Sequel: Summer Skin.


The End.


Life goes by so quickly. It throws roadblocks at you everyday, and I guess you just kind of have to deal with that. It feels like just yesterday that Annabelle and I met, on the hot pavement of a kindergarten recess. And now, I just got my diploma. It’s all over; highschool is over.

It’s not fun to think of myself as getting older. I want to be young forever, but we all know that I’m not Peter Pan.

In a single instant, relationships can be ruined forever. I haven’t talked to Spencer since my trip to California. We never even officially broke up; but that was months ago. He was one of my best friends, and I will never get that back.

The same way, in a single instant, a relationship can go from friends to something more. Something deeper, and special.

I love Jack. I love him more than I love myself. He is my everything.

It sounds dumb to say something like that. To say that my boyfriend is the only shining light in my life. But, it’s true; without him, I would crumble.

Usually, boyfriends come and go. Best friends are supposed to last a life-time. When Jack and I started dating, right after my trip, Annabelle was weary. I could tell that she didn’t like it much at all, but I think she’s grown even more in love with Eric. She’s gotten used to Jack and I, too. That gives me comfort, to know that she’s happy.

I feel horrible about Nick. I think he might have really had something for me, but I was, as always, an inconsiderate jerk. I led him on; that’s the worst thing I could have done. But he’s still one of my best friends; I haven’t lost him completely. Yet.

Ryan still makes fan-fucking-tastic French toast. I still live with him, but I don’t know what’s going to happen now that school is over. Maybe my dad has changed enough that I could live with him someday.

Life really is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

But I think I got lucky.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END. :]:]

Woah, thank all of you guys. mFor commenting, suscribing, and just reading it. And a special thanks to my amazing co-writer. :]