Status: Starting and dramtic!!

I See Who You Are

"Lonesome stranger, with a crowd around you, I see who you are"

"You joke, they laugh, till the show is over.., then you fall so hard"

Felicity Meyers is just nineteen years old. A twin by birth, but alone at heart.
She had just lost her parents and she doesn't know how to cope.
She leaves her home town and goes to live 2000 miles away to avoid the pain.
She still doesn't find her peace though

Until she gets an apprenticeship that she had applied for before tragedy struck.
She has the opportunity to work with Mason Dalley, owner of House Sounds Productions
and the proclaimed 'Producer of the Century'.

She has always wanted to work with this amazing guy whose music has gotten her
through the hard times (even her parent's funeral) but when she finally gets a chance
she has her doubts.

When they finally meet, the strangest of things occure and Felicity realises that Mason doesn't seem to be the 'Amazing on top of the world guy' she imagined, in fact he seems messed up and broken.

Who will fix these two lonesome strangers. Will they see each other, and help to fix their hearts' homes? Or will they just both ignore the strangers they seem to be?

Will they be homes to each others' homeless hearts?
  1. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
    Saying Goodbye
  2. Don't leave Me... Please
    Damon and his baby sister