Interviews From Hell

Fall Out Boy. (Finale Part I)

Xenophobe whispers to Skellington. "Ya ready?"

Skellington nods.

Xenophobe: "Ohmaigahh it's the Fall Out Boys! Ahhh! How you doin'?"

Pete: "We're here against our will."

Xenophobe: "Too bad!"

Skellington: "So, you're on hiatus. That's too bad..." he sticks his tongue out.

Patrick: "You don't need to be fake, Jake."

Xenophobe chuckles nervously. "Heh heh... for a second you sounded like my boss..."

Patrick also chuckles nervously. "Heh heh freaky, right..."

Joe: "...I'm just gonna ask. What in high hell happened here?"

Skellington and Xenophobe: "Ohhhh!"

Xenophobe: "Pay up!"

Skellington slides her the $50.

Xenophobe: "See, what happened was, Zephyr stole Rob's Game Boy Classic and-- whoa, what the fuck, Patrick, that is the same Game Boy that Rob has. What's going on?"

Patrick tucks in the Game Boy that is sticking out of his pocket. "It's mine."

Xenophobe's eyes narrow.

Tyranny bursts into tears. "Please, Fall Out Boy. Don't take a break, I love you!"

Skellington: "Quit going all fangirl."

Xenophobe: "Really. I'm the bigger fan, and you don't see me pissin'."

Zygote: "Beep."

Xenophobe: "Zephyr!" Xenophobe pounces on Zygote and gives him a hug.

Patrick's voice booms. "Get off of him!"

Xenophobe falls to the floor. "Patrick, why are you being weird?"

The closet opens; Cassadee from Hey Monday walks out.

Skellington: "Cassadee?"

Xenophobe: "What do you want?"

Cassadee: "Xena, where are my car keys?"

Xenophobe steps on the table. "Don't start me up, girl."

Cassadee jumps onto the table. "I know you have them. Where are they?"

William Beckett climbs through the window. "Hello, guys!"

Zygote helps him through the window and gives him a hug. "Willie! How have you been? Oh, you're looking so good."

Gabe Saporta busts through the door. "Hey, back off!"

Xenophobe: "Gabe!"

Gabe: "Xena!" he jumps onto the table and gives Xenophobe a hug.

William: "Why are you on the table?"

Cassadee: "We gonna fight."

William: "No, no, no!" he pulls Xenophobe off the table, then helps Gabe off the table. "We don't fight!"

Alex Garth and Alex Lipshaw enter through the ceiling. "You tell 'em, Beckett!"

Xenophobe: "Yay, Alexes!"

Bill from Tokio Hotel walks in. "I heard something about a fight."

Patrick yells. "You get out of here, Bill!"

Bill: "You again!" he turns to Skellington. "You again!"

Hero, U-know and Micky of DBSK stroll in with weapons.

Tyranny: "DBSK!"

U-know: "Tania. We meet again." he pounces on her and kisses her a million times.

Hero: "Show yourself, J.C."

Skellington hides under the table.

Patrick: "He's under the table!"

Skellington: "Shut up, Mr. Stump!"

Xenophobe shrieks. "You bitch!"

Cassadee snickers.

Xenophobe pulls the shard of glass out of her back. "You're going down, Pope!" she grabs Cassadee's leg and the two start fighting on the floor.

Hero and Micky pull Skellington from under the table. "You're dead meat!" Hero shouts.

Skellington: "Ahhhh!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Stay tuned for the second part of the finale!
Still taking requests for the sequel.