Dead! On the Internet!

The My Chemical Boys have lives too!When they aren't rocking out,they are either chilling out together,or talking to eachother on the all wonderful MSN!

this story is only fiction!It came from my brilliant brain. :D
  1. Glomping and Cookies
    Short chapter to start off..
  2. Riots and Cupcakes
    Bob and Ray want a riot,and Frankie wants to make cupcakes
  3. Cough Up The Cupcake!!
  4. The Revenge Of Mr.Mikey
  5. Bob and his Blackberry
  6. Warcraft Chat
  7. Tuh-Tuh-Tuh-Toast!
    This chapter is about toast!!
  8. Halloweenies!!
    sorry..short chapter...major writers block!!
  9. Suspensey!
    ooh suspenseful!!
  10. The Bird Just Ate The Worm
    title=*hint hint*
  11. Insane In The Membrane..This Ain't Natural
    "then i'll be....a bum with a cup!"
  12. Shoot Us Down Down Down
    "if you froze a goldfish in the freezer...when yoh took it bak out..would it like come back to life?!?!"
  13. We Ooze Coolness
    i am going to stick yohr tongue to the inside of my freezer door and make yoh rip it off!!!