Ron Weasley Got Hit by a Car!

"Today, I read an MLIA about someone's dad pointing a life-size cutout of Ron Weasley at their neighbors while they were eating dinner. This convinced me to go by a life-size cutout of Professor Snape, park my car at a local park, and rig the cutout to make it look like he was watching the kids play. The look on the parent's faces? Priceless. MLIA"
  1. The Incident At The Park
    Sadie, Brenda, and her "Husband" are at the park to meet up with Sadie's Dad. But a tragic accedent happens, and Brenda's "Husband" gets hit by a car, and terribly injured.
  2. Brenda's worst nightmare come to reality!
    My Dad's being dumb, AGAIN!!!! He actully held the cutout... But whats Brenda going to do?
  3. The Replacement
    Something goes terribly wrong. It changed the whole opinion of fiction and non-fiction.... Or just plain life, I had.