
Chapter 1

-Present Day-

Amelia woke to the sound of the alarm clock which,not so politely, alerted her that the most dreaded time of the day had arrived. 6:35 time to wake and face the day. She groaned then slowly turned her as if to see if the clock was lying. And yet again for the 1,934 time it wasn't.
She rose from the comfort of her bed and looked around the small room that was her home at Tulane University located in the great, the one, the only New Orleans. The walls were white, the only poster was that of her theater's group for Beauty and The Beast. " So close so close" she muttered to herself. She had been close to gaining the role of Belle, but her boss Harvey Nalducci made her stay and clean his shoes instead of going to the call back it was between her and Nicky Thompson. Nicky got the part because Mr. Nalducci thought he was so great just because he has had a some small roles in a few movies.
But Amelia really needed the job and in the end she was being a better actress. Even if it meant that all she was learning was what not to do. Such as when you go to an audition you shouldn't call the director a fat walrus. That's if you want the part of course.
She sighed and began looking through her dresser for some clothes. That's when she found the note right next to her bras, "Oh God not this again." she said out loud. The note was on pink paper cut out in the shape of a heart. On the note was the oh too familiar hand writing that read "Oh my love how I long for your touch. Our brief meetings in front of the school are the highlights of my days. Soon my love we shall be one, till then your dearest
- S.S"
Amelia quickly threw the note in the trash can, it was the same as all the others. They always found their way into the trash can.Skyler Syikes, when would he learn that just because she was the only girl who would say hi to him didn't mean that she was in love with him.
It had been going on since the beginning of the school year, that was in September and it was now April. Valentines was the worst by far. He sent about 12 things of roses, 4 boxes of chocolate and 2 poems. It was really getting old.
She pushed the note out of her mind and continued getting ready. Thankfully Skyler hadn't taken anything...this time. She grabbed a pair of black jeans, she avoided her skinny jeans, clearly not in the mood for tight pants.
She wasn't really in to the whole stereotypical emo scene she was just her. She might wear black one day and yellow the next. Fashion and being popular didn't rule her life, in fact it didn't affect her at all.
After make up and showering was done time was running out. Class started at eight and it was about a thirty minutes walk to the college. Figures she would get the dorm room farthest from the school. maybe if she was lucky she wouldn't have to face Skyler.
She wasn't lucky not at all. As soon as she arrived she spotted him. He had greasy blond hair and was rather fat in the middle. "Hi" he called out excitedly in his nasally voice. Amelia sighed and braced herself for a very long day.
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Sorry it took me sooo long, hopefully next time will be quicker!