Status: Completed!

Living with a Heartache

Chapter Twenty- Five: Prom Night 2

Alex’s POV

We entered the main area which was actually the school gym. The huge doors were shrouded with huge red velvet curtains to block the incoming sun. Only a few were left open to act as entrances and exits to the outside ‘garden dance floor’. The lights were dimmed and everything was well decked out.

My eyes widened as everyone was in the arms of their date as they swayed to the beat of Bon Jovi. Legs brushing against legs, dresses scuffing against other dresses.

“What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at home like shaving your moustache or anything,” came a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Kelsey standing with her posy and her hands planted firmly on her hips. I saw Kelsey eyeing me with her heavily flaked eyes as she pushed her lips together.

“Oh I’m sure you’re wrong, because I already shaved my moustache, see?” I laughed as I pushed my face close to hers to let her see my lips. She grimaced and rolled her eyes as I heard a few familiar laughs echo from behind me. I saw Penelope and Patrick laughing along.

“What are you here as, dressed up like a little ballerina. You gonna dance now? Is it going to be as bad as your previous singing?” she sneered. I sucked in my breath hastily as I backed up to stop Patrick from tackling Kelsey to the ground.

“Cool it Pat,” I muttered as I elbowed him. Kelsey laughed her twinkly irritating laugh, and stuck out her tongue at us. Suddenly she noticed Penelope fluttering around Patrick, trying to cool him down. She immediately lowered her lashes and smiled sweetly at Penelope.

“I love your dress,” she stated sweetly looking innocently at Penelope. Penelope look flattered, and then all of a sudden she brought out her middle finger and shoved it in Kelsey’s face.

“I like yours too,” she smiled sweetly before walking with Patrick to the dance floor. Kelsey gave a short gasp of shock and stomped away. I heard her uttering colourful arrays of profanities under her breath. Suddenly, as I watched her stomp away there was a light tap on my back.

I turned around suddenly, expecting it to be someone who was about to ask me to move out of the way instead I was met with the shining eyes of Sam.

“Whoa,” I gasped as I backed away and almost tripped over my heels. Sam reached out at grabbed me before I fell on my butt and for a moment I was entranced in the moment as he held me in his hands and I looked up into his blue sparkling eyes. As he pulled me out, I adverted my gaze from his eyes and laughed nervously.

“Hey,” he smiled. That brilliant smile which made me fall over him, and now it wasn’t from a spot where I was secretly noticing him. This smile was for me. I managed to squeak out something barely audible, but he seemed to hear it as he laced his fingers with me and lead me to the dance floor. I could feel some eyes bearing into me as girls stopped dancing to watch who was the date of Sam as I made my way to the dance floor.

“Isn’t that the girl from that band?”

“Oh god, look it’s Alex,” I bit my lip nervously as the attention I was getting was starting to make me feel sick to the stomach.

As we made our way to the center of the floor, Sam leaned in and whispered in my ear “you look great” and I found myself wincing in reply. It was almost too mushy for me, saying this on my first prom. I was never into these kind of things, and somehow Sam wasn’t the one who was able to change it.

“You… too,” I managed to reply as I got distracted by the sudden change of music and I was instantly pulled closer to Sam as he placed both his arms around my waist.

“I’m not a very good dancer,” I admitted while I managed to move awkwardly.

“To tell you the truth, I have two heavily mutilated left feet,” Sam shrugged and I laughed. ‘I wanna know what love is’ smoothed itself throughout the whole area and soon the loud chattering was reduced to a low and peaceful humming as people turned down their noise volume to allow those on the dance floor to savour the moment.

And savour it I did.

Brian’s POV

I watched as Alex put her arms around Sam’s neck and my throat ran dry. I was receiving harsh glares from the disciplinary teachers as she eyed my outfit, but I didn’t care. Everything seemed to be a blur accept for Alex and Sam in each other’s hands. Her eyes were locked onto his, and a smile had gradually made a way up her mouth. My heart burned to see her happy, yet I wasn’t the one who was providing her the happiness she wanted.

“You dancing?” came a slurred voice with rudely injected my train of thoughts as I saw a red haired girl who wasn’t in our school approach me. I politely shook my head and she went away dejected.

My gaze shot back to both of them as Alex accidentally trotted on Sam’s foot and he winced. I watched as her hand flew to her mouth as she tried to apologize and stifle in a laugh. There was a small commotion as both of them burst into a sudden laughter which shocked the couples around them. Embarrassed, they turned back to each and tried to smother their laughter.

I didn’t want this, I don’t want to share Alex and let her go with some other guy. Regardless of him being my friend or not. I wanted Alex to know, and I wanted her to feel the same as I did. I wanted her for myself, as selfish as it sounded. It hurt to see her dancing with another guy while the hole in my heart widened and pulsed.

As the music progressed along, I saw that Alex’s eyes were fixed to Sam’s and her brown eyes were captivated by what she saw. Suddenly, time seemed to slow down as Sam lowered his face towards Alex and their faces were within inches of each other. I knew exactly what was happening, and I wasn’t in any position to do anything. Anger and jealousy coursed through my blood vessels as my hands flew up into fists as I steadied myself.

I can’t do this anymore. I turned my eyes from the scene unfolding in front of me and left the gym.
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