Status: THANKS FOR THE 10 STARS! Like the new layout? ;]

Going Alone


“And this is my house.” I smiled, walking into house, Bagel instantly running up to me.

“What’s his name?” Jack asked, bending down to pet him.

“Bagel.” I smiled, getting his leash from the closet, “Potty time!”

I clipped the leash and walked out of my house, Jack following close behind. Jack took the leash from me, claiming that a woman, pregnant no less, shouldn't be having “dookie duty.” I shrugged and let him take the leash, pointing to the place that Bagel should do his business.

“When did you get him?” Jack asked, turning away from Bagel.

“Not too long ago, like two days.”


“It’s pretty lonely.” I shrugged, looking down the street.

“I wish I had a dog.”

“Why don’t you?” I asked, turning back towards him.

“Because I’d be on the road all the time, and my parents hate dogs.”

I nodded, “I can see that.”

Jack picked up Bagels poop, tossing it into a nearby trash can and handed me back the leash. I slowly hopped up the stairs into my apartment, locking it after Jack entered.

“Why are you here?” I asked, “Don’t you live in Maryland?”

“Yeah, but we’re just doing some recording and promos.”

I nodded, “So you’re leaving soon?”

“In like two or three weeks.”


“I’m sure you’ll see us a lot more.” Jack said comfortingly, standing up quickly, “Where’s the nursery?”

“Uh, down the hall.” I said, standing up from the couch and walked into the nursery, “This was supposed to be the living room, but since I don’t have a lot of space, I put the nursery here.”

He nodded, taking in the scene. The walls were a juicy cantaloupe color, and the crib was a blonde wood color. The white carpet was accented with a medium sized goldfish rug in the center of the room. The changing station matched the crib. There were diapers stacked everywhere, along with stuffed animals and clothes.

“You have a lot of things in here.” He laughed nervously.

“Well, I had too much time.” I laughed.

“So when are you due?” He asked.

“I’m 4 months right now, so I would be due around April.” I nodded, rubbing my stomach.

“Are you…” Jack trailed off, “Is it kicking?”

I laughed, “No. Not yet.”


“Why are you so shy?” I asked, “Aren’t you usually bubbly?”

“Babies just kind of freak me out.” He confessed, rubbing his arm.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, walking out of the orange room.

“Yes!” He shouted, scaring Bagel.

I looked into my pantry, “Do you want… Pickle sandwiches?” I asked, turning to him.

“What the hell is that?” He asked, peering over my shoulder.

“Well, it’s dill pickles, but you slice them kind of like meat and you put them on a cheese sandwich.”

“Hell yes!” He said, fist-pumping the air.

I laughed, grabbing the organic bread, organic cheese and organic mayo and set them onto the counter, spreading the mayo onto the bread and slicing the cheese and set it on top of the mayo covered bread.

“Why is everything organic, are you some health nut?” Jack asked, raiding my pantry.

“No.” I laughed, “I’m just eating organic while I’m pregnant. I don’t want my baby to be made out of artificial dyes.”

“That’s weird.” Jack shuddered, “Here’s the pickles.”

He handed me the pickles and I sliced then and then placed them on top of the bread, placing slices on top of both of them, pressing the slices down. I handed one to Jack, biting into mine. He sniffed it, shrugged and dug in.

“This is bomb!” He yelled.

“I know.” I smiled, “I had a craving one day.”

“What was the weird craving you’ve had?” He asked, hopping up onto the counter.

“Hmm.” I though for a minute, “I’d have to say ketchup pancakes.”

“Gross.” He made a face, eating more of his sandwich.

We ate in silence for a while, “Alex is going to be here for the… birth.” I said reluctantly.

Jack lowered his sandwich down from his mouth and looked at me, “He better god-damned be.”

I smiled and laughed, eating more of my sandwich, suddenly feeling good about this pregnancy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, 4 chapters and no Alex?!

He's coming, just hold on :]