Seeing You Stirs Memories

Brown Eyes

She felt like shit. She really did, but they both knew it had to be done. But neither of them knew it was going to end so badly.

She ignored the rain as she ran from the man. The man she'd been so intimate with just seconds ago. She wanted to forget him. The feeling he'd left on her skin....and under it.... She jumped when a gloved hand touched her shoulder, but didn't look back. If she looked into his eyes she would go right back to him, and she couldn't do that. She shrugged roughly in an attempt to tell the man to go away, but the hand's grip only tightened. She drew in a breath, and composed herself before turning around. A scream ripped from her lips when her eyes fell onto the repoman's goggles.

Graverobber froze when he heard the girl's scream and without a second thought, ran in the direction she'd ran off in while he had watched. All he could think about as his feet hit the pavement was her. Why had she screamed? Was it her heart? ... Was she even alive? He skidded to a halt at the sight of a bloody body lying in the rain. It was definitely female, and obviously ravaged. The chest was gone, the crimson liquid disappearing along with the rain as it poured out of the empty cavity. The cavity where a heart belonged. Grave robber dropped to his knees, ignoring the damned tears in his eyes as he brushed the damp hair away from the girl's face. He couldn't stop the hysterical chuckle than escaped him as he stared down at the corpse's eyes. The corpse's blue eyes. He smiled in a way he hadn't smile before. A real smile for the brown eyed beauty had escaped.

He rose to his feet, shaking off the spell the girl had left on him. He really needed to forget about her. This was so unlike him. He screwed nameless junkies without a second thought. He was wanted by everyone, women, men, even repomen. He shook it off, returning to the giant trashcan he so comically called his lair.

It only hit him later that he had been so relieved and distracted by the beautiful girl that he could've kicked himself. He had left a zydrate filled corpse untouched, and at the access of other graverobbers.

"Fuck." He growled under his breath. "This chick isn't good for business."
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I don't really feel like I potrayed GR very well here but whatever.


--Sinderella Plague