Synyster Gates; Better Than Chocolate

Sometimes Life is Altered

We were driving my car to the Huntington Harbor Harlem. Really, Stormy was driving [i/]my[i/] 2005 black Comaro to the annual fall artists festival for Huntington Beach. Stormy’s argument was she drove better than me in city traffic. She did, but still. It feels weird being put in the passenger seat of [i/]your[i/] car.

Meanwhile, Stormy went on about the hot guys at our college. Stormy and I just started our freshman year at CTU. I was 18 and Story is 19. I still live in my dad’s house, and Stormy lives with her parents, too. But she mostly turns up in my abode.

Which is okay since my dad is an honest-to-Jesus Italian and [i/]loves[i/] to cook. Luckily, Stormy is an honest-to-Satan frat girl and loves to eat. So it all works out.

Stormy pulled MY comaro into a parking space and we both got out. The Huntington Harlem was just a festival for artists. Live music was played, paintings were sold, and there was great food.

As we walked around, we noticed a lot of the out-of-the-ordinary crown were here. The kind with dyed black hair, chains, and guys wearing make up. They were wearing AFI, Metallica, Atreyu, and Linkin Park T shirts.

Stormy was wearing her much loved Motley Crue T shirt with a jean skirt. I myself was wearing a Sex Pistols shirt with shredded jeans. We knew this crowd.

We finally found banners up around the makeshift stage announcing that Avenged Sevenfold, “The Local Rocker Band,” was playing for the last time, today. Usually The Harlem didn’t play heavy metal. Maybe classic rock, but not screamo.

Stormy and I bought funnel cake and a couple of cokes and we sat down at a table farther from the stage. Stormy then began talking about hot college guys again. Then the subject changed.

“Dude, Raina, you need to get laid.” Stormy said.

“What?!” I said, nearly falling from my chair. “Why?”

“You have a prolonged virginity, this could be a health issue.,” she said tactically. “You just need to.” she nodded resolutely. If Stormy was anything, it just wasn’t a doctor.

“But why?!” I whined. “Its gross and all wet! And you said yourself that it hurts bad your first time.”

“And a couple of times after that.” Stormy pointed out. “You won’t be complaining. Especially if its an [i/]awesome[i/] guy.”

“What kind of ‘awesome’?” I asked. “You know what? I don’t even want to know. If I suddenly feel the need to hump someone, then I’ll do it. It just more than likely won’t be anytime soon.”

Stormy just smiled one of the smiles she does when I outburst like that. It meant that she knows I’m about to be proven wrong. Big time.

“Sometimes life is altered.” Stormy hummed to the playing band’s lyrics. “But things are about to change.” Stormy stopped then and pointed at me. “Especially your non-existent sex life!” she yelled loudly.

We both broke down in a fit of giggles. We started talking about college again. I was chatting about a creepy college professor when Stormy’s eyes turned saucer-like in size, and shoved my shoulder so I would look behind me.

There were five guys walking up to us. Apparently, they were the band that had just gotten through playing. Their clothes were drenched with sweat, but they still zinged with adrenaline and energy.

“Do you mind if we sit here?” a buff guy with aviators asked.

I looked around and noticed that every single table around us was stock-full. “Sure,” I managed to answer.

The five of them started talking band talk, then their attention came to us.

“You ladies from Huntington?” one of the guys with shocking green eyes asked.

“Yep,” Stormy answered him rather quickly.

“Well, we’re Avenged Sevenfold, if you know us.” the shortest guy said.

“Heard of you,” I answered.

“I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m M. Shadows, that’s Zacky Vengeance, then beside him is Synyster Gates, The short guy is Johnny Christ, and then lastly is the Reverend Tholomuew Plague.”

“The Rev for short.” The Reverend Tholomuew Plague cut in.

We stared at the guys dumbfounded, then we looked at each other.

“Your parents were very creative.” I finally managed to say.

They all chuckled.

I looked at my cell phone and found it was kinda late, and I had work in the morning.

“You guys are about to have the table to yourselves.” I said and picked up my coke. “Let’s go, Stormy.”

“But, I haven’t gotten my hot dog!” she said, almost heart broken.

“I’ll find your slinky when we get home.” I told her.

“Fine.” she said and got her coke and purse. “You better mean it this time.”

“Awww! Don’t go!” The Rev shouted.

“Yeah,” Zacky Vengeance started. “Once you go, everyone’s gonna think we’re gay.”

“Well, you should have went a little easy on the eyeshadow this morning.” Stormy told him.

He winked at her.

“Yeah,” I said nervously. “We’d better go. [i/]Now[i/].” I jerked Stormy’s shoulder. It doesn’t take any more than a hint for her to jump on a guy.

“Man,” Stormy sighed as we got to my car. “Those guy were…. Adonis- like!”

I rolled my eyes and allowed Stormy the driver’s seat again.

“Hey! Don’t give me that look!” she started MY car. “One of those guys would stop starring at you. What’s his nuts…. Cylinder Gates?”

“Synyster Gates.” I corrected.

“Well then! [i/]Excuse[i/] me!” she huffed. “Looks like you paid some attention to him, too.”

I just starred out the window the best I could. The windows were tinted pretty dark.

“Sometimes life is altered…” Stormy began to hum.
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