Castle High's After School Horror

The Fifth Kill


A roar of thunder signals that it's still raining outside. Gerard's heart is fighting against his chest, trying to pull him forward and lunge on his brother but the fear of what might happen is holding him back. The lights in the hall are fully bright, as if their flickering had been a trick of the mind. The gun that Beth is holding is pointed at Bob and Gerard wonders why Mikey would want to kill Bonnie.

"Why would I want to kill Bonnie, good question," says Mikey. He smiles. "I was telling the truth earlier. Bob's the only person here who hasn't crumpled under the knowledge of having someone he truly loves die before his eyes. And I don't think he loves her, but it sure as hell would break him if Bonnie just so happened to stop breathing."

Gerard looks on at Bob in confusion. What, he has feelings for Bonnie? He probably doesn't even know her. And Mikey can't kill her to get back at Bob.

"Yes," Mikey says, "I can kill her to get back at Bob. It's better than just shooting Bob in the head. This way, he suffers and Bonnie can be reunited with the sister she stabbed in the back."

Bonnie whimpers from behind Bob. "Don't let him kill me," she says.

"Stop torturing us, Way," says Bob.

Gerard hears a groan and looks down at Chelsea. She's waking up.

"Bob, move," says Mikey.

"If you want to kill her, you'll have to go through me," says Bob. Mikey grins maniacally. Gerard reaches over and rubs Bonnie's arm reassuringly. She smiles at him, tears rolling down her face. He doesn't know what he can do without provoking Mikey to get Beth to shoot.

"Get out of the way, Bryar," says Mikey, getting louder.

Bob moans painfully, pulling away from Bonnie and staring at Mikey. Gerard watches him carefully. His face is flushed and his mouth is gaping. He looks shocked and pained.

"Bob?" Bonnie whispers, shaking all over. She grips onto the back of his shirt.

Bob looks back at Bonnie. His stare is empty and dark. He gives Bonnie a look like Beth is giving. Chelsea sits up and rubs her eyes, looking back at Mikey. Gerard carefully walks over to his right and kneels beside her.

"Wha..." she breathes, eyes drooping.

"You have to run," Gerard whispers to her. He has to do something to stop Mikey from hurting anyone else. Chelsea stares at Gerard with narrow eyes, propping herself up on her elbows. "I don't want him to hurt you."

Bob screams at the top of his lungs, making Gerard flinch. He looks up and sees Bob fall to his knees. Face red, eyes wide, mouth agape. Gerard hears a gunshot and, before he gets the chance to react, Bonnie is falling backward.

"Oh my God," says Chelsea. "Oh my God, oh my God! No, no, no, no, dear God make this stop!"

Bob takes fistfuls of his hair and groans painfully, doubling over. Gerard dares look down at Bonnie, who's got a hand over a wound overflowing with blood. Gerard's lip trembles. Chelsea starts to cry hysterically. He comfortingly rubs her arm, staring at Bonnie. Bonnie gives him a horrified glare, moaning.

"Nice resistance, Bob!" says Mikey enthusiastically. "You tried real hard not to be controlled by me... But I still got you on your knees!"

Mikey laughs heartedly as Bob looks back at Bonnie. There's blood coming from his nose. Gerard's staring at Bonnie in disbelief as she closes her eyes and starts to cry, blood dripping from the wound in her stomach.

"No," says Bob, seeming on the edge of hysteria. "No!"

Gerard stands as Bob hovers over Bonnie, gripping her hair and whispering to her. He leaves them, with Chelsea, and walks up to Mikey and Beth. Mikey's brow is up, as if challenging Gerard. Beth's face holds absolutely no expression of emotion and as much as he wants to hate her, he realizes he can't. She's innocent. She's done nothing wrong. This psycho has contorted her judgment, forced her to do things she would've never done.

"You've fucking lost your mind," Gerard says, voice and body shaking. Mikey grabs Beth's arm and starts walking backward. Away from Chelsea, crying beside the dying Bonnie, and Bob who's bemoaning the briefness of their acquaintanceship. Gerard stalks after Mikey. He never really cared for Bonnie, at least not in the way Bob is showing he does. Besides, he doesn't want to watch her die.

Mikey's wicked smile frightens Gerard to the point that his heart is racing against his ribs. They turn into a different hallway, away from the field of vision of the others. The only thing that stops Gerard from lunging at his deranged brother is the fact that Beth is pointing the gun at him.

"What are you gonna do, eh?" says Mikey mockingly. "Gonna avenge your lover? I mean, at least she's with your girlfriend now."

"You're such an asshole," Gerard chokes.

Mikey smiles. "You're gonna see them both again soon."

Gerard frowns, eyes narrowing as a realization hits him. "Frank, too."

Mikey's expression of grandeur falls. His eyebrows furrow and he grabs the gun from Beth. Beth walks over to the lockers and leans against them, tilting her head as she stares at Gerard. Gerard swallows, staring at the infinite blackness of the barrel of the gun. Wondering how much time he has left. Wondering if he will even notice when it's up.

Wondering why Mikey looks suddenly so angry.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm usually a few chapters ahead but because of my writer's block...I have run out of chapters! What does that mean, Steph? That means that my next update will take a WHILE. Sorry! You :/ Will try to update before Regents week (if you're not in New York, look it up lol)

Anyway thanks to my lovely Kelly, who is the most amazing writer and an awesome friend and inspires me constantly, for the funny banner =] (Makes me laugh every time I look at it.) And thanks to all you subscribers and people that comment!
