New Slate?

We're moving on.

Dear Readers,

This is a huge, HUGE thank you to you for reading this story. As you may know, it's been a working progress since September 2007. (gosh, what a long time ago)

This story, and your feedback has meant so so so so so much to me. Every comment means more than I could ever fucking explain. The idea that someone who lives as far away as AUSTRALIA (about 9832784689768927 miles from here) could read this, and for it to be some minor part of their life is... wow. It's just incredible.

I hope you enjoyed the final chapter (and Grace, I hope you don't cry too much) and I would like to request comments, whether or not you've ever commented before- seeing as it is the end.

I'm going to stop waffling on now, and just say thank you.


x x x
♠ ♠ ♠
awh, i will miss these sexy box things.