Status: THANKS FOR THE 10 STARS! Like the new layout? ;]

Going Alone


“Mae. Take the day off.” My manager sighed, squatting next to me.

I placed a chip bag on the rack, “I can’t.”

“Mae. Come on.”

“Sorry Jerry, I can’t. I barely have any money.”

“But you’re just working yourself to death.”

I turned to him a laughed, “I’m perfectly fine.”

“You’re here almost everyday.”

“I know.” I nodded, breaking open another box of chips, “But it’s alright.”

“Tomorrow.” He started, “You’re taking the day off tomorrow.”

“Fine, whatever.” I waved him off.


“Mae!” Alex exclaimed.

“Uh, Alex?” I asked, rolling into my side.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, I was sleeping.”

“Oh. Anyways!” He shouted, “I just found out that we can’t be in New York until late April.”

I fell back onto the bed, “Are you kidding me.”

“Nope! Nope-a-dope-dope.”

“Are you drunk?” I asked, propping myself up on my elbows.

“Nooo.” He drug out.

I rolled my eyes, “Alex, you’re drunk.”

“Okay, just a teensy bit.”

“Why are you drunk?”

“Because! We had a party on the bus.”


“Because it’s Thursday!”

“Are you fucking serious!” I yelled, “You’re so irresponsible.”

“I am too responsible.”

“Alex. I’m going back to bed. Call me when you’re sober.”


I groaned and reached for my phone, “What?”

“Wow. Sorry.” Jack said.

“Sorry Jack.” I sighed, pulling the covers over my head, “Alex called me at 2 this morning.”

“Oh, that sucks.” He laughed.

“I know, and he was completely smashed.”

“We had a party.”

“I know.” I rolled my eyes.

“Anyways, did you hear that we can’t make it until late April?”

“Yes.” I sighed, throwing the blanket off of me.

“Hopefully that bugger wont pop out of you by then.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks for the mental image.”

“You’re welcome.” Jack smiled, “But I’ll try my hardest to make it.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime. Oh, hey, I got to go.”



“How far along are you?”

I turned to my side and saw an elderly woman smiling at me, “5 months.”

“How wonderful.”

I smiled and nodded, “I know.”

“So when are you due?”

“April 9th is my expected due date.”

“My daughter's baby is due in March.”

I smiled at her and went back to the rack of maternity clothes. The jeans were just so… scary looking. I mean, jeans aren’t supposed to have elastic on them. Ever. I picked up a size that look like it would fit me and placed it on top of the clothes that were already resting on my arm. The elderly woman tapped my shoulder.

“Your husband must be so happy.”

I weakly smiled and nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
So! Important announcement!
I'm getting my teeth pulled tomorrow. I know, ick.
So that means that I probably wont update until like.... Wednesday or Thursday.
Maybe even Friday.
But, when I come back, I promse a really good update.