Status: Indefinite hiatus because Dee's account was deleted.

Half in Love

Unclear Actions.

Audrey's P.O.V.

It was quite a shocking sight, to see Ash lying there on the ground after some guy just randomly attacked him. The blonde girl was there again, standing in the background with a terrible smirk on her face, her eyes in an icy dead stare. She walked away arm in arm with the guy as I glared at the back of her head. What was her deal?

Derrick had run over and was now kneeling by Ash, dabbing his nose. I followed in suite, doing whatever I could through the swirling inside my head. My cheeks were hot, my neck on fire, as my fingers grazed over his lips in attempts to clean him up. Those lips. My brain replayed the sensation that had overtaken me the moment those lips touched mine. How did that come to happen?

I wasn't really paying attention, too lost in thought, until Derrick laughed at something that Ash had said. I mustered out a chuckle, my hands clumsily holding on to the ground and his shoulder so that I wouldn't fall over squatting in these high heels.

And it wasn't until Ash asked, "Can I have your number?" that my nerves went on overload. For some reason, I couldn't think, I couldn't remember anything, and it felt like my face couldn't have been in any more pain.

"Uhm, y-yeah," I stuttered, fumbling around in my purse for my small cell phone. "Here," I handed it to him, "I'll text you 'cause I can't remember my number right now..." I trailed off, embarrassed. He smiled as he took the phone from my hand, now sitting upright. Derrick shot me a look and with a sarcastic smirk, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. So typical of him.

As soon as Ash handed me back my phone and I sent him a quick text message, we helped him up off the ground. "How about we go somewhere quiet?" Derrick suggested, leading the both of us down the pathway in the dark.

I looked up at him. "But what about the others?"

"They'll find us when they're ready to go."

We went a little ways down the street, with my struggling to keep up in my heels. My feet were beginning to throb and the cold air was whipping past me like stinging ice. At the end of the block, was a quiet diner, nearly empty in the late night. Derrick led us in and over to an empty booth. I fanned my face as we sat down and he ordered us a few glasses of water.

"God, you're so drunk," he stated and I shook my head, taking a sip of water.

"No I'm not," I defended, but I'm pretty sure it must've come out as a slur

"Yes, you are." Before I could make another immature response, he turned his attention over to Ash, who was sitting next to me. "Anyway, what happened back there?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for the way overdue update.
I thank those who stayed subscribed as well as those new ones (:
<3 Tini.