I’ve tried so hard to be involved in the things you do, but every time I do everyone reacts so negatively.
You’ve gone so far as to try and prevent me from being around you. It hurts, you know? When no one loves you, and you can just tell.

There’s a few, that poke at me and watch what I do. It appears as though they’re trying to care. But I know, I know that it’s just to benefit them.

I am alone, I am hated.

I cannot help what I am. It’s how I came, I can’t change it. If I could, I know I would change it in a heartbeat.

I just want someone to love me, to care about me. But I see that’s just not possible. I am an atrocious being, and I am unlovable.
But without love, what am I? what is anyone, without love? Nothing. You are nothing without someone to love you. And, oh! Do people love you! I love you. And I would love if you loved me. But you won’t. I see that now. And it kills me to think it, but it is the truth.

Without you, I am nothing. I am empty space, I am invisible.

So because you will never love me, I will have vengeance.
I will force my way into your life. I can assure you, it will not be pretty. And when I am finished with you, you will have nothing left. You will die, with me.

Everyone will miss you, no one will miss me. You will be remembered, you will be loved.

But no one will miss you as much as I do.
Because without you I am nothing.

I am your disease.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's short, yeah.
it probably has mistakes, yeah.
it's meant to be taken as an actual disease, yeah.