Interviews From Hell

Bring Me The Horizon.

Xenophobe: ..."And I cannot believe that I called Bring Me the Horizon a 'nameless band' earlier. I cannot. I feel like an idiot."

Tyranny: "I can't believe Zephyr's back."

Skellington: "As a robot zombie."

Xenophobe hugs Skellington. "And I can't believe J.C.'s back."

Skellington: "Yay! Let's just not let Boss know."

Tyranny: "So. Bring me the Horizon. I didn't know you were British."

Oliver: "Yeah."

Skellington: "I really liked that video where you and what's-his-name were fighting at Warped! Brutality."

Xenophobe: "Too bad it was fake."

Skellington: "No way."

Xenophobe: "Yeah, it was, hon."

Oliver: "You didn't notice the fake sound effects?"

Xenophobe: "Silly-poo."

Jona stares at Zygote. "...Is he okay?"

Xenophobe and Tyranny: "Ohhhhhh!"

Xenophobe: "I told you it'd go down! Pay me."

Tyranny slaps her $50.

Xenophobe: "He got shot in the face. That's ZephBot you're talking about now, and he's about an hour old, so he's a little quiet. I knew someone would ask."

Lee: "That's bad."

Xenophobe: "You think that's bad, you should've saw when he got shot."

Matt N.: "Why is there glass everywhere?"

Skellington: "Pay up, Xena."

Xenophobe gives the $50 to Skellington. "Gdammit."

Skellington: "Xena got excited to see me and broke the glass that would normally separate both you and me.

Xenophobe: "See, we needed to have a bullet-proof window so we wouldn't attack the people we interviewed. But I shattered it."

Oliver: "Are you sure it wasn't to keep the people you interview from attacking you[i/]"

Skellington: "...What are you saying?"

Oliver: "I'm saying, you're no threat."

Skellington stands. "Them's fightin' words, Mr. Sykes.

Oliver stands. "Don't write a check your butt can't cash, Mr. Skellington."

Skellington: "You and what army, punk?"

Oliver: "What?"

Skellington punches Oliver in the jaw, Oliver pounces on him, and they fight on the table.

Matt K: "Ohmaigah! Matt, we have to stop this!"

Matt N: "You're right! Matt twin powers,"

Both Matts put their rings together: "ACTIVATE!"

Matt K: "Form of cloud of bleach!"

Matt N: "For of cloud of ammonia!"

Jona reaches in. "Form of cloud of yellow!"

Matts: "Nooo!"

The three mix together.

Tyranny: "Gross!"

Lee: "They just formed yellow mustard gas!"

Xenophobe: "We're all gonna die!"

Zygote: "Heh heh. Play on words."

Everyone passes out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Skellington wins.

I'm taking requests, but just so you know, I''m starting a sequel to this story, because I have a little finale that I have lined up. It's gonna be good!