Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

Who Is She?

I hate starting new schools, it’s always awkward on the first day when you don't know anyone or where your classes are, I’ve been to 6 schools in 2 months and at every school I’ve been to I’ve been hated on for being different and haven't made any friends. It's probably because of the way I look, I have longish black hair with red and white high lights, my eyes are icy blue or grey, I’ve got a lip ring on my right corner of my lip and a nose ring on my left nostril with my ears pierced twice on each side, my face is really pale and I’m super skinny so all my cloths drown me. I will usually wear skinny ripped jeans with a tight t-shirt and hoodie with converse or vans. Well I was hoping today would be different since I knew my older brothers went here but they wouldn't be much help, I’d probably embarrass them.

So I waited patiently at the bus stop, in no time the bus came and I jumped on and was stared at by 100's of eyes. i heard people say things like 'who's the new emo bitch?' or 'why the fuck does our school always get the weird emos?', i just ignored them and made my way to an empty seat at the back avoiding being tripped up multiple times. I just sat there staring out the window until the bus finally pulled up outside the gates of Greenville High school, i got off last and rummaged through my bag for my schedule, right, I had maths first, one of my best subjects since I didn't have to study because the knowledge came naturally to me. I looked around aimlessly for a while until I reached reception to ask where I was supposed to go, the old lady pointed to the maths corridor where I found room 106 - Mr Devon, I walked in slowly hoping no one would notice me but I still heard the entire known rabble about a new emo kid.

I sighed quietly and looked up to see where I could sit, there were a lot of preppy kids at the front so that was obviously a no-go zone, someone caught my eye in the back of the class, it was a girl with blue an black hair wearing all black with her head down scribbling in her binder, she look like the type of girl I would hang out with so I took the empty desk next to hers, she didn't look up once, I would know because I was staring at her intently for a good 2 minutes until she finally spoke.

“Take a picture it will last longer.” she said with out even looking at me.

“I’m sorry, I’m new here, my name is Mystic, what's yours?” I asked trying to be friendly.

“You don't wanna know me kid.” she murmured still not looking up from her binder, I saw she was drawing a skull and cross bones with a name engraved 'AMETHYST' so I guessed that was her name.

“Okay class, we have a new student here today, please introduce yourself to the class miss...” Mr Devon said, obviously not smart enough to even learn my name.

“Mystic and I’d rather not.” I said and I heard a few snickers.

“Okay well who has maths, English, Spanish and a free period today?” he asked. Amethyst was the only one to put her hand up. “Okay then, Amethyst, you can take care of Mystic for the day.” I heard her sigh and reply with a muttered “whatever.” She just kept drawing in her binder until the bell rang and then I followed her to English where luckily I was assigned a seat next to her. The lesson started off alright until we had to do partner work.
“Amethyst and Mystic, you two work together okay?” she said not really wanting an answer.
“Fine, what do you want do for the project then?” Amethyst asked me, it was the first time she had actually properly talked to me all day, I think I was kind of accepted in a weird sort of way.

“Erm ... what about the people in the 1600's where people thought weirdies were witches?” I asked, hoping it was a good answer.

“That sounds great, we can really weird out the class then” she said giggling, well more like cackling. The bell rang which meant that it was lunch.

“Do you wanna hang with us today since you're new then?” Amethyst asked

“Yeah, sure.” I said following her to the lunch hall, it was blatantly split into groups, There were the preps, the jocks, the sluts, the nerds, and then there were the punks/skaters/rockers/emos where we sat down at one of the tables with 3 other people sitting talking. There was a girl with snake bites and electric blue hair, a guy with short blonde hair with a red fringe and then there was another guy with long black hair with blue, green and red highlights, he also had a lip and nose piercing. His eyes struck me first with their luminous green glow whose glance fell upon me when I sat down.

“Hey Amy, who's your new friend?” he asked eyeing me up and down, not in a seductive way, probably just to see whether I was one of them or not.

“Destery this is Mystic, she's new here so don't hate on her.” Amethyst said as she sat down next to me.

“Nice to make an acquaintance with you Mystic, your name is so unique.” he said while afterwards looking down at his shoes, I was still thinking what a lovely name he had. Everyone started eating their food so I just pulled out my binder and started sketching something random like the mcr logo. I saw Amethyst glance at my paper.

“So you like My Chem then? They are seriously awesome aren't they? Their music has such depth and meaning to the lyrics.” Amethyst commented, she really was very deep herself.

“Oh here we go, Amy is going to start lecturing us again about music.” said the guy with blonde and red hair.

“Oh shut up Nate, just because you play the drums like a girl! Do you play Mystic?” Amethyst asked me.

“Just base and the drums, my brothers taught me before they got lives of their own” I said taking a quick glance at their table in the lunch room.

“Do your brothers go here? Where are they?” asked the girl with blue hair.

"Erm ... they're over there'.” I limply pointed to the table where my twin brothers were sitting, one of them was preppy and the other not so much but still an asshole.

“I can see why you don't want to talk about them, they're the biggest assholes in the school, right Waverly? (The girl with the blue hair nodded), but I can tell that your not like that'.” said Amethyst.

“Yeah, you're a lot different to those jerks, no offence or anything.” said Waverly. I just lazily nodded in agreement.

“So, what do you wanna do after school?” asked Nate.

“Ugh, we'll do what we do every day, go round to Des's place since he's the only one with parents that actually care about him.” Amethyst said pointing to Destery, he saw me look at him and then his eyes shot down to his oh so interesting shoes. the bell went which meant it was free period next but they were all cutting school to go home so I decided to go with them, I was putting my binder in my backpack when everyone else stood up to go. They started to walk off slowly.

“I didn't fully introduce myself before, I’m Destery Dean.” he said holding out his hand.

“I’m Mystic Unique Ingrid Brooks, nice to meet you.” I said taking his hand.

“That’s a lovely name, well come on, other wise we'll loose the others.” he said running off towards them but as he left his hand lightly brushed my arm which sent shivers down my spine, he was the one, I could feel it some how.
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Okay this is my first story on Mibba, i've also posted this on quizilla too though.