Dear Frankie...

Letter 5.

Dear Frankie,
You know that annoying kind of people who don’t even care if it’s appropriate or not and just lean in and read what you are writing?
My friend Alice is one of them. And I can’t really write this letter with her standing behind me and peaking every so and so, making me pretend I’m making notes on the piece we’re going to play tomorrow. Yes, I play in the school’s orchestra, I’m a loser, let’s get it over with.
I would usually tell her to fuck off but I really can’t, no t after we just kissed and made up and she fixed that whole bulimic incident without me saying anything about it at all. To be honest, I thought it was sort of mean how she fixed things up but that’s just Alice for you and I’ve really got bigger shit to worry about than sister Mary Anne thinking someone who likes to write on walls, is quite the kleptomaniac and stole Alice’s cell phone.
I’ve never told you about Alice, but you’ve met her at that party when we met. She really liked your friend Mikey but then hooked up with his brother after we left because she “was bored”. Alice is a fifties poster housewife, always bored, never impressed and always looking like some sort of blonde model. She’s seen it all and done it all. Jersey, she says, has nothing left to offer her but cheap thrills and cheap drinks. To me Jersey has nothing to offer but cheap trailer homes and even cheaper family fights.
I guess Jersey was all cheap shit for you too because you left without even glancing back. I don’t blame you, I wouldn't look back either.
We’re supposed to go to some rich kid party today. I’d told Alice I’d go just because everything feels like it used to be and I really don’t mind playing pretend.
Alice is really worried about her outfit. I’m really worried people will notice I’m not drinking and wonder. Plus Finn will be there because he’s such a rich brat and knows every rich dude in Jersey. We haven’t spoken to each other since our fight in the park.
It’s uncanny how quickly I am willing to give everything I have for someone who isn’t here yet. I don’t mean the booze and the parties but Alice and Finn and even my family. Everything good Jersey had to offer is gone and going. I’d better do that too.
