Dead! On the Internet!

We Ooze Coolness

Gee has logged in
Quinnie has logged in
BertieBomb has logged in
Bob has logged in
Frankie has logged in

Quinnie:hee hee hiyah!
Bob:gahhh weirdeys!!
Gee:gahh who you calling weirdeys
Frankie:yeah we all got more coolness in our pinkey than you got in your enormous head!!
Bob:my head aint big >=[
Gee:yeah frankie thats not nice!!
Frankie:im sowwie bob....
Bob:eh its okay...i'll get my revenge =] scared
BertieBomb:scaredy cat
BertieBomb:we're all weirdeys...weirdeys kick normies asses!!
Quinnie:hahaha normies!!
Bob:normies are the best
Gee:bob yohr not a normie hahahaha!!
Bob:im gunna name all my kids normie
BertieBomb:what if yoh have girls??
Frankie:hahahaahha thats awesome
BertieBomb:im going to name my kids shayna and norbert
Quinnie:bert is going to be pregnant!!
BertieBomb:ass butt face!!!!
Bob:wow...and i thought i was mean =]
Gee:me too!
Gee:well its true...yohr really mean!!!

Bob has logged off

Frankie:oooooohh...hahah yoh gonna get it now geeman!!!

Gee has logged off

BertieBomb:i am going to stick yohr tongue to the inside of my freezer door and make yoh rip it off!!!
Quinnie:uh oh....time to make like a banana split and split!!

Quinnie has logged off
BertieBomb has logged off

Frankie:wow..all alone...
Frankie:hi meee!!
Frankie:hello sexie!!
Frankie:i love yoh!!
Frankie:i love yoh too!!

Mikey has logged in

Mikey:*scrolls up*...freak...

Mikey has logged off

Frankie:gahh butt hole face wipe
Frankie:i shall go kill mikey..and stick his face in my un clean toilet =]

Frankie has logged off