Papa Johnny

Prospect Park

“Ahh oh my goodness vato this audition is in a few days and I’m not sure I’m going to make the cut” Antinia told her bestie Jojo
“Ant calm down you are going to do fine! You know that part like the back of your hand you have this audition in the bag” Jojo assured her bestie. She hated it when Antinia got this way Antinia was the best actress that she has ever seen and she didn’t know why Antinia felt as though whatever she did was never good enough to land her the part she wanted.
“I do know this part like the back of my…holy smokes what is that white spot on the back of my hand? Oh my goodness I have a skin disease…oh my goodness quick get me some disinfectant…oh oh oh it hurts” Antinia said nervously pacing back and forth in the living room of her loft.
“Haha Ant calm down it’s just icing from the Oreo cookie that you ate earlier. I’m surprised that you still don’t have some on your face the way you ate them,” Jojo laughed at Antinia while she took her hand and cleaned it off with a paper towel, ”look you need to calm down and the only way you are going to do that is if you go for a walk in the park.”
“Your right vato that’s what I need a walk in the park” Antinia said grabbing her jacket and keys with her script still in her hand.

Antinia walked all around Prospect Park for about an hour so that she can rid herself of all the nerves that was build up within her about this audition. She had gone to many other auditions before and although the casting directors had said that she was really good she never really fit the part that they had wanted. She wanted this part so badly and she made a deal with herself that if she didn’t get this part then that was it, she will stop acting for a while and focus on getting her bachelor’s degree in the fine arts since she loved everything about the arts. Antinia decided that she should look over her lines at least one more time before she headed home to Jojo. She decided on practicing them in front of the lake since it was peaceful and calming.

Johnny had sat through so many auditions today and he was exhausted. The movie that he was helping hold auditions for was a comedy and his character was supposed to be like a mentor or father type figure to this girl that was having trouble grasping things in her life. Most of the girls that he auditioned were good but he didn’t really feel that much chemistry between him and any of the girls. It didn’t feel like a father/daughter type vibe with the girls more like a fan girl/actor type vibe which wasn’t what they were looking for. Before heading to his hotel room he decided to take a quite stroll in the park. That’s when he noticed a girl pacing back and forth kind of talking to herself. Normally he would have kept walking but he overheard her saying one of the lines from the movie that he was doing so he walked over to where the girl was and sat down underneath a tree and listened to the girl. He noticed that the girl was really good but she had a little trouble with some of the lines so he decided to go and help her since he was in the movie.

Antinia was going over her lines noticing that she was making some mistakes. It frustrated her so much that she was messing up because she knew the part but she just felt really nervous for some reason and couldn’t help but make some mistakes. She was ready to give up when a man approached her, she wondered what he had wanted since she didn’t recognize him. She figured she should ask what he wanted since she didn’t know him and it was New York he could be some sort of crazy deranged man.

“Can I help you with something?” Antinia asked the man

Johnny was taken aback by the way this young woman talked to him. It seemed as though she had no idea who he was which perplexed him because a lot of people recognizes him straight away. He figured he could use this to his advantage to help the girl.

“I couldn’t help but over hearing you go over those lines, you are really good but you could use some help” Johnny told Antinia.
“Thanks but I think I will be fine” Antinia told the man while turning her back to him.
“Ok then I just wanted to help since I know the man that is playing the main character and I know he is looking for someone really good” Johnny said hoping to help her.

Antinia thought about it for a second. Was she actually going to let a complete stranger help her? There wasn’t anything that he could do that could royally screw her up so she decided to let him help. Johnny was excited he had finally found the girl he wanted for the role and was going to help her nail it even if she didn’t know who he was. Antinia and Johnny stayed in the park for hours going over the lines and perfecting them. She was glad that this random man had helped her it took away most of her nerves for auditioning.

A few days later it was time for Antinia to audition and she was more nervous than she has ever been in your entire life.

“You will be fine,” Jojo reassured her best friend, “they will be crazy not to hire you. Call me once the audition is over and tell me everything ok vato?”
“Yea ok” Antinia said nervously and with that she walked into the building heading to the auditioning room.

Johnny had been waiting anxiously all day for his girl to show up. He had told the director and the casting director all about the girl that he had helped in the park and they were both excited to see her too. It was 4:30pm when she had walked into the room and Johnny immediately told everyone that she was there.

Antinia walked into the room promptly on time for her audition and automatically felt nervous because all eyes fell on her as she entered the room. He eyes however fell immediately on the man that had helped her in the park. She wondered what he was doing there, if he was there to see if she actually got the part or not. She was broken out of her train of thought when the director started to introduce himself, the casting director and Johnny Depp. She couldn’t believe her ears Johnny Depp had been the man that had helped her with her lines in the park and she never recognized him. Johnny felt Antinia get very nervous quickly and started to speak “Don’t worry just do the same thing that we did in the park and you will be fine”

After Johnny had said that Antinia had felt a wave or relaxation flood over her and proceeded to start her audition. About half an hour later she finished and the director loved her so much that he gave her the part right then and there just as Johnny had expected. Antinia ran outside and called Jojo quickly because she couldn’t contain her excitement. Both of the girls screamed into the phone for about 10 minutes before hanging up and agreeing to meet up at their favorite Italian restaurant later that night to celebrate. Johnny was excited to finally get a girl that he felt that he had a father/daughter relationship with. Antinia felt someone behind her and turned around to see Johnny standing there.

“Thank you very much Mr.Depp” Antinia said hugging Johnny tightly
Johnny laughed hugged her back and said “Your welcome and please call me Papa Johnny from now on since we are supposed to be acting as father and daughter”

And with that Johnny took Antinia out to celebrate her getting the role.