Status: Completed!

Living with a Heartache

Chapter Twelve: I'm okay

Alex’s POV

Everyone seemed to be staring at me. It was as if the whole world knew about my parents. I felt like I was a goldfish in a tank, and there were tons of freaky kids glaring at me through the glass. Even in class, I felt like my world was spinning, everything was in a blur.

I didn’t notice Patrick slip into the room like the panther he was. That boy could practically glide across the floor with his lanky body and his long bony fingers. He plopped himself onto the chair opposite my table and tapped my forehead. I was forcefully jerked away from my dazed-self and I stared at Patrick. It was then that I realized that Patrick had dark circles hovering below his eyes; he seemed distraught even though his usual smile was there.

I rubbed my eyes, and looked wearily at him.

“Patrick, are you okay?”

“I’m fine! My fingers feel fine and not just the playing fingers all 10 fingers feel great, stretched and active ready to go!” Patrick quipped, almost too unnaturally. I shot Patrick a don’t-you-freaking-lie-to-me-or-I’ll-kick-your-balls look, and he shut up. For the first time in my life, Patrick seemed small and vulnerable, he seemed scared.

“Patrick, seriously. What happened? Was it your dad?”

For a moment Patrick’s eyes swiped over me uncertainly then he mumbled something like “Heliumjerkpiwerea” and he stared at me, hoping I caught what he said. I blinked at him, twice.

I decided it would be best if I changed the topic, regardless of it being the right thing to do or not. I cleared my throat and asked Patrick if we were having our band practice this afternoon again. Suddenly, Patrick slammed my table and raised his voice.

“HE FUCKING SMASHED MY GUITAR INTO A MILLION PIECES ALEX,” then Patrick turned away and stomped out of class. Everyone fell silent and turned towards me, this time my blood didn’t run cold like it would have when people looked at me like that. Instead, I bounded off my seat and went after Patrick.

That boy moved like a cheetah, I was panting when I went forward and grabbed his shoulder.

“Patrick! What do you mean?”

I was met with a cold stare from Patrick. Other than that, nothing I just stood there, Patrick looming over me staring me down.

“Patrick, seriously, what happened? Did he hit you? Why did he break your guitar?” I didn’t care if people were staring, I loved Patrick, he was my best friend since we were kids. I couldn’t just let this go. All along, I wasn’t aware of the group of people surrounding us. I didn’t care how many people were judging us, something was wrong with Patrick, something bad.

Brian’s POV

“Dude, look. Couple spat!” jeered Mark that dick head, as he looked over the small group of people gathered around. I didn’t have time for our school’s mindless drama so I stayed put.

“Patrick please!” I heard an exasperated shout, which sounded all too familiar. Out of curiosity, I joined Mark who was eagerly looking at the drama unfolding in front of us. I was all too shocked to see Alex, who had seemed to have recovered from her daze like being, and Patrick standing together. She was looking up at him with pleading eyes, while his were hard as rock.

Finally after like 3 weeks, Patrick finally spoke up.

“Listen Alex, I’m not as fucking lucky as you to have a wholesome family. I’m not as lucky as you who has this great neighborhood. You don’t have to rub it into me. You heard what I said clearly. He broke my guitar. I’m done with Fugly, I’m done with music. I’m done with you. Just leave me alone,” He uttered. It was silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop. So even if he uttered it, I was pretty sure the whole level could hear the chilliness of Patrick’s voice. Without another word, he turned and walked off; leaving Alex alone.

I felt so sorry for her. Was I the only one who understood the irony of Patrick’s “wholesome family”? Oh yeah, I sure was. Everyone cleared the scene, murmuring to themselves. Leaving only me and Alex, stranded in the lapse of the moment. I knew I had to comfort somehow, it was just if she wanted it, you know, coming from me.

I made my way over to Alex, who seemed a little unnerved.

“Hey,” I mumbled. She didn’t have any reaction. She just stood there, her eyes melting from the hurt thrown over from Patrick. All the profanities, the shouting, it seemed a little overwhelming for her. Somehow, it broke my heart to see her so isolated and broken.

“Alex, come on. Need a hug?” I joked, as I tried on that smirk. But it was impossible to clear up the atmosphere that so thickly surrounded her now. I placed my hand on her shoulder but she just shunned away.

“Alex c’mon,” I was afraid she could burst into tears right there. She seemed very likely to just flood the school areas. But all she did was look away and murmured.

“I’m fine, you should get back to class,”
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sorry for the long wait