Dear Frankie...

Letter 11

Dear Frankie,
I’ve got two words for you: “ginger tea”.
These words might not make any sense for you but ever since I discovered ginger tea things seem to fixing themselves up. Finn seems to be getting better and has gone back to school, I’ve overcome my daily morning sickness and Hannah has started spelling harder words like “cornucopia”. Do you know any other 5 year olds who can spell “cornucopia”? I sure don’t.
And how the ginger tea thing really got started was completely uncanny. After the most uncomfortable breakfast that morning after with Finn, in which all was silent except for our spoons scraping the porcelain bowls and Finn quietly asking me: “It was that punk boy, right? I saw you guys having breakfast the morning after. Everyone saw you”. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement why answer?
And who cares if everyone saw? It isn’t as if you are here to defend me and say I’m not a whore and it isn’t like I give a rat’s ass. I’ve really got bigger shit to worry about than the boys at Finn’s school commenting about you and me.
Anyhow I just got pretty pissed at Finn for saying that, so I just asked him to drive me home which was plain stupid because Finn can’t drive anywhere.
I don’t think he had realized that either because he got really anxious and started walking around in circles saying I had to call him a cab because he had to get to the hospital and cursing his parents for leaving him alone when he was so fucked up and then cursing me for letting him become such a fucked up boy.
So I’d told him I’d drive, which is plain stupid too because I don’t have a permit.
I ended driving him there anyways because Finn kept muttering about shuffling his eye patch up any police officer’s arse who dared stop us, but I just figured I could tell the officers it was an emergency and my friend had lost his eye whilst having a spoon duel during breakfast or something less stupid.
Only when we got there and signed Finn in, some cute nurse came in and announced Finn’s appointment wasn’t today but tomorrow. And then it all happened very fast. Finn just got up and started punching the walls and kicking the doors and trashcans. The nurse frantically screamed for him to calm down while I just stared at him.
And he kept screaming really nasty stuff and pulling at his patch.
“I’m such an asshole. I’m such and asshole.”
And the nurse pleaded and I pulled his hands away from his face.
“You’ll just hurt yourself more. Stop.”
But Finn kept screaming and dry sobbing, shaking his fists at the air pushing me away while sliding slowly into the nurses embrace.
And then he really unraveled:
“How the fuck could YOU, you the most clever girl I know get knocked up by some punk asshole?! How the fuck did that happen Ava?!”.
I should have walked away, let him calm down. But the thing was, he was just stating what I had thought all along, and that hurt. I really don’t know how it happened but I just slapped him.
It was instantaneous. Finn stopped sobbing and screaming and got really quiet.
The cute nurse helped him up and sat him in a chair while I puked in the discarded bin.
“Ginger Tea. It helps with the morning sickness” She said as she checked my pulse and pushed me into sitting into the bed. Everything then happened like it does in movies. I got an ultrasound and free vitamins and stuff under some lame fake name like Tina. Finn held my hand and acted amazed at the pic of some spot neither of us could understand. The cute nurse and Finn smoked a fag at the doors of the hospital.
We went home. My dad picked me up and on the way home I asked him to stop and get me some ginger tea.
It was all Disney movie shit. The only thing that was missing was you.

From Disneyland,

I'm taking a little journey to Guadalajara to see miss Bjork place the first stone for the up and coming Guggenheim museum in Mexico. So no updates until next Thursday!But
please keep commenting! I'm sorry to be such a cunt about this but no one want to write a story no one reads!